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Jaemin opened his house door, seeing Jisung with his bicycle. Jisung was panting heavily, looking at him.

"Jisung, why? What happened," Jaemin brought the younger into his house. His parents already left for works and his sister went out for a date.

Jisung sat down on the sofa while Jaemin brought him a glass of water. He took a seat beside Jisung, waiting for the boy to finish his drinks.

"Hyung, do you know about Ryujin noona and Chenle relationship?"

Jaemin stayed silence. He did not know how to reply. He knew they were close, they were roommates but he did not sure about their actual relationship, although after he saw the kissing scene.

"What kind of relationship do you mean?"

"Hm, lover?"

"Oh, hmm I guess I know, maybe?" That was the safe answer that he can give.

"Are you serious hyung? I know we are not that close to each other, but she is your future wife. You will get married to her, only in two days. How can you remain calm? Why am I the only one that desperate to think and solve you two problems?" Jisung sighed.

"Don't think too much, Jisung," Jaemin replied, patting the younger's shoulder.

"What? Hyung, you are too nice, I- urgh," Jisung shook his head. He can't believe Jaemin acted that way after he told him everything. At least he should have be mad after hearing those.

"Nice?" He chuckled. "You don't know me that well, Jisung. Are you really think that I will let her go, just like that?" Jaemin answered him, smirking at the same time.

"Hmm?" Jisung did not understand, still wait for Jaemin to finish his sentence.

"Well, she only has TWO days, to be 'free'. Let her be," Jaemin said, making Jisung startled to hear his reply. He did not expect that, but he kinda like his answer.


The wedding day finally arrived. After the kiss, it was confirmed that they were a married couple starting from that day. It was a horrible day for Ryujin, to get married with a guy that she hates, but not for Jaemin. He was happy but at the same time he hurted as he knew Ryujin did not happy with the wedding. Sometimes, she sneaked, looking into her phone. And Jaemin knew, it was Chenle. Everything about Chenle, and he annoyed with that.

They not invite many guests and most of the guest were from their neighborhood. Ryujin and Jaemin did not have many friends to invite.

At least, Jaemin's friends still come, although it just four of them.

"Wow, you guys still being together! Congrats both of you. I'm sorry Ryujin for misunderstood you back then," One of Jaemin's highschool friend said. He smiled at both Jaemin and Ryujin, did not know what was actually happened between them.

Ryujin did not invite anyone that she knew in Seoul. Renjun? She never contact her since she left her old workplace. Haechan? Of course no!

"Hyung! Congrats!" Jisung hugged Jaemin tightly, completely ignoring Ryujin that looked at them. He fed up with Ryujin. He can't believe that person is Ryujin, the one that he loved before. She just the same with the other girls he had met.

After Jisung left them, Ryujin and Jaemin continued to greet people that came into their wedding until Ryujin spotted someone.

"Mark- oppa," Ryujin looked at the guy in front of her.

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