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After she confessed towards Jeno, she felt like she really get rid of her feeling towards that guy.

She wanted to confront him today, to tell Jeno the truth.

She don't want to break anyone heart, before it's too late.

But a huge accident happened when she practiced the dance. She slipped and hurted her ankle!

Jeno brought her to the clinic. He wanted to stay, but Ryujin told him not to.

How can Ryujin told him the truth about her feeling, when Jeno was the one that sent her to the clinic that day? He was very kind in her eyes, of course she doesn't want to hurt him.

While she's waiting for her name to be called in the clinic, she messaged Haechan and informed him about her ankle.

He worried about her a lot and quickly drove his car towards the clinic without thinking of anything anymore.


"Miss Ryujin, please enter this room," The nurse held Ryujin's arm to help her walk.

She's being laid on the patient's bed while waiting for the doctor to check her ankle.

"Okay miss, the doctor already come, I'm leaving first," The nurse said.

The doctor entered the room. He walked towards Ryujin and that time, she can see the doctor's face clearly.

"Na-Na Jaemin?!" She startled.

The person that she did not want to see anymore was in front of her.

"Ryujin, it's been a long time," Jaemin looked at the other place, wanted to focus on his work.

"I want to change my doctor, please. I don't want to see you!" Ryujin shouted. The nurse, that have a crush on Jaemin, sneaking on the door and startled to hear words that came out from Ryujin's mouth. How can that girl screamed like that when she saw Jaemin's handsome face?

"But this is my parents' clinic. You don't have any option. So just accept it," Jaemin said while checking on Ryujin's ankle.

"I hate you," Ryujin replied but her voice were too slow. And still, Jaemin can hear those three words clearly.

"I hate you too, don't worry," Jaemin took a bandage before wrapped it around Ryujin's leg.

"Hey, do your work properly!" Ryujin shouted again when Jaemin did it rough on her ankle.

Jaemin ignored her. And that's why Ryujin hates him since then. His ignorance character.


Flashback five years ago.

Ryujin had enough of her schoolmates called her a lesbian as she never talk to a guy and reject all the boys that confessed to her. But still, they did not have to say that and threw hates on her because of that.

After the news spread around the school, every girls avoided her and all the boys laughed at her. She's being bullied mentally more than physically.

But then this boy came into her life. He was her senior back then. He was 19 and Ryujin was 18. He is Na Jaemin.

"It's funny because Ryujin likes girls, after that, she don't have any friends anymore," Jaemin's friends laughed. Jaemin still keep quiet, did not want to interrupt them. He don't like to judge people without knowing the truth.

"Jaemin, what do you think about Ryujin? It's funny right?"

Jaemin shook his head.

"I don't think so. I don't think that she likes girl," Jaemin smiled.

Actually, there was one day she caught Ryujin looked at him. She blushed and quickly pack her things after that. Oh she was clumsy too.

And he was really sure, Ryujin likes boy, not girl. To be exact, Jaemin really sure that she likes him. (Too confident)

"Everyone talking about this, Jaemin! Why do you still back up Ryujin?" One of Jaemin's friends asked.

"Then, prove it to us. That she does not like girls," Jaemin's friends challenged him. Jaemin does not really care when it comes to challenge. He can accept it whether he lost or win the game. But this time, he needs to win, no matter what.


Jaemin walked along the balcony. Everyone looked at him as he is really handsome. Not to forget, he was really popular in school. He walked until he arrived at a group of people.

Ryujin being laughed again at the center of those people. Being mentally abused, being surrounded by those people made she felt down. She cried. She needs someone to help her.

"Go away!" Jaemin pushed everyone that blocked his way, until he stood in front of her.

Everyone startled because Jaemin will never get involve in those things. And they were waiting for Jaemin's next action.

He grabbed Ryujin's arms and pulled her closer towards him.

Ryujin startled but she can't loose herself from Jaemin's grip.

Without thinking further anymore, Jaemin gave her a peck on her lips before he kissed her deeply, in front of those people.

Why he did that? He also did not know why. Whether he pitied her or -he really loved her.

But after that kiss, no one dared to laugh at Ryujin, no one ever bully her anymore, no one called her lesbian and everyone thought that Ryujin is Jaemin's girlfriend.

But actually, what happened after that day was, Jaemin never talk to her anymore. Everyone assumed both of them wanted to hide their relationship but actually, it's far from that.

They bumped into each other a lot but Jaemin acted like she is a stranger and he acted like he never kiss her. That hurts Ryujin.

What hurt Ryujin the most is, Jaemin is the first person that kiss her and made her fall for him that bad. He also the reason she moved on from Mark for a while after she's parting with Mark, and he also the reason why she loved Mark again. Jaemin is the reason.

end flashback.


"You hurt your ankle from dancing? But never mind, stop dancing for a moment until your ankle gets better." Jaemin said after he finished his words.

Ryujin nodded. She can't wait for Haechan to come and pick her up from this clinic. She can't bear to stay here anymore.

"Ryujin!" Haechan ran towards her. Are you okay dear, let me help you," Haechan took her arm and brought her towards his car.

Jaemin looked at both of them from a far. He smiled. "Finally she meets her own happiness,"


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