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'Na Jaemin! You are crazy! I want to be your last kisser too?! What am I saying?!' Jaemin thought for a second before Ryujin entered the car.

He did not know why he became brave earlier. Maybe after he knew Ryujin already broke up with the guy that he had seen before. But he was not really sure about that as maybe both of them get back together after that night.

"Jaemin, are you okay?" Ryujin asked as Jaemin only sat on his seat and looked at her without saying anything -although his mind full with some random thoughts.

Jaemin nodded. They did not speak a lot on their way to Ryujin's house. Both of them still embarrassed with what happened in the cafe.


"Ryujin!" Chenle hugged her after saw the girl on the door. She was alone as Jaemin left earlier after he sent Ryujin until in front of her house. Ryujin asked him to stay for a while but he refused to.

"Where is Jaemin?" Chenle asked while looking at the door.

"He already returned home," Ryujin replied.

"Ryujin, I'm sorry. If I followed you to buy those things, maybe that thing will never happened. Jeno hurted you anywhere?" Chenle held both of Ryujin's arms and looked at every parts of her body to make sure she was okay.

"I'm okay, don't look at me like that," Ryujin blushed.

"I did not mean to, sorry," Chenle scratched his head before he followed Ryujin into her room.

"Want to go somewhere this evening? Buy you a new phone? It's on me," Chenle asked.

"It's okay Chenle. I can ask my brother to buy me a new one. Don't worry," Ryujin refused to.

"But still, you need to use it for works. Come on Ryujin. Don't worry, I will never left you alone there. Okay?" Chenle tried to convince her. She nodded as Chenle was trying his best to bring her out.


Ryujin thought that only both of them went out that day, but Renjun followed them too. After his meeting ended yesterday, he returned to Seoul quickly as he worried about Ryujin. Luckily, Chenle informed him that night -that Ryujin already safe.

"Where is Jisung? He busy?" Renjun asked after seeing only Chenle and Ryujin there.

"Um, he already moved out from that house," Chenle said. He did not want to tell the long story that happened between three of them.

While they were walking in the mall, Renjun walked behind Chenle and Ryujin. If anyone saw them at that time, maybe they thought that Renjun third-wheeling the 'couple'. Renjun just watched Ryujin and Chenle. They looked so happy, laughing and talking to each other, made his heart broke.

But what made he hurted the most was, they were holding hands. It seems like they forgot about Renjun presence.

Renjun never being that close to Ryujin although they were together since in university. And that made him jealous with the guys around Ryujin.

"R-renjun?" Ryujin called for him as she saw Renjun just stayed quiet behind them.

"Yes?" Renjun replied. He tried to smile, but it looks fake.

"Come on, let's walk together,"


"Thank you for today, Renjun hyung! See you at work!" Chenle bid a goodbye before both Ryujin and him entered the car, heading home.

Renjun replied with a smile, although he did not mean it. He hates it when Chenle is the one who made Ryujin smile, not him. His chance, he lost it.

He thought that he can change the word 'friend' to 'lover' between both Ryujin and him, but no. Ryujin really put a line between both of them, and he can't ever cross the line.


Ryujin was doing her works in her room when Jaehyun called her. Her brother did not call her so often as he was also busy running his own company in Incheon.

"Oppa, why?" That's the first words that came out from Ryujin's mouth.

"My baby girl, do you already read the letter that I send it to you through email?" Jaehyun asked.

"Oppa, I already read it and I don't want to. Can I make my own decision? You don't need to control me or ask me what to do," Ryujin sighed.

"I'm sorry. I'm not controlling you but I really need you here, Ryujin. Okay, I give you some time to consider about it. Please," Jaehyun begged her and being serious for the first time in a while.

Ryujin never see his brother begging over things like this, and he looked so desperate.

"Okay, I will give you my answer later. But please, don't be mad at me if I refuse to do it," Ryujin replied.

"Thank you, my baby girl," Jaehyun replied before he ended the call.

Ryujin looked at the letter on her email.

Her brother asked her to resign from her current workplace and asked her to work with him.

She just wanted to work by herself. If she's working with her brother, everyone might think that she used her brother to get into any position at his company.

She don't want any help from her brother. That's why she also did not tell him about what happened to her these days -about she's being kidnapped by Jeno. Her brother is too protective and he might do anything dangerous towards Jeno if she told him the truth.

And she was not ready to leave Chenle and Renjun, that helped her a lot with her works -and her life. And the memories here, it was too precious for her.

'Maybe I will stay here, sorry oppa,' She thought.

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