Chapter thirteen : brides maid

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Amelia P.O.V

The kiss was soft and undemanding just as Connor is. Something felt off there was fireworks,explosion and defiantly spark . I thought kissing him would be like kissing your brother but no.. he's pure electricity . All my scenes and emotions were instantly heightened to a point of euphoria . My mind reeled I had a drunk like euphoric state. From the smile upon his face and twinkle in his hazel eyes. I think he felt it to he leaned in and rested his head against mine. I felt a hand grab my arm forcefully .

I don't have to turn around to know who it was.
Drake but how ? His were like molten fire and his touch sent shiver down my body . "Go Home !" willow yelled . Now she talks ...

He pulled me away from Connor to a hall before you get to the bathrooms. Arms on each side of my head closing my in as he growled rubbed his neck by mine . I slightly shift my neck to give better access. He growled " you reek of him" I couldn't smell anything only drake's sent it encompassed everything . He took him hand and softly caressed my neck . I wound my hand into the collar of his shirt and kisses him. My knees went weak everything was aflame . When his hand wound into my hair all was lost . Someone pushed drake away I then now caught my breath . Connor and drake were now toe to toe.

I spread them apart " connor let's go " still realign from his kiss I looked back to see a broken alpha.

We are in silence " well this has been an introsting first date". That's when the dam walls shattered I became a blubbering idiot. You the one who ugly cry and the guy is trying anything and everything to shut up. I told him everything and when I was done puffy eyed and all. He order me a drink this will make everything alright. I promise I will help.

The morning shown thought the curtains a arm sling across my waist and a very handsome Connor snoring into the pillow next to me. Oh snap this isn't good . What's done is done I can't take back last night only move on. I found my way to the bathroom . His mom must decorate this room it had matching towels,smelly soaps,and everything is organized.then I seen it a mating bite mark . Oh this isn't gonna end well willow howled. So Connor must be a shifter .

Snap ! I got my stuff and ran home . Why can't the world be perfect and not let anyone stop me til I got home.the goddess I'm not that lucky. The Luna and Gemini were walking down the street and here I was still in the clothes from the night before. I duck into the first place I see . Oh why me! A huge hand settles over my mouth please goddess don't let it be....drake. If I was only so lucky it was Rufus . He sniffed with a seductive smile upon his face " you finally come to the dark side I knew you would."

I try to push away he has me pushed against him . Tears steak down me face at this point I look like one of those sad clown dolls. Mascara pooling down my face . Then I see two dark eyes a growl . "Looks like he wants to puppy !puppy ! Looks like u found ur mark. You always did know how play innocent ".

Hurt register in drake's eyes for a mere second. " get your hands off of her or I'll rip them off".

He whispers in my ear" next time you won't get away remember all the fun we had together?" And disappeared

Drake ran up only to stop in his tracks . His gazed was upon the bite mark on my shoulder. " He marked you" I could have cried to see the pain etched upon his face . "Drake I can explain". I couldn't but I would try. He backed away once more . "Drake u can't get mad when you didn't want this in the first place. Just go home your sister needs you. "

Your right Amelia I didn't want this I needed this . I needed ., !

His words were raw and senscere I couldn't take much more . I disappeared just like that puff of smoke vanish into thin air.another power to control this day gets better .

Hooded figure P.O.V
From my vantage point I could see everything but they couldn't see me.This was going better than he expected not only did he get his revenge . Watching this unfold I need a tub of buttery popcorn. These two have more drama than a Spanish soap opera . I love that drake is hurting .he's not so him and mighty how they fall from grace.

I love that Connor marked her I love pain that It inflicted . I couldn't have come up with at something so perfect . Wait soon your see my wrath drake. He walked off into the shadows.

Amelia  P.O.V

Thank goddess I'm at the office I shred off the dress .Put on some work clothes and put up my hair more presentable . He said he needed me. A big cheesy smile spreads across my face. As the door open The Luna came with Gemini in tow.  The Luna spoke as if I didn't have other cases to see to. Since I'm paying you and drake doesn't want to be found your services will be still needed as a brides maid .you will help Gemini with her planning it's in two weeks .

My James is to busy to worry about planning  this. She turned on her  high stelletios and walked out. I looked at Gemini she nearly busting at the seams " my brother finally did it congrats!" I didn't make eye contact as I told her what really happened . Her eyes gleamed a terrifying red shade so you kissed ,you left with Connor,and then woke ur with a mating bite. "

I'm gonna rip him limb from limb with my bare hands. " I loved Gemini's protective nature she castle became my best friend. I would have told
Carmen my problem but she's expecting. I don't want to stress her out with my problems. " I don't blame drake for any of this  you know what we need is momma c's chocolate cake".

Connor left messages :

Mia it's not what you think we didn't sleep together ( pregnant paused) . In that sense... not that I don't want to. Awe damn...I'm horrible at this kind of thing. I bite you so no one last night could .I will explain everything if you call me back. I promise we didn't do anything but cuddle. Call me back at 675-8890.

I should sighed in relief but I felt empty as she played the message on speaker phone. Gemini relaxed hearing the message.

Something within me stirred " oh my gosh conner is blantantly lying to me but why?

Thanks for reading so far sorry I have never done writing like this. I usually write everything out before had so where in the same boat. Please bear with me

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