Chapter tweleve: the kiss

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Amelia P.O.V

I went into my office to find a cardboard box upon my desk . It smelt like drake willows ears perked up . a cell phone and a rose . Odd combination but it worked . It was a orange that smelt tangy but in a good way . That's the only way to describe it . It wasn't floral or sweet it tickled her rose. There was a note

I finally know your name it feel amazing on my lips as I say it. I can't give you what you desire that's not me. If you ever need me you can just call . - drake

P.s stay away from any males for the next two days

He sends a thoughtful gift to reject you again . He infurating she crumpled up the note . I'm going run before the date . Girls want to go for a run? They walked to the edge of the forest the girls were already frolicking is the soft grass as she let willow take over. They ran til the girls fell asleep in the soft green grass just as Carmen pulled up in her minivan . "Were they a handful today?"
No never they were a great help" Mia answered. She wasn't ready to admit to Carmen about the date . " thank you sis for today" Mia's eyes watered at the thought this would never be hers,a family. She kissed the twins heads as Carmen buckled their seats ". I heard your looking for drake quin." My face got beet red "who would want to find him anyways all he does brood about everything and all high and mighty the next. In a childish manner she mocked him in her best deep voice " I'm drake quin I m all high and mighty cause I'm alpha I love to piss people off because I'm a self absorbed jerk. " I know it was childish and immature but I don't care at this point he infuriated me like no other. As I ranted my sister is laughing so hard tears streamed down her porcelain like face. " so you finally fell in love!

me and him !no!!!

She shook her head I said the same thing when I met Marcos he drove me insane but I loved him.
No can't be never ! Never ! No I'm going out with Conner so the end of that.
As she drove away I pulled out my new phone

Mia:thanks for the phone but I don't need it you can take it back. D

There I done it I'm giving me the closure I deserve .

Drakes P.O.V

My phone dinged as I washed the last glass of my shift . Unknown number . I read the text it's from Mia ..stubborn woman wants to give me back my phone. I thought I was doing the right thing but I guess I was wrong. Just as a furious Gemini came into Bram Bones . She looks like our stepmom for a second when she's on a rampage about something. "U block head "she yelled" u rejected her again! How could u she's perfect for you!" I put up my hands as a surrender " I didn't reject any one ...what are you talking about?" Gemini started to calm as I slide her favorite drink. cherry coke made with real cherries." She's going on a date tonight with some cop named connet"

"You mean Connor"drake corrected her . Her shocked face said it all. " yes ,l know . Leon her best friend called me earlier. Gemini I can't do anything to stop her". She stood up "you can put on ur big boy pants and tell her how you feel!"I rubbed my timples in circular motion " it's not that easy . Luna knows she's my mate and she threatened if I stop the wedding or complete the mate she will kill Amelia".

Why she so worried about you completing the mate ....oh ! Your offspring will be the next alpha no matter if I marry James .The only problem Mia is barren so there will be no ... sorry " she cut her self off before uttering the words that could kill him.

He smelt her before she even arrived blood oranges... Gemini gave him a hug the beast will be coming after me soon. Bye stay strong.

Amelia's P.O.V

It took me twenty minutes to dress ten for make up. Finally done when the door bell ring five minutes early " brownie points goes to the Boy Scout for being early" I open the door he is in a tailored black suit jacket,black shirt, and dark stone washed jeans . "Wow ! I mean wow, you look amazing. He adorable shuffled from one foot to another. Connor pulled a single deep crimson rose from his back. I stood there in shock at his thoughtfulness .

A heart stopping boyish smirk appeared upon his cleanly shaven features. Oh my gosh conner had dimples! I inwardly melted into a mound of goo. Think about anything else but how adorable this handsome and thoughtful guy before me. "Here this is for"a red rose" it's known for passion and new beginnings" All Mia could think of is drake's orange rose . I pressed the deep crimson petals to my nose and deeply inhaled.

Goddess help me or I'm gonna fall in love with this man !!! I inwardly screamed our hands met and he stared deeply into my eyes. Willow screamed " our mate" as he took my purse from my hands . My hands tangled and shook from his touch . I took a deep breath as I juggled with the keys within the door lock.

Finally heard the audible click of the lock setting in place. "Well where we going ?" I asked as we walked down the street at early dusk. "Its a great please near Bram Bones jazz lounge. Do u like jazz ? " he asked this was not actually an awkward date . I thought it would be when I smelt drakes scent as we passed the Bram Bones . I scanned the busy lounge . I must be going crazy now I smell him every where.

A chill went down my spine someone was watching my every move. A Noble gesture Connor peeled off his jacket . Still oblivious to the mounting tension within the room. Connor gave me his jacket for warmth . It smelt of pine and lemons almost like pine-sol but not as a cleaner. He whispered something I couldn't hear . "Strong girl,you don't have to put on a forced smile with me"I leaned in and the unthinkable happened his lips were on mine.

Wow ..... Connor I said breathlessly

Willow screamed " finally!!!"

I heard a warning growl from the side

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