Chapter :1 Blood Moon Rises

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disclaimer : not your normal paranormal series

Mia's P.O.V

This can be happening Panic rose within me as I gazed at my blood soaked hands . Fear tore at my core as reality sank in...what had I done. only days before the biggest festival of the year. Founders day celebrations last a whole week of partying and indulgences before the blood moon rises. The towns people unwind and relax during this period.The blood moon it the most dangerous night of the the shifter community . Misty hallows completely shuts down the citizen lock their doors and baracade their windows. There is a strict curfew implemented. The police don't even patrol the streets that night. the police stay at all major buildings just in case of and emergency .

It's the unholiest night of the year .. remember in biblical times in Egypt when the angel of death passes over and kills the first born. They had to smear lambs blood above the doorway for the angel to pass over the house.Well , the dark moon shifter goddess Anya passes through the town spreading the darkness to the first born. The darkness is consentrated evil that consumes the soul . Leaving behind a mindless evil zombie. I should know my darkness is almost the same to the goddess. I don't Maimed or killed anyone in two months.I will go nowhere this fragile and stressed state.

I frantically scanned my surroundings looking for any good Sumertitian .who would help but no one could hear my screams . Even though I was in the heart of town no one stopped to help . Through the dense crowd that passed by  partying and carrying on With the festivities . I grabbed the next gentleman's yanking on his long black dress jacket .his dark hood skewed his face making his features hard to distinguish. His haunting glowing red eyes froze me in my place .Victor I hoarsely whispered as His deep laughter rang out . Chilling my blood within my veins as he. Raised my chin upwards his fingers pressed into my soft flesh .No,poppet your wrong. I'm not victor ...still So fragile.. your unworthy " is all he said as tossed my chin from his grasp. Disgust filled his  voice as he tossed me aside.   For some reason his words sprang tears to my eyes .tears streamed freely Down my face. His bone chilling laughter grew louder at my  attempts .Trying to obtain his attention by my screams and yanking his coat. Only to smear a bloody hand print upon the pristine fabric. He yanked his coat free from my grasp . He Didn't even  acknowledge me pleas he just walked on by ....bastard! I screamed as he strode off to his destination.

Help me ... someone please help me I scream upon the top of my lungs . My lungs burned as I gasped for each breath . My eyes burned from the tears I had unknowingly  shed .

The door swung open jarring me out of my nightmare.."Mia! Wake up Amelia I got you a case. "Connor screamed . His words didn't register as my mind still frantic from my disturbing dream. the It was all a bad dream I placed my hand upon my heaving chest. Calming my ever racing heart beat.Something about the way his face paled told me something is dreadfully wrong.oh my gosh from the mud caked feet to my tattered  and bloody nightgown .I could feel a bruise forming upon chin .where his hands were once had been moments wasn't a dream it was unnaturally real. How could this be?

The only thing that spilled forth from my lips were Conner it wasn't a dream .

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