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Ryujin laid on her bed after returning from her work. Lucky for her, Renjun wanted to send her home. He worried if anything happened to Ryujin as it already night.

Why Ryujin working on arts? It is just because of her first love, a big brother that always asked her to call him as oppa although he just older two years than her. His name is Lee Minhyung, but Ryujin preferred to call him as Mark.

Mark really loves art since he was a child. He was the person that introduced Ryujin into arts, until she fell for arts- and also the person itself.

Since Mark's parents wanted him to become a researcher as they said doing arts can't have a good future, Mark had to agree with them. Mark is an only child and they really want the best for Mark.

Ryujin believes that arts also can give a good future. Everyone works on their dreams differently, and have their own goals. The most important thing is do anything that make she feels happy.

And Mark, he is the person that changed her life. Or she will never be in this stage.

Thinking about Mark again made she missed him a lot. Sometimes, Mark did give her a call. It's been a long time since they meet each other after she moved to Incheon when she was 17 years old.


Ryujin walked out from the bathroom with only a towel on her body as she knew no one left in the house, except for herself. Jisung already go to the mart to buy some groceries as a promise that he wanted to cook for dinner that day.

She startled as a guy that she never seen before, sat on the sofa, watching tv like he lived there.

"Hey what are you doing in my house!" Ryujin shouted, taking an apple from the dining table to throw it towards the guy. The guy looked at her, making a weird face.

"Where are you looking at!" Ryujin blushed as she noticed that her body only wrapped in a towel, and that guy looked at her from head to toes, knowing that he was judging her by looking at the way he looked at her.

"Crazy," That guy continued watching the tv, ignoring Ryujin that still look at him.

"Noona! I'm coming-" Jisung entered the house with his hands full with plastic bags. He startled to see Ryujin like that for the first time in his life as Ryujin never wear something that look so hot- like she wore at that time.

"Noona, wear your clothes first," Jisung headed towards the kitchen, pretending that he closed his eyes.

"Chenle! Since when you arrived here?" Jisung greeted the unknown guy cheerfully made Ryujin gasped.

'So, he is Jisung's friend? Oh this is so embarrassing!' Ryujin screamed in her heart, fasten her way towards her bedroom, did not look back anymore.


"Noona, come out and eat dinner. Chenle cooked tuna fried rice for us." Jisung knocked on Ryujin's door. She did not get out from her room since the incident last evening.

Ryujin opened her door slowly. Her stomach kept on making weird noise made Jisung laughed in front of her.

"Come here," Jisung pulled her hand and brought her to the living room, where Chenle waited for them.

Ryujin tried to ignore the smirk that formed on Chenle's lips, knowing that he tried to tease Ryujin about what happened earlier. Out of places, why Jisung asked her to sit in front of Chenle. It so freaking frustrating to receive that kind of gazes from the unknown guy that saw her in a towel for their first meet.

"I already forgot what I see, towel girl, don't worry if you are going to think about that," Chenle spoke up after Jisung walked towards the kitchen to take the glasses and water before they start eating.

"Stop talking about that,"

"I won't," He giggled.

"By the way, I'm Chenle. You?"


Jisung came back with the tray of glasses full with water.

"Let's eat, elder first," Jisung said looking at both Chenle and Ryujin.

"You eat first," Ryujin said towards Chenle.

"You first. You look older, noona," Chenle replied her.

"Wait. Both of you have the same age. Eat together. Faster, I'm hungry," Jisung stopped them from bickering about something that not important.

"Really, but her face looks older than me." Chenle said while feeding himself with a spoonful of rice, talking like there is no tomorrow.

"Watch your mouth, kid," Ryujin glared at him.


That night, three of them watched the tv. They decided to watch horror movie but Jisung too scared to watch it. For the first time Ryujin and Chenle had the same opinion about the movie that they wanted to watch and of course, Jisung had to agree with them.

"I think I can't watch it anymore. I might not sleep tonight. Good night you two," Jisung that sat between Ryujin and Chenle got up from his seat and walked into his room, leaving those two awkward human being on the sofa.

Some scenes on the movie made their startled, but still, they pretended to calm down- as they argued about who are the bravest among two of them and wanted to prove it by watching the horror movie.

"Aaarghh!" The two screamed at the same time and closed their gaps that left between them, until they not realise, they were actually hugging each other.

"You guys are so loud!" Jisung switched on the lamp and startled to see the scene in front of him. He let out a hillarious laugh.

"Having a good time, huh?" He said before switched off the lamp back and went into his room.

Ryujin and Chenle looked at each other. Gasped.

"Er, sorry. I did not mean to-"

They laughed as they said the same thing at the same time.

"Both of us lose the challenge, I guess?" Chenle giggled.

"Yeah, I think so," Ryujin also let out a giggle. She thought that she already feel a little bit comfortable with Chenle.

"Another movie?"


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