Chapter 20: redemption or death

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A/N: woo hoo 20 chapters. Sorry I got excited this is my first book!

Amelia P.O.V


My blood boiled as rage set in . What mission ?
I have know you all your life Connor your my brothers best friend... you have never gone on pack lands.

He looked guilty .. I have when I first met drake years ago . His father was still alive . Drake was required to choose a beta . He chose me because I wasn't part of the pack. He could trust me ... at that time there was a lot of tension and animosity towards drake being alpha. I'm sorry I had to push you harder to train when we were kids.

Drake rubbed his neck and walked closer..
" baby ,listen to my voice"
I stepped back as Gemini tried to comfort me

Is this true gem your the only one I trust in this
room right now.  Yes he is my brothers beta and while being honest so is your brother Zander his gamma .We would have asked ash but he is alpha lion already don't like taking orders

This was too much as a burning sensation coursed up my extremeties . My fingers and toes lost all feeling . I felt numb as Connor kept on I am your protector til and when the mating is completed. It's not that drake can't protect you but . The Luna can't know about you and you being his mate your life is in danger.

I looked at drake as I dropped to my knees. I mouthed" let me die".

His eyes widen as I accepted the darkness . As I thought for the last time. I could feel his hands upon my face . I cold see Titus blue eyes as my vision blurred . I had found my mate then to only loose him in the end.

Drake's P.O.V

Myheart stopped as she fell to the floor .  I rushed to my mates side. As her eyes became glassy  and unfocused. I had to do something. She had begged me to let her die . I can't ... I did the only thing I could do I bite her hard I heard bones crack under my intensity . She cried out on pain. Willow help me I pleaded.

Willow took over weakly opening her eyes her blues eyes glazed but not dead. Praise the goddess he exclaimed. Stay with me Titus pleaded ... Gemini was already starting up the car. As Connor started cleaning up the carnage debris . My alpha I have to go back under cover . My allegiance. Will always be yours  Conner bowed his head .

Drake picked up his mate .

"I'm sorry you had to carry this burden alone . I know  this is hard for you my friend it will soon be over thank you for protecting my mate . Mission is still to continue as planned . Did you tell the Luna of Gemini having a mate .?

No I didn't I would never betray her or her mate. If my sources are correct . He is the long lost son and the the future alpha of the were wolves .
Not surprising he my sisters mate. Times are changing my friend i fore see a war in the horizon stay safe.I just hope zander gods speed and bring home what we seek.

The phone rang as they walked out the door

Zander and drake's conversation

Zander: my alpha we finally found it in councils archive . They knew all along of the prophecy. They also knew that mia past and how your fathers role in all of this fucked up situation. Get this. Upon the death of your mother at the hands of victor Mia's maker. After she slautered victor.the vampire council  mia was given as "peace gift" given to your father in turn for the lost of his mate. Mia was suppose to your fathers .. second mate .

Drake: never!!

Zander continued; but due to his insubordination of not taking her as his next Luna . He was made to marry a pregnant lycan to cover up the situation. Wow ,the cold bastards ,the council ,made sure he was miserable.

Drake: that explains why he never shown affection towards her.

Zander: about the prophecy ready two parts in old English took us forever to decifer.

One part that the vampire-lycan hybrid Ya da
Ya da end of the world eturnal darkness... you know this part by now ? Huh drake

This is where it gets introsting . This is why the council. Wanted your father to wed her not you.
The lycan- vampire hybrid finds her mate to be the true alpha. Then he could dispel the darkness . For she holds the darkened and Light. will bring peace . She will bear forth new generation of lycan . If Gemini twins are a result ,onewill carry the light and one darkness . It will be the ying and the yang . They will keep balance to everything and themselves.

Drake : wow some pressure my offspring could bring ultimate peace or darkness.

Zander: yes but if there could be anyone to handle such a burden it's you. My sister is trong willed...
Drake : that's the think I love about her.

Bye be safe the wind of change is upon us and war is imment . I will get your family safely away before it does .  Thank you  drake.

Drake's p.o.v

They to bram bones in a rush he was already setting everything up. " usually I would ask for a sacrice but this one on da house"

I see you did the right thing .. too much incubus blood can be fatal ... he examined Mia. Gemini acted like a nurse cleaning her face  hands.

I just stood there as the doors opened her brother ash stormed in fury within his eyes. "
You didn't I tell you not to hurt her and then put my brother and his family in danger. I don't care if your alpha or not I'm gonna kick you pretty boy ass" as his razor sharp talons extended . Bring it then
Gemini in between us using her Luna voice" y'all want to all testerone infused alphas when you sister is on the table fighting for her life and my mate is chained up who knows where . Get your head out of your asses and think about someone other than yourselves for once." "She's right was we said in unison

"Ok what's the plan me and my family are with you til the end." Ash murmured 

Sorry so long

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