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Ryujin got into Renjun's office as usual. That office seems dark than ever. Renjun sat on his seat, watching Ryujin that just arrived.

"Renjun, why are you sitting here alone in the dark? You scared me," Ryujin giggled.

Renjun did not replied her instead, he walked towards her and held both of her hands, tightly. He did not know what he was doing at that time but he just followed his mind.

Ryujin can see darkness in his eyes. Renjun was totally different. He needed something that Ryujin can't give him. Love.

"A-are you okay?" Ryujin stuttered. That scene remind her of Jisung. She scared it might happen again.

"I'm okay. You are not." Renjun replied.

Ryujin did not understand what Renjun means by that. She waited for him to explain everything.

"You played with many people hearts. Mark, Jeno, your 'friend' that I don't know what his name (it's haechan everyone!?!!), Chenle, Jisung and me." Renjun smirked.

"What do you mean by that?!" Ryujin slapped Renjun on his face. Renjun already crossed the line. He was too much!

"Don't pretend to be innocent. I thought you will never move on from Mark, but you forget about him so easily. Jeno? If you did not do something towards him, how can he being obsessed about you? Your friend, I don't think he is your friend. You have something with him, right? And how about Chenle? Are you that dumb?! He likes you a lot!"

Ryujin startled. She knew about everything that Renjun said, but not about Chenle.

"Jisung? He told me everything! You kissed Chenle that night before the day Jisung moved out from the house. He hurts by seeing both of you guys kissed that night." Renjun continued.

'I kissed Chenle?' Ryujin shocked. She never remember anything about that.

"And me. Ryujin, I like you since we were in university back then. But, why you always look at me, as a friend? I want to be someone, that you love. More than just a friend. Why not me? Why them?" Renjun face changed. Now, his eyes fulled with pain, that Ryujin can't describe.

"I'm sorry, Renjun. I-" Before Ryujin could finish her words, Renjun kissed her forcely. Ryujin shocked but she can't do anything.

That lips, she kissed seven different people that means a lot in her life, that help her in everything, that she made many memories with.

But she had to agree with Renjun. She was dumb. She was the only one that dump people. Not Mark, not Haechan, Jeno or Renjun.

And not just that. She also broke the friendship between Chenle and Jisung.

Everything that happened was because of her. Not anyone else.

Suddenly, Chenle burst into the office, and punched Renjun.

"How can you do that, hyung? How can you say that towards her?! It's not your fault, Ryujin. I should tell you earlier." Chenle's face turned red, did not know whether he held himself from crying or he was really mad at Renjun.

"You also hurt, Chenle. Why you need to pretend to be okay in front of her? Don't you feel sick with that?" Renjun sighed.

"Hyung, I might love her, but still, I don't want to lose her because of my feeling towards her. Better be friend than stranger. That is what important for me." Words that came out from Chenle's mouth made Ryujin cried. She was really dumb to not notice Chenle's feeling.

Everyone already surrounded Renjun's office to see that scene. Until someone walked towards them.

"Zhong Chenle!" Everyone eyes focused on that person.

"Dad," Chenle startled, did not expect his dad to come into the company that day.

"I know you don't like to work here, but please, don't fight with your workers. I already said this so many times. And now, I decide to take your position back. I will run this company again. And you, just do anything that you want." Mr. Zhong, Chenle's dad said before left all of them in the office.

Everyone did not expect that. Chenle too. But he did not know whether he should be happy or sad with his father decision.

"I'm going first," Chenle left the office, did not want to talk anything, towards Ryujin or Renjun. He just passed by everyone and ignored anything that they said towards him. He got his freedom. Finally.


"Ryujin, I'm sorry. I did not mean to say anything like that towards you, please," Renjun held Ryujin's hand, begging for Ryujin.

"Renjun, I think it's enough. It's better for us to stay away from each other," Ryujin kinda annoyed with Renjun. His moods keep changing and sometimes, he did something too far.

And now, no more reasons why she needs to stay there. Chenle already gone. Her relationship with Renjun will become awkward after this. Her dream, maybe she should forget about it.

Without wasting any time, she printed the resignation letter that her brother made for her before walked towards Mr. Zhong's office at the last level of the building. She already decided to leave everything there.


"Oppa, I will return home tomorrow. I made up my mind, I will work with you," Ryujin talked on her phone.

"Ryujin my little baby!! Awhh thank you! That's my baby girl, I miss you a lot. Can't wait to see you, at least you are safe here, with me," Jaehyun replied her excitedly.

That's Jaehyun. He is actually a little bit clingy sometimes with his one and only sister. There is another reason why Ryujin wanted to work by herself, Jaehyun is too clingy towards her until she can't breath.

He is single by the way. Too busy to find a girlfriend. At least, that's what Ryujin thought.

"Oppa, promise me one thing! Don't being overprotective towards me!! I am a grown up you know. Your little sister will end up being single if she's being with you for 24/7." Ryujin mumbled.

She can hear Jaehyun giggled from the other side.

"I will consider about that, but for sure, I will give you my hugs and kisses a lot when you arrive later!! Goodbye my baby sister! Love you!"

"Love you too,"

Seven Different Kissers // NCT Dream //Where stories live. Discover now