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Ryujin walked towards a location that Haechan told her. She went there by a taxi as Haechan said that he will be late as he has works to do.

It was the night club of their first met. Ryujin smiled. She remembered it very well, the first time she met Haechan, until that day. Everything was so perfect!

Ryujin walked into the club. She walked through the crowd, until she arrived at the bar, waiting for Haechan there.

"Haechan, why can't you be mine? You are hot, babe," Ryujin heard his name being called by a woman's voice.

She searched for the voice. To see Haechan and the girls surrounded him made Ryujin's heart broke into pieces. She walked towards them, ignored the pain on her ankle.

"Lee Donghyuck!" She slapped Haechan's face, causing the girls around Haechan startled. Haechan wiped off the blood from his lips and smirked, looking at Ryujin.

"Why?" Haechan grabbed one of the girls waist, and it made Ryujin became even mad at him.

"What is this? You said that you already change! And this? Can you explain everything?" Ryujin bit her lips, forcing herself to stay calm.

"You already see it. What can I explain anymore?" Haechan stood up from his seat.

"You are just too innocent Ryujin. How can you believe a playboy like me? I'm pity you for believing me, and now you know the truth." Haechan held her shoulder, smirking as he tried his best to tease her.

"Haechan, I really love you. How can you do this to me? Please Haechan, don't leave me. I'm begging you," Ryujin grabbed Haechan's arm. She did not want to lose Haechan, like she lost Mark.

"Listen to me, baby. Huh. I'm playing with your heart. Please stop looking for me. I never fall for you. And I never love you. Everything that we went through it's all fake!" Haechan said, and left the club with his girls.

Ryujin cried as Haechan left her. She sat on the bar, crying even harder there.

"It's too hurt, Haechan. I know you actually love me, but why you left me?" She ordered the alcohol, and drink it until she get drunk.

She wanted to forget everything, although only in just one night.


Ryujin walked out from the club. She walked without any direction, did not know where to go. She felt dizzy because of the alcohol.

"Ryujin!" A voice called her.

She ignored it, until the person grabbed her arm.

"Are you okay?" The person asked.

"Jaemin? Why are you here? You want to left me too? Hmm? I forgot! You already left me!" Ryujin giggled then she cried again.

Jaemin startled to see Ryujin like that. She brought Ryujin to a near bench.

"Ryujin," He called her name, gently.

"Jaemin, why everyone wants to leave me? They don't like me huh? Am I a bad person?"

Jaemin shook his head.

"No, you are not, Ryujin," He replied.

"But why you left me after you kissed me? Why you never talk to me? Do you hate me?" Ryujin asked him, made Jaemin startled with the sudden question.

"No, I just-"

"It's okay Jaemin, I understand," She replied before she fell onto Jaemin's shoulder.

'Because, that time, I felt something like I never felt before. It was really confusing for me. But I think, I already know what it is,' Jaemin thought. He looked at Ryujin and stroked her hair.

Suddenly, her phone rang.

Jaemin answered it.


"Ryujin where are you? When will you going home? It's already late Ryujin!" Chenle sounded worry on the other side.

"Oh, are you Ryujin's housemate? She is drunk right now. Can you send me your address? I will send her home," Jaemin replied.

"Who are you?" Chenle asked. He really worried about her.

"I'm her- doctor," Jaemin answered him. That was the good answer after all to gain Chenle's trust.

"Hmm, okay, I will send it to you, give me your number," Chenle replied.

"0x-xxxxxxxxx. Text me use this number," Jaemin replied before he ended the call.


"Thank you," Chenle took Ryujin from Jaemin's arm and smiled at him.

"Oh, it's nothing. I just met her when I walk pass the road," Jaemin replied before he made his way back home.

Chenle put Ryujin onto her bed. Her face was red. She looked so awful in his eyes.

He left her and closed the door before headed towards the living room. In case Ryujin needs him.


"Ryujin?" As he was watching the movie, Ryujin walked towards him. She still not in her right sense.

She smiled and sat beside him.

Chenle just stayed his eyes on the tv, although he lost his focus because of Ryujin. The girl suddenly became closer to him, and hugged him tightly.

He froze at his place, wondering what happened to Ryujin. That girl never act that way towards him.

Suddenly, she cupped his face, and immediately kissed him. Chenle was startled with the sudden kiss, but he let her be as he fell into the kiss.

They broke the kiss, and both of them panted heavilly.

"Haechan, it was good," Ryujin said.


It was not his name. Chenle felt hurt. She never mean to kiss him.

As Ryujin wanted to kiss him again, Chenle held her face.

"Ryujin, you need to sleep." Chenle said. He closed his eyes as he scared that he might kiss her again.

But it's really wrong for him to kiss her when her condition was like that.

"But, I want to kiss you more," Ryujin said and Chenle knew, that was not for him.

"We can't Ryujin. I'm not him. I'm not Haechan."

Chenle did not realise, someone spied on them. It was Jisung. He felt betrayed by Chenle. He did not listen to the conversation well, but to see the scene in front of him, he thought about it differently.

'I already told him that I like her. But why he kissed her? Why?' Jisung closed the door slowly, did not want Chenle to notice him.


Haechan sat on the sofa in the dark. After he left Ryujin in the club, he also left those girls. He just used those girls so Ryujin will never return back to him anymore.

It was too hurt to see Ryujin cried in front of him. He wanted to hug that girl very bad. But he knew, he not deserve her.

"I hope you will find your happiness with Jeno. I can't take care of you like Jeno did. I'm sorry Ryujin because I left you like that." Haechan cried. He never cry about a person, but Ryujin, she was really special in Haechan's heart.

Haechan scrolled onto his gallery. His pictures with Ryujin, every moments they did together, he wanted to keep all of that.

At least, he still can feel that Ryujin always there by his side by looking at those pictures.

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