Chapter 21: dress up

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Amelia P.O.V

This was de ja' vous

I awoken in this room before to have to Gemini pacing the floor it surprised me there is still floor boards upon the floor.

Gem am I dead she gasped" no .. no! Bram was able to take out the poisonous blood from system."
The Luna now knows your special to drake but not how. Stay out of her way. Sorry just excited for you to wake up. Don't worry drake didn't abandon you I had to litterbugs kick his ass to get him to leave you in my care.

You can always mind link if you want to talk to him. She played with her hair. Did you find him...?jacob. No ,they have tight security upon us . We're not free to go anywhere without a guard .. that scum bag lance is ours.

The Luna requests your audience ms. La flour. Lance said as I groaned as I rose from the bed. He helped out the room down the hall. ...My alliengance is to alpha drake and you Luna be aware there are moles among us that see and hear everything . Don't tell gem.. I know she mad at me but it was my orders from the beta to this secret mission. To flush out the moles from within our pack. Tell gem one thing .. jacob is safe I swear on my daughters life. Stand strong Luna

he left me in an old office alone. There was an old mahagady desk surrounded by countless books upon shelves. There was no personal items to be seen. There wasn't even a couch what office doesn't have a couch. Curiosity took over as I circled the books I pulled one . Quin opening it . Two smiling parents and a set twins . The father looked his wife as if she were his world. The twins were spitting images of the mother. Only the eyes were different one honey and the other dark steel gray. Drake I gazed at the picture with love . This what our kids would look like ". Yes .my love.. "drake
"Yes you mind linked me I responded"
Your baby picture you were adorable.
What you mean were ?drake pouted
Now your handsome mate ... I said proudly

Our mind link was severed due to an in wanted guest. A man with dark hair in a suit strolled in . He smelt formiliar I couldn't put my finger on but it made my blood sing. He was intoxicating it made her knees weak. He feature wise favored Connor but how ? Cousin? But the shoulder length dark curls were not anything Conner would do. He had the same linebacker physique .

I have wanted to meet you for some time now mia . My mother raves about your Beauty and strong will . Willow gave a warning growl " Titus enemy ."

He circled me as Rufus had done . He is defiantly more dangerous than Rufus could ever be. I'm James Gemini is my betrothed i am the alpha of the dark moon pack in two days. I like to think of you as my ally you seem very powerful hybrid . A smart woman will be at my side. My soon to be wife will need a friend I can see you as her companion . I only
Entend to consummate the wedding and bond then if an heir is not conceived with that coupling . We will try only when needed other that that she is already aware I have a mistress to warm my bed. Don't need her til she is fertile again.
"Why are you telling me this ? A beautiful blonde in a gleaming gown sauterded in "James you promised you only play with me".she whined I threw up a little in my mouth at the thought.
Gemini will be Luna I just don't want a emotional depressed wife . When married we will be linked I can't have fun with my bunny if she's depressing.
"Bunny ?"

She flipped her blonde extensions " me I'm bunny"popping her gum . I wish I could Luna but this is much more fun. All the perks but I won't have to do any of the work.
"No you won't puffin"

Agreed he clasp his hands . so the feast is tonight at midnight get her ready and presentable . Oh I almost forgot I gave you another injection of incubus blood severing your bond with your mate..forever .

That's why Titus didn't hear me I lost them. Tears spilled down my face".we don't know why you mated there wasn't his sent on you . You had that glow a newly mated girl gets.

So now when your heat comes your for my brother to mate. He has a brother .! .
Titus ...drake I felt cold no warmth no coonection .

"Oh I think she's gonna cry" bunny laughed

I know you were the one to find drake he's dead nothing to find now .

They laughed and started groping each other as i walked out. Conner was at the door when I opened the door. What do you want traitor.i said for only him to hear.

He dropped his head . "I will bring you to your room.!Lance stand down she's mine. "Lance bowed down his head.

Don't you touch me you vile bastard. I know you secret does drake . Traitor he trusted you I tried to attack him but he bite the mark.
Stop now Leah

I lashed out harder only Tyler calls me Leah . He's lucky I don't have all my strenght back yet. I will kill you !!! You hear me Conner if it my last breath I will kill you I hate you. I tried to teleport damn everything hurt. I curled into a ball in pain. He carried me to the room .

Don't touch me I whined   Wait I do I will kill you . I will see you dead you traitor . He placed me on the bed as a stunned Gemini stood frozen As I cursed at Conner.
Mia calm down . How can you say that he lied to you ,us ,drake.

He is James twin brother... they broke my mate Bond with drake.... I'm to be given to him once I go into heat..... I lost drake forever.

Gemini looked at him conner is this true?


Conner is James brother is this part of the mission or foe Conner have his own hidden agenda you just have to find out .,, mwah I'm so evil. Not really some more twists and dark chapters to come

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