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"Jeno, what is it?! I'm not with Ryujin!" Renjun sighed as Jeno called him again.

"It's not like that. Can we meet? Please?" Jeno replied on the other side.

Renjun just agree to him, plus he was free at that time.


"So, why? Why you want to meet me?" Renjun asked Jeno that sat in front of him.

"Actually I want to talk about Ryujin. I'm feeling guilty towards her. You have her number? I really need to say sorry to her. I don't know what I thought that day until I've done that way." Jeno held Renjun hand, begging at him.

"I also messed up with her. I did something to her that made me almost got fired from my workplace. We are the same. And I don't think she wants to see us anymore." Renjun replied then, he continued, "By the way, she already got married to someone. I never see him before, but I heard about him a lot. She did not invite me to her wedding. I knew about this from Jisung, her old roommate,"

Renjun showed Jeno his phone, the picture of Ryujin and Jaemin. "Wait, I've seen him before. He is the doctor that treat Ryujin's ankle! But how they got married? I thought she will be with Haechan, hmm nevermind," Jeno replied.

"Haechan? Her guy friend?" Renjun raised his eyebrows.

"Em, actually I can say he is her ex-boyfriend? Something like that."

Both of them finally moved on from Ryujin and regretted with everything that they did towards her.

"It's kinda weird to say this but I think, we have many similar things. I feel comfotable being here, with you. Telling everything to you," Jeno said, looking at Renjun.

"Heartbroken people like us, I think we should hang out together after this. Shall we?" Renjun asked.

"It's not a bad idea though," Jeno replied before both of them kept on talking about some other things.


"Jaehyun. Please. Until when?" Yeri looked at Jaehyun that stayed still beside her. It's been 10 years since they date each other.

Jaehyun looked at Yeri. He held her hand, but the girl refused to.

"I'm tired Jae. I pretend to be Doyoung's girlfriend in five years. I agreed with your suggestion because he is your friend. I know you love him, but this is not the only way to make he moved on from his ex. I need you to focus about us. Please Jaehyun, can we just tell Doyoung the truth?" Yeri sighed.

As she saw Jaemin and Ryujin at their wedding last day, she was quite upset with Jaehyun. She waited for their turn to get married, but she can't see Jaehyun's effort in their relationship. She still stay there with Jaehyun in this relationship as she really loves him, that's why she's willing to do anything for Jaehyun.

"I just need a suitable time to tell him,"

"For five years? I don't love Doyoung, Jae. I love you, more than you thought," Yeri burst into tears. She can't hold it anymore.

At first, she agreed with Jaehyun as Doyoung was being left by his ex. Both of them felt sympathy towards Doyoung and tried to make Doyoung moved on by asking Doyoung to have a relationship with Yeri. Jaehyun can see his friend loves Yeri and his plans are working. He wanted Yeri and Doyoung to be happy, ignoring his feeling. But not for Yeri. She only looked at Jaehyun.

"It is my fault from the beginning. I should not suggest you, to replace his first love. You are mine after all," Jaehyun hugged Yeri. Yeri continued to cry on Jaehyun's shoulder.

"We should tell him. Soon. I promise,"


It's been a week since they got married and nothing change. Ryujin did not contact Chenle at all as Jaemin always have his eyes on her. Both of them stayed at home, just look at each others.

"I'm getting bored Jaemin," Ryujin said. Their relationship was getting better unless if she did contact Chenle, Jaemin will punish her. So, it's better for her to stay with Jaemin like this, although she did not like it.

"Mum asked us to go for a honeymoon. We only have another one week and three days before we start to work."

"I don't want to go anywhere with you,"

"See. You refuse to it. So, we should stay like this until the holiday end." Jaemin continued watching the tv.

"If that so, let's go to Jeju Island then. For our honeymoon," She suggested, thinking about a date with Chenle. She hoped Jaemin did not know about Chenle that stayed there.

"Really? You want to go there?" Jaemin faked his smile. 'Did she thinks I'm dumb?' He thought.

Ryujin nodded excitedly to see Jaemin's response. But she did not expect the next words that came out from Jaemin's mouth.

"Well, I think no. I don't want to see you and Chenle kissing scene again. It's annoyed me, you see?" He turned off the tv and got up from his seat, wanting to go upstairs.

"I love him, so I kissed him. It's nothing to do with you. You annoyed with it? Why? Tell me." Ryujin stood up, glaring at Jaemin. Jaemin stopped at the stairs then continued to walk. He did not want to fight with her again.

"Na Jaemin. I need your answer."

Ryujin followed him into the room. She grabbed on Jaemin's t-shirt, making the guy looked at her.

"Answer me, Jaemin,"

"It makes me want to kiss you! Really bad. So, please stop from making me jealous. I don't want to do anything bad to you."

"Why would you be jealous. You don't love me! We never have feeling for each other after all!"

"I love you."

Ryujin let go of Jaemin's t-shirt and stood there, watching he walked away from her.

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