Chapter 10: tornado

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Amelia P.O.V

Like a fog lifting on a Bright morning . The haze of the last few days came into focus. Mia look around it was her room . She pondered Had it all been a dream ? As she rose and got into the shower there was three large but faint claw marks from her ribs to her hip. Then it all came flooding back the heat ,drake,the fight but most of all the kiss. Drake had kiss her when he put her in her bed.

She pushed all thoughts of him away . He rejected me and my wolf he doesn't deserve me. She showered to felt good to be normal again . She passed her hand over the hot misty mirror she looked different .she just couldn't put her finger on what was different . She tied up her hair and got ready for work .

She walked into aunt Betty's bakery for her usual .As usual Betty was behind the counter fussing at her nephew . Poor Troy couldn't bake to save his life so he got an amazing idea. To find something to help him .one thing to remember in misty hallows everything is not always as it seems . So Troy put out a help wanted add for bakery helpers. What he got were 20 imps which were now running amuck throwing flour every where . Imps are cute mint green little creatures that resemble gremlins . You know the ones in the movies the little green dudes. Well,there extremely mischievous and hyper creatures who has a thing for socks.
Betty was beside herself she had twenty customers already lined up and no were doughnuts made. Hey Betty !u need help ?Mia asks as two day old doughnuts start flying around the room . Oh I forgot they have magical powers too boot. So,now there's a doughnut tornado forming in the center of the bakery ,not good. So,I did the only thing I could think of I took off my shoe and waved my favorite sloth sock in the air . Everything came to an abrupt stop. They were all mesmerized by my swinging sock. All the little imps started to follow me as if I was a band Leader . So,I finally got to the Full moon inc. Thank the goddess they got tired from the walk and passed out in the middle of the lobby. I went back to aunt Betty's to see if I could help .Betty hugged me so hard I thought my spine would break. "Thank u where are those little rascals at?"Betty asked . Mia smiled "there in my lobby sleeping wait til phoebe gets a hold of them .Phoebe is a tiger shifter plus she has six kids and two on the way .I believe she can handle her own . " Betty gave her a bag "then take these as my thank you for your assistance this morning. " I got to shop with a smile to see all the imps washing the windows . Phoebe smiling as she sang" whistle while you work". I Learned something new that imps love Disney movies.
You are a god send how you know? Phoebe smile and pointed to my nieces on my couch. It's your taunty day with the girls . They just started to sing and the imps started to clean . I need them around my house we always have Disney on. The girls came rushing towards me and stopped in their tracks. " taunty what's wrong with your hair ? " I looked at phoebe she nodded and passed me her mirror. It's pure whites as snow. Women would kill to get this color .since getting changed by a lycan it went this color so I dye it. "Looks like a trip to the salon is in store then . Ready ? "

Leon came running towards us as we enter Prim and Proper Salon. Is owned by Mrs . Gwendolyn pierce the Mayor's wife. the towns busy body .If anyone needed gossip she's the one to meet. Gwendolyn pierce is a beautiful woman with exotic skin tone and long flowing hair to her trim waist. Her biggest flaw she loves animal print leggings . Today's leggings were pink leopard print , pink top ,and fushia pumps . She has a sweet disposition but don't tell her any secrets. Leon didn't get that memo.

He came in " honey, how u been drake told me to keep u in bed all day " my face fell and Gwendolyn had that oh really smirk. If he's gonna bring this up now then do be it" well, he's not my husband,boyfriend, or father so I do what I want when I want. Take that drake! Leon face dropped " honey , me and ur brother stayed with you for two days til you woke . " my heart melted they are so cute. "Sorry Leon ,
Anything to do with drake gets on my bad side" now if he is so concerned about me why didn't he stay with me?

Gwendolyn peeped my hair "so what color this time?" I looked at the girls they nodded with red streaks. Just like the color of drake's wolfs eyes.

Then the door opened Connor took up the whole door frame. Conner DuPont he gave one of those butterfly in the stomach smiles. I melted a little in the inside. I wonder what drake would look like if he smiled? Why think about him when Connor is standing right in front of you?he broke my train of thought " so um.. he rubbed he neck and shifted a little to the left "Amelia would you go on a date with me?" I sat there with tin foil it my hair .giving me a resemblance to Medusa,on a good day I might add. Connor just asked me out my heart did back flips but it felt like I was betraying him ..drake.

So what you think about the imp incident ?

So would you feel bad if your high school crush asked you out but your heart loved another?

Lulu greg❤️

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