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"Ryujin, can you please follow my steps? Stop looking at your phone," Jeno sighed. Ryujin seems like she really did not want to learn those dance steps.

"Jeno, it's hard. I can't do that. I already try it so many time." Ryujin closed her eyes. She was too tired as she needed to attend the class after she finished her works.

"Okay, let's take a rest," Jeno took his water bottle and drank the water from it before he sat beside Ryujin. Although Ryujin looked like she was being forced to do that, but Jeno still can see her efforts.

"Jeno, why I need to do things I don't want to? Why I need to agree with those people?"

"You hate being control?" Jeno giggled. Ryujin looked so cute in his eyes as she kept on mumbling over the same thing.

"Of course I hate it a lot. You know, they just make me like a doll. They left me, they used me." Ryujin voice increased as she thought about Mark.

"Relationship problem, hmm?" Jeno smiled.

Ryujin stared at Jeno. How can the guy in front of her can guess everything correctly?

"Why I tell you these? Just forget about it,"

"I won't, and you owe me your stories," Jeno winked at her before he pulled her hands to continue their practice.


"Noona, are you tired?" Jisung catched Ryujin before she falls onto the floor.

"Yes Jisung, bring me water please," Jisung brought her to the sofa and took a glass of water for Ryujin before he sat beside her.

"Thank you Jisung. You are my favourite boy ever!" Ryujin hugged Jisung tightly before she patted Jisung's head.

The guy in front of her startled. His heart beats fast everytime Ryujin does any skinships with him although he knew it very well that Ryujin only look at him as a little brother.

"Noona. Can you stop from doing that? You just one year older than me! Stop treating me like a baby!" Jisung pushed Ryujin's arms away.

"Erm? Why so sudden?" Ryujin froze at her place while looked at Jisung weirdly.

"I-I just. Never mind, forget about it. I'm sorry," Jisung face became red.

Ryujin giggled before she hugged Jisung again, pretending that she didn't listening to Jisung.

"You are so cute baby boy. Please stay like this. I will hug you forever!" Ryujin looked at Jisung once again before she pinched both of Jisung's cheeks.

"My baby hamster! Remember this. You are my forever baby, and no one can change that fact." Ryujin smiled.

'But I don't want that, noona.' He thought.

Jisung just replied her with his warm smile.


It's already midnight. Ryujin laid on her bed as she can't sleep anymore as she slept from 8pm to 11pm after she returned from the dancing class. Her eyes focused on the smartphone in her hands, scrolling through her social media without knowing what she wants to do at that time.

Suddenly, she received a message.

"What is this? Haechan baby? Since when I-" She mumbled alone before she hitted her head once she remembered that one time, when Haechan saved his contact on her phone.

Ryujin shook her head. She just let it go as she was too lazy to change Haechan's contact name.

haechan baby 💗

Hey Ryu! Already sleep?

Not yet. I can't sleep.

As you should baby. I want to ask you

Euw baby? Anyways, what is it?

Yeah you are my baby :P
Actually, it's about my family
I need your help
I know that I can trust you

Hmm? Can you just go straight to the point?
I dont get it

Well, you know I'm playing with girls' heart right? And they also know it well.
None of them are actually my parents' type.
But you. You are different.

What is it Haechan?

Can you pretend to be my real girlfriend. For my family event. 24 hours per day girlfriend. At least for two months.

But I..

Please Ryu, I want to get rid of my attitude too.
I want to stop myself from playing with people hearts.
Can you help me Ryu?
You don't need to fall for me, just help me to fall in love with you.

You will hurt one day if I don't fall for you.

Then, love me. Use me, to get rid of that guy.

This is too sudden

I know
I'm sorry
But I promise you. I will never hurt you.
I will never meet another girls within that period

Hmm, well I get those benefits too.
So yes,


Hmm yes Haechan,

Thank you baby,


Reply me with 'yeah baby,'
Call me baby tooo


Your boyfriend is upset :((

Yeah baby?

Good girl!
Good night baby,
Hope you can sleep well and dream of me ;)

Good night


Haechan smiled to see the last message by Ryujin. 'She calls me baby,'

He hugged his phone.

"If you are really here, I already hug you, Ryu!"


Ryujin laid her head on the pillow. Only in one night, she became someone's someone.

But both of them not in love with each other. And it is just a fake realtionship.

They just used each other.

"At least I can get rid of you, Mark oppa. You are no longer exist in my life."


Seven Different Kissers // NCT Dream //Where stories live. Discover now