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"We need to go somewhere for our honeymoon." Jaemin said, looking at Ryujin that playing with his hand. They spent all of the days watching movies, playing games, ordering food and cuddling for 24 hours per day.

"I will follow you, anywhere you go," Ryujin hugged Jaemin's arm, do not want to let him go. Ryujin's clingy behavior made Jaemin grinned at her. "Don't try to seduce me," Jaemin gave her a peck on her lips.

"I'm not doing anything," Ryujin attacked Jaemin with a lot of kisses on his face, making Jaemin fell onto the bed. Ryujin laid herself on Jaemin, so the guy did not run away from her.

"You are so heavy," Jaemin said, making Ryujin pouted. She wanted to get up from Jaemin's body but then, Jaemin wrapped his arms around her waist."I'm kidding. Just stay here. I want to hug you like this," Ryujin blushed, burying his head on Jaemin's neck. Jaemin chuckled to see her cute reaction.

"Let's sleep first. We still have more time to talk about our honeymoon tomorrow,"


"Goodnight, sweetheart," Jaemin kissed her forehead, making Ryujin smiled while her eyes still close. She snuggled herself in Jaemin's embrace, to make herself more comfortable.

"Goodnight, baby,"

Jaemin wrapped their bodies with the cosy duvet before both of them fell asleep.


Ryujin glared at Jaemin that just entered their bedroom. He bumped onto the bed and closed his eyes. "Pack your things, Jaemin. We should go to the airport at 9 a.m. tomorrow!" Ryujin pulled Jaemin's arm. But the guy was too heavy.

"Hmm, I will bring myself only, no packing. You know, we can buy everything there," Jaemin snuggled himself a little bit into the bed, ignoring Ryujin. Ryujin sighed to see his reaction. "Oh, so you don't want to pack your things?" Jaemin nodded. His eyes still close as he's getting ready to sleep.

Suddenly, Ryujin laid beside him, wrapping her arms around his neck, making Jaemin opened his eyes. Ryujin's face was too close to his face.

"W-what are you doing?" He stuttered. Ryujin just grinned and moved closer towards Jaemin.

"You said that you want the same amount of love. So I will give it to you," She whispered into Jaemin's ear, actually more to seduce him.

Jaemin can't even move from his position as Ryujin held his cheeks and gave him a kiss on his lips. She smiled as Jaemin fell for it.

"Are you sure?" Jaemin suddenly spoke up.

"Hmm?" Ryujin looked at his eyes. Her hands still brush Jaemin's cheeks.

"Are you really sure you want to have a baby at this age? I'm okay with it, and I really want it," He smirked, whispering back into Ryujin's ear, the same way like she did towards him.

Ryujin became speechless. She did not expect Jaemin to say that. Her plan went wrong once again. She wanted to get up from the bed to continue packing her things but Jaemin stopped her by grabbing her waist.

"It's too late, baby. You are all mine,"


"It's all your fault! We already late!" Ryujin glared at Jaemin that sat beside her in the car. They were on their way to the airport as they will have a flight to Japan that day for their honeymoon.

"You started it first," Jaemin giggled.

"Because you don't want to pack your things. I have no choice last night," Ryujin defended herself although she knew it was her fault. "It's okay, both of us had a good time," Jaemin said, holding her hand before kissed it. But that romantic action by Jaemin will never blind her. She hitted Jaemin hard, making the guy groaned.

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