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"Ryujin, I already found you a house to rent. But, I want to ask you if you feel free to share a house with a guy,"

"A guy? Are you kidding me?" Ryujin asked as she lighted up another cigarette between her fingers, while her phone, she put it between her ear and her shoulder.

"Hmm, he still a student. It's not a big deal. You are older than him. He also desperate to have a housemate as he can't afford to pay the rent alone. You should help him." Renjun continued to talk at the phone and covinced Ryujin to rent there.

"Hmm, okay fine. You give me the address later. I will go there tomorrow."

"You don't want me to go there with you?"

"It's okay. You already help me a lot. Meet you at our workplace in Monday! Bye Renjun," Ryujin ended the phone call without waiting for Renjun to reply her.

She looked at the scenery of Seoul through the balcony, from the hotel that she stayed.

She always do everything last minutes, and regret it later. Renjun already told her so many times to search for a rent house in Seoul. And Ryujin, as always, she ignored it.


Ryujin woke up from her deep sleep. It's already 12 p.m. and she still there, on the cosy bed. She looked at her phone, receiving a lot of messages from Renjun.

She totally forgot about the rent house- which she supposed to go there earlier. Maybe that guy student already waited for her- for a long time.

She packed her things, and took a quick bath before left her hotel room.


"Renjun, I said yesterday that you don't have to send me there. I am not a kid anymore. I can go there by myself." Ryujin sighed after she saw Renjun already waited for her at the hotel lobby.

Rather than replying her, Renjun made a gesture for her to follow Renjun towards his car. Ryujin did not have any choice, or the guy in front of her will continue to mumble all day long. She already tired with that.

"Before we go there, I want to show you our workplace. I already look at the distance between our workplace and your house. It's not that far from your new house. You can take the bus or taxi there. But I prefer you to take the taxi. Or you will be late for your first day of work." Renjun started to talk a lot. Ryujin just nodded, did not reply anything as she did not want to continue the conversation.


"Wow, I will work at this huge building? Omg I can't believe it!" Ryujin stood in front of the building, the place where she will start her career by tomorrow. Her dream career for all of these time.

Although she looks like she is a lazy baddie, but if that things involve with her works, she is the most detailed and hardworking person you ever seen.

"It's lucky for you, I already take you as a worker under me. I can guide you well, don't worry," Renjun winked at her before entered the car. Ryujin rolled her eyes as she knew Renjun will be her senior at her workplace after this. And that's mean, Renjun will control her a lot!


Renjun parked his car in front of the apartment. He smiled as he saw a teenager boy waited for him at the bench.

"It's him. Your new housemate," Renjun pointed at that guy. Ryujin can't see his face from the car window. She closed her eyes a little bit to look at his face clearly.

"Wear you spectacles, little girl." Renjun shook his head and laughed a little when he saw Ryujin like that.

"That spec just so annoying, it keeps falling down,"

"Lol, come on," Renjun opened his car door before both of them walked out from the car.

"Hyung!" That guy hugged Renjun tightly. Actually Renjun already knew him for a long time as that guy always come to his workplace. They unconditionally met each other and talked about random things together. Why? He also did not know why the guy always there, acting like he own that company.

"This is your new housemate, meet her, Ryujin," Renjun grabbed Ryujin's arm to stand beside him.

"Ha? Noona! I miss you!" That guy hugged Ryujin after he saw her. Renjun startled.

"Jisung? You live here? Oh my God, I miss you too, dear. Glad that my housemate is you," Ryujin hugged him back.

"Oh so you guys know each other? It's great then! By the way, I need to go right now, I have to meet someone. But before that, take your luggages girl," Renjun said before going towards his car.

"I will help you noona,"


"So in this house, we have three rooms. A kitchen, a bathroom outside, and a living room. It's not that big." Jisung lead their way into the house. Ryujin followed him from back. That house actually just perfect as only two of them live there. They can also have another roommate by any chance.

"By the way, that is my room. If you need anything you can knock on my door. And that is your room. In front of mine," Jisung said.

"And that room?" Ryujin pointed at a door beside her bedroom's door.

"Oh, my older friend sometimes come here and sleep there. He also pay some of my rent as I don't have any housemate before this. I hope you don't mind about him being here anytime he wants," Jisung giggled.

"No, it's okay," Ryujin pretended to smile but deep inside, she dislike the idea of having another person in their house. But she must know her place.

"Okay, I will go inside first. Thank you, Sung," Ryujin said.

"I will order pizza for our dinner today, I will cook tomorrow," Jisung said before he went to the opposite side with Ryujin.

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