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Ryujin and Jaehyun already took a seat on the table while waiting for their guests to come. They kept on teasing each other like there is no tomorrow.

"Jaehyun, Ryujin, come here, they already come," Mrs. Jung called their names.

Jaehyun and Ryujin walked towards their parents that stood on the door.

"Hey, here I bring some cupcakes," The guests entered the house. It actually a family. Not as many as Ryujin thought. But, the problem is, she startled to see the guests.

"Thank you. Oh my God, look at you Jaemin, Yeri, both of you are good looking!" Mrs. Jung smiled, looking at her friends' children.

It's Na Jaemin's family. Since when their parents became this closed?

"Your daughter and son too. Ryujin, this is my first time seeing you, face to face. You looks so pretty, right Jaemin?" Mrs. Na looked at Jaemin, waiting for his answer.

"U-urm y-yes," He stuttered with that sudden attack. Of course Ryujin is pretty, like she always do.

Ryujin blushed to hear the answer from Jaemin and hid her face behind Jaehyun, trying not to make it obvious. She never expect that words came out from Jaemin's mouth.

"Let's have our dinner. Come inside," Mr. Jung said, breaking the silence between both of the families.

They all sat on the table, and of course, Jaemin sat in front of Ryujin. Ryujin looked anywhere except for Jaemin's eyes. She can't even looked at Jaemin that time. Same goes to Jaemin. In his mind, he kept thinking why both of them keep on meeting in these awkward situation.

While they were eating, suddenly their parents started to talk about random stuffs. And of course Ryujin did not listen to any of it. Just focused on her food, that she made by herself.

"Okay, I will straight to the point. Jaemin, Ryujin, actually, there is something we want to tell you. We already discuss this after Jaemin's mum died," Mr. Na started to speak up.

Ryujin that lost her focus, came back to reality when she heard her name. She looked at everyone's faces. They were all serious. She did not know what was happening that time.

"Your mum, she wrote a will for you and Ryujin to get married when you two became adults. And yeah, we actually agreed about it. I'm sorry because I'm telling you these things now, but I think this is a perfect time for us to talk about this," Mr. Na looked at both Ryujin and Jaemin that froze at their place.

They did not know how to react. They just stay still, looking at their plates. If they discussed about this after Jaemin's mum died, it means they already planned everything for three years.

"Jaemin? Ryujin?" Mr. Jung looked at both of them.

Everyone was waiting for their answer but they can't say anything.

Suddenly Jaemin answered, "Okay,"

Ryujin looked at Jaemin as she thought, 'Okay? Are you crazy Jaemin,' She closed her eyes, bit her lips. She knew everyone looked at her right now. But she did not know what to reply. Her lips was somehow being glued.

Without she realised, she nodded. She did not know why she even nod.

Is she regretting it? Yes.

Is she wanting to turn back time? Yes.

But nothing can she do for now on as all the family members were happy with their decision. It's too late for Ryujin to regret everything.

"Anyways, your wedding will be held in about two weeks? So, we need to settle everything before the due date," Mrs. Jung said.

Jaemin and Ryujin looked at each other. It was too sudden. Never once she thought about marrying the person that she hates. And it's really happening that time.

Ryujin looked at Jaehyun that sat beside her.

"I'm sorry," Jaehyun whispered to her.

"Don't talk to me!" She whispered back as she tried to control their family image. If Jaemin's family was not there, she already shouted at her brother.

And Jaehyun knew he was in a huge mess.


"Ryu, let's talk," Jaehyun walked behind his sister, into her room.

"There is nothing to talk about. Stop following me!" Ryujin sat on the bed and Jaehyun joined her.

"I'm really sorry Ryujin. Dad and mom asked me to keep it as a secret from you." Jaehyun defended himself.

"Are you really my brother? I can't trust you anymore. How about 'working at your company?' and 'holiday for a month'? Was that is the part of your plans too? I can't believe I agree to all of these." Ryujin looked down. She can't believe with what her brother did. She thought she can trust Jaehyun the most, but no.

"Yes, it was dad's idea. I'm sorry," Jaehyun grabbed his sister shoulder before pulled her into his chest. He tried his best to comfort his sister.

"And where are they going last afternoon?"

"They prepared the other things for your wedding," Jaehyun stuttered. Ryujin gasped with the answer. It does mean that she never have a choice for the wedding. The answer will always be a yes whether she rejects it, or not.

"Oppa, just go to sleep. I'm tired. Goodnight," She pushed Jaehyun's body away before she went into her blanket and closed her eyes. Jaehyun sighed. He walked slowly towards the door and closed it before went to his room.

Ryujin opened her eyes. Many thoughts in her mind.

'What if Jaemin abuse her?' She scared.

'What if Jaemin has a girlfriend?' She did not want to share although she did not love Jaemin! Yeah her life is like a drama! It sucks!

Suddenly, her phone rang.

It was from Chenle.

Ryujin answered the call quickly. She really missed Chenle. A lot.

"Lele! Where are you right now? Are you okay?"

"Ryujin, I'm doing fine. Just, I need to free my mind from anything else. I'm sorry for leaving you alone in the apartment. I'm in Jeju actually." Chenle replied. His voice is cheerful like always.

"Thanks god. Anyways, I already stopped working at the company and I returned back to my neighborhood, working with my brother. I'm sorry,"

"What? You are leaving? Since when?" Chenle shocked.

"Last Monday? I don't have any reasons to stay there. And you left me. So, I have nothing. And I can't work with Renjun after what happened between us,"

"I hope that I can meet you soon," Chenle replied.

"Me too, Lele."

They continued their conversation that night with some topics but Ryujin avoided herself to tell Chenle about her wedding, with Jaemin. It's not the best time to tell him.

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