Chapter 16: poison

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Amelia's P.O.V

It was the best sleep I had in ages. She stretched feeling a strong arm around her waist. She turned so see a sleeping drake behind her holding her . She wanted to snuggle into his warmth and never leave.

His gruff voice still heavy with sleep. "Mia sleep".

My body warmed as it had with the heat . Sweat started to fall down my face as the pain started . Not again she muttered he opened his eyes then the sweet pharamones hit him he fell off the bed as if I was about to attack him again.

Shyt he bolted for the door there were voices . I could hear him faintly I can't medicate her now or I will . A female in heat is a horrible thing in a hospital full of shifters.   I bolted for the door as sweat dripping into my vision I thought really hard as he opened the door I vanished into a cloud of smoke.

I walked into my hall towards my bed. I will just have to ride it out. Titus 's voice was clear in my head . Baby , tell me where you are I'm so worried about you I will take care of

Willow growled she's at home she's being stubborn . Drake hurt her feelings about the heat. "Traitor willow" she huffed

My front door opened slowly soon I heard footsteps and he appeared with a bag of doughnuts and puppy dog eyes. An dangerous alpha being a sudmissive as an omega . Who would have thought .

You wanted to medicate my as slivers started to worsen. Baby , we can't I'm sorry  I can't haveyou with my pups.

Tears streamed down  my face. He put a amulet around my neck the shivers stopped and pain receeded. I felt like I had moments before it all had started.

Where you get this ? This isn't like the shot I got the first time it smells funny .

"A doctor said it would work better due to your unique condition." He rubbed his neck What doctor ? Doc Stephan?
"How you know him ?"drake eyed me suspiciously he gave me a shot at the pack house. Why you looking so weird at me .. mind

Because he is in Europe for the last four months. I sent him there on special assignment.

Then what they do to me?
He shook his head where mates he sniffed her . Witch ,damn it !why didn't I see it before.

What would they want with me ?

I don't know but it can't be good drake ran his hand through his hair . But I know someone who ..Give us answer.

I don't like the sound of it

Drake P.O.V

Bram Bones would know what this is "he has friends on the other side" as he says. Can you teleport us to bram bones .

She nodded I think so she held out her hand to drake. " I don't have time to fight with you. But once all this is over mr. where gonna sit down and your gonna explain why you've been a douche bag to me since we met."she stared him down with hands on the hips.

Titus growled yes baby not making eye contact. "Ahh Titus"she cooed. Running her fingers through my hair . I Realized at that moment I would give her anything she wanted.

We teleported to bram bones jazz lounge.
" Hello, drake you don't work til 7 . Mia stared at me I blushed. I play my trumpet every Thursday I comfessed. She beamed she found out my secret passion for music.

No ,we need answers only you can help me with. Bram floating eyes cast back and forth. He rubbed his chin bone "in the back, can't talk here but you need a sacrifice to get help . Something very special."

We nodded as we followed him to a hidden room this must be his office. Shrunken heads and masks covered the walls . A solidary table on the center of the room .a butcher knife in the center a wierd center piece. Bram took his seat first we proceeded to do also.

"Let's begin what is the problem.let me guess.. your mate ?

I looked at in shocked how did you know? Mia and I looked at each other in shocked .

He chuckled "your brother ash , told me the whole story when he came in earlier . He don't trust too many people since the mate ordeal. Any way he said you, Mia , something was so wrong. What your Sacrifice..

Drake took off his necklace and placed it upon the table. A silver ring dangling from the thin chain. This is the black moon alpha seal . It's the future of my pack . So I entrust you with my pack and my future.

Bram Bones would have smiled if had skin and lips. His jaw creaked acceptable but you won't like the truth friend. He took the blade and smashed the chain releasing the ring.

He took the ring putting it in a golden chalice pouring a liquid upon it. A cloud if purple smoke erupted from the cup. He shook it the poured the it upon the table. The liquid was gone only powder remainded.

Introsting ..,very introsting .

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