Chapter 9: drake's decision part two

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Gemini and drakes phone conversation continued..

gemini:unacceptable how is she unacceptable . What u do drake?

Drake: I have my reasons Gemini

Gemini:why ?

Drake: when Luna finds out about her she will kill her just to hurt me . she is not my mate I rejected her! I would do it again . Not my problem!

Gemini hung up the phone . That man will be the death of me ! She swore

Gemini P.O.V

"He gonna so owe me nieces and nephews "she swore under her breath as she carried an unconcious vamp- were to her room . She called for the doctor and for him to bring silver restraint . this is gonna be a long few days.

Gemini loved the doc like a father .Spencer he always had a smile and a jokes. When he arrived at the door there were no smiles his eyes were tired . " Gemini ,you have given me a lot of bodies to mend today . What has gotten into you girl.? "
"Well doc. Spencer she is .. she's my brothers lol mate . Dumb ass doesn't want to complete the mating . She went into full blown heat on arrival so I had to protect her from my own guards . They need more practice . " she laughed
May the moon goddess shine on us tonight. Give me strength. All he said as he injected mia with the anti heat serium. She is not fully lycan what is she ? Gemini swallowed and ready herself for his wrath.

Doc. Spencer exploded "girl , what r u thinking
If Luna finds out she is dead. You know how she feels about there kind. "
I will deal with her Spence please don't tell a soul. She pleaded giving him the puppy dog eyes . "Ok I won't ,only if I can study a sample of her blood " . Gemini hugged the elderly man "done".

Drake's P.O.V

Drake paced the floor of Bram Bones jazz lounge . Drake played his trumpet here every Thursday night . He maintained the bars on the week days. Bram even rented him a room above the bar . He picked up his trumpet and let out his frustration . Beautiful notes played out his sorrow and pain . Soon pushed away this didn't sooth his soul as it once has. He thought about Amelia her face when he rejected her . His sister frantic call saying she's his mate he growled his wolf thought she was but she didn't carry the scent . He was torn between going to her or waiting til the time to save Gemini. Maybe he should just slip in and talk to gemini himself . He rubbed the stubble upon chin then that's the plan. After his shift ended . He put on his tight black jeans ,t-shirt and black combat boots. Now he looked ready for a covert operation. He passed the gates guards easily and entered the back of the house. There was no guards near his sisters room eerily strange.upon Gemini bed Amelia was chain to the post for her safety. He crept and loosen the cuffs. Titus perked up instantly mate .
Then it hit him the spicy sent of heat and other of her she smelt of blood oranges . Mate Titus howled . Drake's eyes shot open mate ..she is mine. He stripped down and changed to his wolf form and cuddled close to her . Mia breath slowed she rested more easily. His eyes finally drifted close as the door shot open . Gemini his twin stood in doorframe with a huge smile upon her face. " I knew u would come dear brother". He shifted into his human for and put his pants on as he followed his twin out the door. " thank you for portecting my mate ,dear sister".
She nodded "so is she really ur mate are you gonna take her once you leave" drake tensed up
"Yes but I will stay away from her til I know your safe".
Drake it's gonna hurt you if your not by your mate or if u see her with another.

Hooded figure P.O.V 
He stood out of place far from their sight but close enough to hear their words. His plan was still on course everything is going perfectly.
So the alpha has a weakness she's his mate . Wait til Luna finds out drake's secret Or maybe I shall keep this information to myself . Either way I will have my revenge for my mate he took mine I will have his. She wasn't faithful but not every mate is perfect . Soon alpha will pay for his sons and the sins of his father. He smiled as he ran down the corridor the guards only gave him so much time. Soon .

Who is the hooded figure ?
Wait I have a lot of more in store .thank u for your patience. Lulu greg❤️

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