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"Jisung, is Ryujin doing fine?" Chenle asked Jisung as the boy played with the cat in his cafe.


"She did not reply to my messages at all. She just seen everything. Am I annoyed her?" Chenle told Jisung.

"Maybe no." Jisung still ignore Chenle. He knew the truth but he was not really sure if he should tell Chenle the truth, or not. But it's better if Ryujin told Chenle by herself.

"Should I visit her?"

"No! Don't visit her. I-I mean, maybe no," Jisung stuttered.

"You're hiding something from me, right Jisung? Can you tell me?" Chenle knew Jisung very well and he knew how Jisung would react if he hid something from Chenle.

"I'm not sure if I should tell you this, Chenle. But promise me one thing, don't attack her,"

Chenle waited for Jisung to speak up.

"She's married, to Jaemin hyung. I'm not sure if you know him. But it's already a week since they get married. Sorry Chenle," Jisung looked at Chenle. That guy face changed. He looked gloomy and Jisung hates to see it. That's why he asked Ryujin to tell Chenle the truth from the very beginning, but Ryujin refused to.

"Really? I'm so dumb, Jisung," Chenle chuckled but his face can't hide his sadness. That was Jisung first time to see Chenle upset in front of him. He hates to see that sight of Chenle.

"It's not your fault. She's being forced. And Jaemin hyung, actually, he followed us to Jeju that day," Jisung continued.

"Then Jaemin might see everything. I really need to apologize to Jaemin. It's not his fault. I ruined their relationship," Chenle said.

Jisung hugged Chenle tightly. He knew his bestfriend need a support from him. Chenle must be upset after everything that happened to him.

"Chenle, it's okay. I'm here for you," Jisung patted Chenle's back, still hugging him.

"Thank you Jisung. Can you help me? I want to apologize to him and tell him the truth. I need to end my relationship with Ryujin. It's for the best,"

They stayed like that without realising someone watched them. It's Chenle's worker.

"Yeah, I'm sorry for hearing all of those but I think you guys will end up being together." The worker said.

"I-it's not like that, we just-" Jisung and Chenle let go of each other.

"Yeah I need to give the food for the cats," The worker walked away, leaving them speechless.


"Jaemin. What did you told Chenle?" Ryujin grabbed Jaemin's arm, forcing Jaemin to look at her.

"I didn't do anything. You say his name again-"

"He wants a break up." Ryujin cried in front of Jaemin.

Jaemin just watch her. It's good to hear that but it's upset him as Ryujin cried because of another man.

"It's good then," Jaemin answered.

"Good? You don't even try to understand me!" Ryujin shouted at him.

"Then? How about you? I'm your husband Ryujin." Jaemin shouted back. He can't remain calm all the time.

Ryujin startled. Jaemin never shout at her. She knew she already crossed the line. It was her fault. If she tells Chenle everything, it will never be like this. And now she hurts both Jaemin and Chenle. And also Jisung, the one that try to stop her.

"Jae-jaemin, I'm sorry," Ryujin let go of Jaemin's arm and hugged him. It was their first time in each other hug. Jaemin's heart ease a little bit to see Ryujin small figure, hugging him tightly.

"I should know my place. I should respect you, Jaemin. I'm sorry because I kept talking about Chenle. I never understand your feeling, but can you help me with something?"

Jaemin waited for her to tell him. She looked at Jaemin with teary eyes, tighten her arms.

"Can you help me to love you?"

Made Jaemin nodded at her, with a smile on his face.


Jaehyun went to visit Jaemin and Ryujin at their house. It's been a long time since he met them.

As he about to enter their house, someone called him,


He looked at the person. It was Doyoung. He smiled at him but Doyoung did not reply it.

"Why Doyoung? It's still early," Jaehyun giggled.

"Huh? Want to explain anything?" Doyoung showed him the pictures. The pictures of Yeri and Jaehyun were hugging in the car.

"I can explain,"

Jaehyun continued,

"She is my girlfriend and it's already been 10 years, I'm sorry Doyoung,"

Doyoung looked at him. "Then, why you introduced Yeri to me?"

"I want to help you, to move on from your ex," Jaehyun replied. He knew he was wrong.

"But this is not the way, Jaehyun,"

"I know, but no one is good as Yeri,"

"But she is yours. And now I love what is yours," Doyoung replied, triggering Jaehyun's feeling.

"I can't give up on Yeri that easily, Jung Jaehyun." Doyoung said before he walked away.

"But she loves me," Jaehyun said, making Doyoung stopped.

"Oh really? You are too confident Jaehyun," He smirked before entered his car and drove away, leaving Jaehyun in worries.


Doyoung can't believe with Jaehyun. He hates it when Jaehyun really loves Yeri without knowing the truth. He loves his friend so much and he wants Jaehyun to break up with Yeri but when he saw Jaehyun's eyes were full with love everytime Jaehyun looked at Yeri, he knew he can't stop him. So, he decided to help Yeri instead. For his best friend happiness.

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