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Haechan looked at Ryujin that sleeping soundly beside him. He hates the fact that the girl in front of him said those words to him. 'I love you.' It hurts him so much.

"I hate liars, Ryujin." He closed his eyes, crying all night as he really loves her. He remembered the scene clearly, between Ryujin and Jeno. At first, he wanted to punch Jeno's face after Jeno started to kiss Ryujin, but to see Ryujin kissed Jeno back, its hurt him. "Maybe, I'm the only one that cherish our relationship. I'm sorry Ryujin, I can't stop my feeling from loving you more and more everyday. But I don't want you to be sad because of me. I hope you will get your true happiness, with him." He kissed her forehead. His tears dropped on Ryujin's face, made the girl opened her eyes slowly.

"Babe, why are you crying?" She cupped Haechan's face, wiping his tears. She's worried.

"Nothing, I need to practice for my upcoming drama scene," He lied.

Ryujin smiled at him. She hugged him but a strange feeling came into her. She can feel that he was really sad at that time, and it made she sad too. He stayed like that, in her hug. He confused as the girl did not let him go from her hug.

"Ryujin," He called her name.


"Why baby?" Haechan asked.

"I just need a longer hug. Let me stay like this," Ryujin replied. She missed him so much until she did not want to let him go. But Haechan did not know about that.

'I'm not Jeno.' He thought of it, but still let her stayed like that.


It's been three days since Ryujin stayed in Haechan's house. Everything was perfect for both of them. They did everything together, spent all the time with each other and being clingy every single time.

For a moment, Haechan forgot about Jeno-Ryujin thingy. He wanted to focus on what in front of him that time. He did not want to regret anything later. He wanted to feel her love only in that week, before he let her go.

"Don't forget about your appointment today." Haechan said.

"You will send me there, right?"

"Of course babe, what do you expect me to do? I will never let you go to the clinic alone," Haechan ruffled Ryujin's hair until her hair got messy.

"Lee Donghyuck!!" Ryujin pouted.

"Let's take a bath," Haechan walked away, leaving her.

"Take me too! I can't walk," Haechan shook his head and giggled to see Ryujin acted that way. He returned back to Ryujin, and carried her in a bridal style.

"Are you being serious?" Haechan smirked.

"What?" Ryujin looked at him blankly. Then she remembered about Haechan's 'Let's take a bath' and her reply-

"No, I mean,"

"It's too late, baby,"


"I will wait outside okay," Haechan smiled at her as she walked inside the doctor's room for a check up.

As she entered, Jaemin greeted her with a smile but she did not reply it. Once she hates someone, she will hate that person forever.

"How was your ankle? Getting better?" Jaemin asked.

"Better," She replied. Haechan really took a good care of her and that's why she's getting better.

He nodded. He touched and moved her leg, to check on her ankle condition.

"Ouch, it still hurt a little bit when you touch like that. Can you please be gentle with my ankle?" Ryujin rolled her eyes.

"I just do my work," Jaemin said and continued doing his works, watching her ankle condition and changing her bandage. She just waiting for the time to pass by as she hates it when Jaemin touched her leg (although Jaemin is a doctor.)

"You should take a little walk. Then your ankle will be better. But don't do any active sports." Jaemin said.

Ryujin nodded as she understood every words that came out from Jaemin's mouth.

"You can go. Or you want to stay here?" Jaemin gazed at her as the girl did not move from her place.

"Of course not!" Ryujin shouted at him and went out from the room slowly.

Jaemin giggled to see her reaction. 'She's never change,'


After finished the appointment at the clinic, Haechan brought Ryujin to her favourite cafe as she really craving for her favourite iced mocha.

"You wait here first, okay? I will order the drink," Haechan smiled before he left her and walked towards the counter.

Ryujin was playing her phone when suddenly she received a call from Jeno. Of course she cancelled it. She never contact Jeno after she confessed about her unknown feeling towards him.

Suddenly, someone approached her.

"Why you ignored my calls and messages? You said that you love me? Just break up with Haechan already,"

Ryujin startled to see Jeno beside her, talking to her like that. His eyes changed. The way Jeno looked at her, it was totally different than before this.

"J-Jeno, I'm sorry. I love Haechan. That day, I'm not really sure about my feeling between you and Haechan, but now, I know that I love Haechan. More than everything. I'm sorry Jeno," Ryujin stuttered but she tried her best to explain everything to Jeno. She knew it was not a good timing.

Jeno smirked, he let out a heavy sigh, feeling betrayed with Ryujin's decision.

"It so easy for you to say those things." He said.

Then, he whispered in Ryujin ears, causing the girl to shiver.

"If I can't get you, no one will get you too. And I will try my best to make you two apart," He said before he left her.

Ryujin closed her eyes, don't want her tears to fall. She just want Haechan to comfort her that time.

But the thing she did not know was, Haechan saw that scene too from a far. But his thought was totally opposite with what exactly happened.

He thought Ryujin and Jeno were having a great time although for a moment, without him. He hurted again by that.

'I changed because of you, but why you did this to me? It's hurt a lot,' He thought, before he brought their drinks towards the table, where Ryujin waited for him.

Seven Different Kissers // NCT Dream //Where stories live. Discover now