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Ryujin walked out from her bedroom, seeing Chenle that slept on the sofa. She woke him up, causing the guy to frown.

"Only two days left before I get to work, let me rest for a whole weekend," Chenle grabbed a pillow and used it to close his face.

"It's already a week, I saw you doing nothing. You sleep here, watch movies everyday, order a lot of food, and now you say that you did not have enough time to rest? Wake up!" Ryujin pulled his arm.

As Chenle is heavier than her, she felt onto Chenle's body.

Chenle opened his eyes, smiling. "Just say, you want to join me here," Chenle wrapped his arms around Ryujin's waist.

"Yah, let me go!" Ryujin hitted him hard, causing Chenle to let her go. Chenle smirked and continued to sleep as he was really sure, Ryujin will not wake him up again.


They had their breakfast together as Jisung needed to go to the library for the study group with his friends.

After having a breakfast, Chenle noticed that Ryujin looked happy that day, not as usual. She kept on watching her phone screen and made Chenle wondered, what was she looking at.

He moved his seat beside Ryujin and tried to look at her phone. A picture of Ryujin and an unknown guy. As he curious, he asked,

"Who's that? Your boyfriend?"

Ryujin looked at Chenle. Her smile became wider.

"Not a boyfriend. Actually I don't know what is our relationship. He kept making me confused. The only thing I know, I already fall for him since we were children."

Chenle nodded. That guy quite handsome, no wonder Ryujin fell for him.

Suddenly, Ryujin got a message from Jaehyun, her brother.

"Are you with Mark right now? Tell him I will miss him a lot and ask him to take care of himself well at Canada!"

Both Ryujin and Chenle read the text, confused.

Without wasting any time, she called her brother.

"Oppa, what do you mean by Canada?"

"Oh, Mark has to continue his studies there, his parents asked him to. His flight is today. Don't you know about it?"

"I-I dont know anything," Ryujin stuttered. Chenle looked at Ryujin, her smile already fade away.

"I thought he told you yesterday as he wanted to meet you. Guess, he not."

Ryujin ended the call quickly. She was really upset to hear that from his own brother, and not Mark.

Chenle did not ask anything, instead, he brought Ryujin's head closer to his chest while stroking her hair to make Ryujin calm down.

"Chenle, why he left me without saying any goodbye? Why he did that to me?" Ryujin tears kept on falling down.

Chenle just kept his mouth shut. He did not know what to reply as he scared he might hurt her.


The next day, Jisung and Chenle decided to bring Ryujin outside, to make her happy.

At first Ryujin refused to go but to see the efforts by both of the male, she agreed.

Chenle bought her too many stuffs while Jisung kept on making jokes that's not too funny, but Ryujin still laugh at it.

Hanging out with both of them made she felt better than before.

They took a rest on the bench as Jisung wanted to go to the restroom for a while.

"It's just a week since we met, but I think, we already become closer. Maybe, I already know about you a little bit?"

Ryujin smiled, "Why you say that?"

"Yeah, at first, I thought you was a bad bitch that cold inside and out. But then I realise, you are far from that."

"Really?" Ryujin took out her cigarretes and lighted it up, causing Chenle to gasp.

"Erm, yeah a little bit, but without that thing," Chenle pointed at the cigarretes on Ryujin's fingers.

"Why you don't stop me from smoking this?" Ryujin raised his eyebrows. Before this, everyone around her will ask her to stop, but not Chenle.

"It's your life. I can't stop you from what you want to do. Well, you know yourself more than I do,"

Hearing those words made Ryujin threw her cigarretes on the floor and stepped on it before she threw it on the garbage.

"Don't try hard to look bad, when you actually far from that. Like I said before," Chenle smiled.

Both of them stayed there until Jisung returned from the toilet.


// I want to ask you guys a question. What do you guys prefer?

1. Two updates a day but only in Wed, Thu and Fri
2. One update everyday

It depends on you guys 🥰//

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