Chapter :28 life is a beach

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Mia's P.O.V

I had enough time before the reception I checked my phone no calls or text from drake. I'm not surprised he never been the affectionate kind. I took a deep breath and knocked on Connor's apartment door . The sight before me wasn't the Boy Scout I have always known. He held a rugged heir about him now. His always manicured long curly blonde bangs were now rumpled and disheveled . My mouth watered as I gazed at his shirtless full glory . my lust filled moment evaporated instantly . When I noticed the split lip and wrapped ribs all the claw and bite marks.

Oh Connor, what happened to you I whispered as I tried to push past him into the apartment . " you should see the other guy cupcake"..he said cheekily" I mean Amelia you can't be here."he said as he pushed his bangs from his face how showing the full extent of his injuries. Bruised marred half of his handsome chilled face . The light dusting of morning stubble from days of neglect. Instinctively I reached out my hand to closer inspect his wound he only brushed me off

Connor .. what happened ?

"Nothing!" he snapped nearly yelling . He started pacing as he reached for the bottle of jack taking a long swig. I licked my lips instinctively is I inwardly yearned be that bottle. His full lips upon mine. I blushed like a school girl around her crush. I could tear my eyes away and my mouth watered as I watched his Adam's apple . It slowly jerk as he swallowed along swing of the copper colored liquid. I watched A single bead of alcohol followed the column of his throat. Slowly drip down his heated skin til it reached his collarbone. He initiatively whipped it away before taking a predictor step closer . Willow whimpered and have a submissive stance. He put both hands upon my shoulders staring into my eyes. Who ever said Connor was not alpha material never seen him like this . Tension mounted as his he leaned in and whispered in my ear I am not going to a hospital. He gathered my hair to toss to the Side . His breath upon My fevered exposed neck ignited feeling I thought long dead .

"Amelia stop looking at me like that"he commanded he dropped his hands as if my touch burned. he whipped the Remittence of the alcohol as he grabbed a discarded t shirt off the edge of the couch. He slowly padded his way into the kitchen . grabbed a pint of o negative blood bag and tossed it to me. I effortlessly caught it in mid air.

Here feed it's probably been a long time since your last feeding. The coldbag felt good in my hand . Questions swirled within my mind as my fingers ran over the penciled in label. Whose?!

His harsh tone cut me off before I could ask " mine". It Was all he said before he winced in obvious pain .He clutched his bandaged ribs as I noticed a red spot slowly spreading . Connor You need a doctor at least a hospital..placed the bag down and walk towards him. He put up a hand stopping me in mid stride.

"Don't touch me"he snapped "no hospital I will loose my badge if they know I .. fought an alpha ."

Stubborn ass bite your pride and just go to the hosptial. I snapped knowing how stubborn he can actually be. Why did you fight in the first place?I asked as he raised his shirt once again giving me a show. I should diverage my hungry eyes from his washboard abs .To his defined "v"dipping towards his hip hugging jeans. perfect view I thought as the faint smell of fresh blood hit me.

Then if you not going to the hospital then let me heal you .I forcefully stated as I stared him down. He looked away suffocating silence descended upon the room .silence broke the ever mounting tension within the room. he didn't agree but also he didn't refuse. I pushed him back til his lower back pressed into the kitchen sink. I pressed my palm over the now gaping wound. I felt the warmth drain from me to him. It almost felt euphoric state.I looked up through my hooded lashes at him . He stared back at me with the same hunger I knew that were in mine. Why you always have to be a stubborn, Boy Scout ? I snapped as a smoldering smirk upon his full lips.. "you know I'm just born that way to be you know who is my twin?"He cheekily shot back .

I chuckled and shook my head Your going to be the death of me ,Connor James!

"I aim to please sweethearts"he said with a wink .

Are you flirting with me ?I said as I pushed closer to him His eyes were hypnotic . My word must have been have hit its unknown target . He pushed past me putting we'll needed distance between us.

"Get out Amelia ! you should have never come here . You know why we fought"he stated changing the subject his sudden sharp coldness took my back. Why?

I didn't know why he changed in demeanor all of a sudden. That when his lust filled eyes went dead and cold . A look I have become used to seeing drake gaze at me.I winced at the thought he took a nearby stool .threw it the nearby wallet shattered upon impact .I didn't wince at the action.I just stared at the splintered pile upon the floor. "Ask your loving mate why we fought why I rejected being his. ..Beta!"

I'm asking you not him I snapped

"He banished me"Connor Snapped he Paced the floor. I grabbed his bicep firmly he stopped in mid stride. Connor James talk to me !softly whispered

" no"as he pulled his arm away forcefully and started pacing. "I can't do this anymore Mia. I am fucking In love with you.. that's the reason I got banished. Don't you get it I fucking love you..flaws and all . I can't be here watching you with another man Knowing I want."( pregnant pause) he sighs and stops in mid stride "To be the one with you ..I ... will u .." he stammered before I abruptly cut him off .

Did you confess your love to me ! I shouted for once during this whole event loosing my temper..

"Yes ..Mia ,I did that's why I'm leaving to lick my wounds and get over your rejection" said I now noticed the packed gym bag by the door.he picked up the gym bag . You stubborn boy scout,I didn't verbally reject you! Your not rejected I screamed i don't know why I said that or where the fear of loosing him instantly came from. I grabbed his arm were not going to leave this ....whatever this is ....end like this he instantly dropped his bag at our feet .He grabbed my hand and swiftly spun me pinning me to the door. Without any warning whatsoever His lips descended upon mine .Hot unbridled passion seared into my memory.I opened my mouth granting him entrench to deepen the kiss. His tongue danced across mine deeping the kiss. I assume For once in his life Connor didn't hold back . He released all his pent up passion and emotions.into each mind numb kiss I knew how he felt without words. I should push him away or slap him for this . Call me whatever you may like but This is too good to stop .I gripped his shirt pulling him closer til he pushed away. Gasping for air still staring each other down. This was more intense than the kiss before in billy bone jazz club. That kiss was on a whole level of its own passion combined with a dash of lust .

He reached into his pocket and pried my hand from his shirt. He placed a simple gold band into the palm . "I can't hold on to this anymore I hope you happiness Mia"he through pants he said .he closed my hand around the gold band and walked out.

Oh Connor why now I said as I teleported back to the pack house with a new sense of purpose.

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