Chapter 18 : war

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Amelia P.O.V

I shown up to a war path . Uprooted trees busehes littered the drive way. Jacobs  fence hanging off its hinges. Truck turned over upon roof . I came up to drake holding an emotional gemini .Her red puffy eyes filled with pain and fury.

They took him....

Gemini P.O.V

The words stuck in my throat.

She found out that we were mated . Someone fucking told her .. tears streamed down once more. They showed up at dawn a group of them . He tried to protect me but there was too many of them to fight off alone.   I though lance was my only friend rat bastard beat him right in front of me . The Luna is giving me three days to come back and she pushing up the wedding. If I don't go they will kill him . Drake I can't live without him ... save him at any costs. I have to go back.

Mia started to cry I'm so sorry she called me earlier trying to find you and I told her off if I had known she would do this I wouldn't have done this.  Drake's eyes held Mia pain . They had started the mating bond .

It's not your fault I steeled my spine. I need you to be here as my bridesmaid they can't keep you any on Luna's order come with me . We can figure out from the inside drake finds allies to help stop this wedding . . I vowed to kill the bitch.

They both nodded Mia kissed drake as I ran in the house. It smelt like him. ..Gemini inhaled the calming scent. She ran upstairs and got three of his shirts she would need the comfort for the days to come.  Who gave them the Luna the information.?

The hooded figure P.O.V

I watched the cayous unfold in front of me. Joy filled my heart was all my making. Poor Gemini was only a pawn in my plan. I laughed amielia thought that the darkness could be contained . Drake quin my revenge is not yet complete. I won't stop til I tear you world apart. Piece by piece til you beg me to kill you . I won't I would make his mate rip out his heart right before his eyes.  The hooded figure remained in the clearing til . I seen them drive off . They don't know the horrors I have planned for them. For you my mate Brittany. He stole her from me now I will steal his. .
He reminisced  of  the day he met Brittany a cold hearted merchanaries for a cost . He loved her at first blood . She tore off her missions head with no remorse . We made love in his blood it was magical . It was Dark and he loved it. Brittany Had a sadistic dark soul like his.  She was taken from me just when we decided to start a family together.. my dream got ripped away that night. He clinched his fist til blood ran through his fingers onto the ground.  Damn you drake he roared!

Amelia P.O.V

Her ultra sensitive hearing a howl of pain within the forest. Shivers ran down her spine, she felt his eyes on her. She felt so exposed, she couldn't hide no matter what. Drake touched her arm making her flinch away from his touch. This moment she didn't feel like she was worthy of his compassion . Titus started to freak out  "baby did I do something".
I voiced to a little too loud in the car I wish "Titus were my real mate" drake growled . What wrong with me you love my wolf not me.

You have been a brooding ass hole since I met you. Titus accepted me and willow right away . I growled back .

Gemini put her eyes back on the road she knew better than interferening in a mated couples aragument.
So how do you want me to be a wimpy romantic like my wolf is to you. He submitted to  you. I'm an alpha I bow no no one .drake ran his hands through his hair.

Sorry ,to tell you but your a bad alpha as of lately you cowering licking your wounds within the town as you pack needs you. Mia sharply stated. Gemini laughed at her boldness. The Luna speaks ....

Drake sat in silence smiling like an idiot " you right, your finally ready to be Luna get over here.!


"You heard me I Drake  John Quin accept you Amelia Sophia la flour as my mate and Luna . The only person I will bow down to. You have my heart and protection for all times."

Did you just.... start the mating ceremony like this at time of war and termoil . Are you crazy drake ? Have you gone mad. We can't drake!

Yes baby you said it yourself the pack needs us ..needs you. Stop fighting it the connection
Between us. I finally accepted why can't you

I screamed the serenum that was given to me was incubus  blood . You don't want me it's just the powers . We cannot finish the bond ! Don't you understand. Your dad was killed because of a prophecy .

What prophecy they both asked in unison.

It has been foretold That lyacan -vampire hybrid  will damn the pack . Her alpha spawn will rain death upon the nations. As a plague to humanity . Like no one has ever seen before.

I just recentlyThat's why your father turned me he knew I was your destined mate and the bringer of death. Yet he still turned me.

Our father wouldn't do anything would harm anyone except marry that leach. He had good intentions my father has a reason for everything he does . Gemini responded trying to calm the tension.

Drake grabbed my arm looking into my eyes. His eyes never changed they were still that steel gray . As he muttered the under his breath.his fangs showed just before he bit the bite mark upon my shoulder pain and pleasure course through my core. Letting go He leped at my shoulder sealing our mating mark. "Let no man touch what's mine "he muttered.  There was only one last thing is the consumption of the mating to ensure his sent stayed upon me taking me officially as his mate. Titus and willow howled in joy.

We finally got to my house. I couldn't look at Gemini due to her witnessing drake taking me as his mate. I made sure drake didn't follow me in. Breathing in a sigh as I locked the door .

Hello ,lovely missed me?My blood ran cold has I turned around finding .....

Cliff hanger sorry ..
They finally mated  after all this run around !

Do you think there is a little more to the prophecy ...yes
I can't tell you how this will go cause I haven't come up with it either.
If y'all have ideas love to hear it ..,

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