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"Are you okay?" Renjun looked at Ryujin that just entered his office. Ryujin just nodded. Since Chenle and Jisung brought her to a hangout yesterday, she felt better.

She already texted Renjun and told him about Mark that went to Canada. Of course Renjun was another person that comfort her- without knowing Renjun was actually happy with that news.

"Hmm, by the way, our boss is coming today. So, behave girl!" Renjun said as he organized his things on the table.

Ryujin nodded.

That morning, Chenle offered her to send her to the workplace but Ryujin rejected his offer. She asked Chenle for not worrying about her too much.

Suddenly, a man entered Renjun's office, made both Renjun and Ryujin stood up from their seat. Renjun bowed as a respect towards the boss. But Ryujin,

"Lele! Why are you here? I said don't worry about me too much,"

Ryujin walked towards Chenle and held his face, "Awh, what a cutie, you worried about me?"

Renjun and Chenle startled. The workers that saw the scene also shocked to see that kind of situation.

How can Ryujin did that towards their cold and fierce boss? Unbelievable.

"R-Ryujin, that is our boss. I'm sorry Mr. Zhong," Renjun bowed again as he felt sorry for Ryujin's side.

But Chenle's reaction made everyone even more startled as Chenle never smiled like that in front of people. He also bopped Ryujin's nose and said,

"Yeah, I'm worried about you."

"I-I'm sorry, Mr. Zhong?" Ryujin bit her lips as she became nervous. How can she never know about that. They lived almost a week together in the same house!

"Nothing to be sorry about, you can continue doing your works," Chenle smiled before he moved towards Renjun's table and asked him for their clients' documents.


"Living in a house with our boss? Woah, lucky you!" Renjun laughed and shook his head after listening to the unbelievable story from Ryujin.

"How can I face him after this? Why he did not tell me anything?"

"He is a humble person. He does not like to brag about his family or even his position in this company."

Ryujin nodded as she was really proud to have a boss like Chenle. Even they are close outside, Chenle still manage to treat her better as a boss and also as a friend. Yeah, she is very lucky.

"Oh, by the way Ryujin, here." Renjun gave her a card.

"Dream Dance Class? What is this?" Ryujin read those words on the card.

"The dancing class that you asked me to search it for you, don't forget about it Ryujin,"

"But, it's too early!" Ryujin sighed.

"Whatever. Anyways, you have to go there this evening and meet Jeno, your dance teacher. He will wait for you there. Plus, you will get a special class only with him. Anything, you can ask him. Okay?"

Ryujin nodded. It's better for her to have her own privacy class with the teacher alone. At least, if she does anything wrong, nobody will laugh at her.


"Ryujin, want me to send you home?" Chenle asked as he met the girl in front of the company.

Ryujin shook her head.

"Oh, thank you Mr. Zhong. But I need to go somewhere else," Ryujin smiled as their conversation became awkward.

"Don't call me that. Just call me Lele, like you did this morning." Chenle smiled before walked away leaving Ryujin that blushed as she was really embarrassed to think about it again.


Ryujin looked at the small building in front of her with a huge label of 'Dream Dance Studio' on it. She took a deep breath before walked inside the building.

"Excuse me, is Mr. Jeno here?" She asked at a man that sat on the counter.

"Are you miss Ryujin?" The man asked.


"Oh, you can follow this way, and he waits for you in the last room." The man smiled.

Ryujin thanked him and walked towards the room.

She knocked on the door. As she opened the door, she saw a man was dancing in front of the mirror. Seems like he is Jeno.

"Oh, hey!" The man smiled and stopped himself from dancing. He also turned off the music before walked towards Ryujin.

"Mr. Jeno?" Ryujin asked. 'He is younger than what I expect,' She thought.

Jeno laughed after hearing those words.

"Just call me Jeno. No need to be formal with me," Jeno said.

"Come on, let's take a seat first," Jeno continued before guiding Ryujin towards a three-seater sofa in the room.

"Renjun already told me that you need to dance for your upcoming company exhibition, right? You know the basic dance skills?" Jeno asked.

Ryujin shook her head. That was her first time to attend that kind of class.

"It's okay, I can teach you," Jeno smiled. His eyes smile can be seen made Ryujin felt more nervous as Jeno seems like a flirty type of guy with that fake innocent smile.

"So, when will our first class start?"

"I really busy this week. Maybe, next week on Tuesday? Anything, I will give you a call,"

Without being asked by Jeno, Ryujin gave him her number as she wanted to leave earlier.

"So, we are done right? Gotta go first, thank you," Ryujin walked away from the room. She did not like it when Jeno gave her an uneasy gazed since she walked into the room.

And there was Lee Jeno, watching her until she faded away from his sight.

"She's kinda hot tho," He smirked.


"Huang Renjun! Wanna die?" Ryujin screamed on the phone.

"Why so sudden dear? I'm busy right now," Renjun on the other side replied.

"What kind of teacher is Lee Jeno? He looks like a pervert," Ryujin mumbled.

Renjun just laughed.

"Oh, so you scared of him? I thought you scared of nothing," Renjun giggled.

"For two months, Ryujin. If he does anything towards you, just tell me okay?" Renjun continued.

Ryujin sighed. Of course she had to agree with Renjun. No more way out!


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