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"J-Jaemin, I'm," She was too embarrased to see Jaemin in that situation.

"Ryujin!! Where are you?!" Jeno's voice can be heard, calling her name while searching for her.

Jaemin looked at Ryujin after listened to Jeno's voice. The girl was trembling. He held her to make sure she did not falling down.

"Come on," Jaemin read the situation and grabbed Ryujin's hand, running towads his car.

"Get inside," Jaemin said before both of them entered the car and drove away from that place.


"Are you okay? Do you get hurt?" Jaemin asked while driving his car, sometimes glaring at Ryujin that sat beside him.

Ryujin just nodded. Why Jaemin needed to see her awful side? And why everytime those things happened towards her, Jaemin is the one who save her?

She can't even look at that man, as she don't want to stop herself from hating him.

"Do you need to call anyone?" Jaemin asked as Ryujin just kept quiet on her place.

"I don't know their phone numbers, Jeno took my phone,"

"Jeno? The one that send you to my clinic?" Jaemin startled.

Ryujin nodded again. She knew Jaemin pitied her like he always do.

"Let's go to my house first. Don't worry, I live with my sister." Jaemin said as he knew, Ryujin was too scared with men after Jeno did that towards her.


"Jaemin, you return home early today. Oh, who is her?" Jaemin's sister, Yeri asked as both Jaemin and Ryujin entered the house.

"Long story sis, anyways she needs to change herself to a more comfortable clothes. Can she borrows your clothes?" Jaemin asked.

"Of course dear, you need to change first. I will get you some clothes," Yeri replied, before she got into her room and took some clothes for Ryujin.

"Thank you, unnie," Ryujin smiled.

"Ryujin, I'm sorry but we only have two rooms in this house. So, if you are okay with it, you can take a bath in my bathroom first. I wait for you in this living room. Don't worry, I will never enter that bedroom," Jaemin said -and gave her a detailed explanation.

"Oh, okay," Ryujin just followed Jaemin's words as she did not want to give another burden towards Jaemin anymore.


"Ryujin sit here," Jaemin called for Ryujin. Ryujin just followed his words by sitting beside him.

"Lay there," Jaemin asked her to lay on the sofa.

"What you want to do?!" Ryujin hugged herself, scared of Jaemin.

"Stop thinking nonsense. I want to see your ankle!" Jaemin shook his head and took Ryujin's ankle.

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