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Ryujin took a pair of purple shoes and wore it. She wanted to take a walk that morning at the nearest park from her house. After so many things happened towards her these days, she don't have any time to think about herself.

As she's walking alone, suddenly, she saw a familiar figure that also walked in the park. She knew that guy very well. Without waiting anymore, she chased that guy from his back.

"Jisung!" She grabbed the guy's shirt, making him fell backwards.

"Er- noona? What are you doing here?" Jisung gulped. He never expect that he has to meet Ryujin there. "I'm your neighbor dumbass," Ryujin slapped Jisung's head jokingly, before both of them walked together.

For a moment, they stayed silence. Still awkward with what happened before, at their apartment.

"Well, noona. I'm sorry for kissing you that day. I know it hurts you a lot. I'm really sorry. I don't know what I thought at that time," Jisung spoke up.

Ryujin giggled. She wrapped her arms around Jisung's neck, caused the guy to bent towards her as he taller than Ryujin. "It's okay Jisung. I already accept your apology. You are still my little boy until now," Ryujin ruffled his hair.

Jisung smiled. He thought it's better to stay like this between Ryujin and him. And he realised, for all of these time, he just need attention from her, as a sister. Not more than that. He just jealous that night because he thought Ryujin will not like him anymore if Ryujin be with Chenle.

He scared to lose Ryujin. But Ryujin came back into his life. It was a good thing that happened to him.

"Anyways, are you free today?" Ryujin asked.

"Yeah, why noona?"

"I want to bring you to a place. It's a secret!" Ryujin said, making Jisung wondered what would the place look like?

"Noona, can you just tell me?" He pouted. He eager to know about the place.

"If you want to know, just follow me, at 1 p.m.? I will wait for you at my house." Ryujin replied.

"Okay noona!"


"Ryujin, no. You can't go out! Three days?! You are going to get married in a week. We should have prepared some other things!" Mrs. Jung sighed, looking at the sight of her daughter with her mini luggage, explaining everythings to her.

"You should be relieved when I agree with the wedding. I just need a moment to free my mind, free myself from all the thoughts. Can you let me rest, for a while?" Ryujin replied. Everyone looked at her. They never thought Ryujin will talk back to her mother like that. But still in this situation, everyone needs to understand her.

"It's fine. But, Jaemin must to follow you." Mrs. Jung immediately called her future son-in-law.

"Hey mum, listen. Jisung will follow me!"

Mrs. Jung ignored her.

"Jaemin, Ryujin wants to go to Jeju. Can you follow her? For three days," Mrs. Jung said.

"But, I think she needs privacy," Jaemin replied. He knew Ryujin will never let him follows her.

"Please, Jaemin. I'm worried about Ryujin,"

"Hm, okay,"

Mrs. Jung ended the call, smirking at Ryujin as she won their arguement that day.

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