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"My baby girl! I'm home!" Jaehyun ran towards Ryujin before put her into a hug.

"Oppa I can't breath!" Ryujin hitted Jaehyun's big arm, asking him to let her go. Jaehyun ignored her. No one can prevent him to show his love towards his one and only sister.

"It's been a long time I didn't see you. You left me all alone here." Jaehyun pretended to cry.

"Three months only, oppa. Well I'm here now. Hug me anytime you want to," Ryujin rolled her eyes. It would be a lie if she said that she did not like Jaehyun's way to show his love towards her. At least she knows, there is someone who truly love her and that person is Jung Jaehyun. The only one person that never break her heart.

"By the way, mum and dad will return home a little bit late. They went out to buy groceries," Jaehyun said. He pulled his sister to the living room as he wanted to talk about everything with his sister.

"Why? I already take a look at the kitchen. Everything was there. Why they want to buy anything else?"

"Oh about that, I want to tell you that tomorrow mum and dad will hold a small event in our house. Just a dinner event with their friends," Jaehyun replied.

Ryujin nodded. She just returned home but her parents already prepared so many things without she knows about it.

"So oppa, when will I start working at your company? Tomorrow? The day after tomorrow?" Ryujin changed the topic.

"Hmm, take it easy baby girl. I will give you a month of holiday since you just returned here. Enjoy your holiday dear," Jaehyun winked at her before left her alone. He did not want Ryujin to be mad at him so, to avoid that, he quick his pace into his bedroom.

"Oppa! Where are you going?! Come back here! Urgh," She sighed, laying her head down onto the sofa. She thought that she can make her life busy again with works, but since Jaehyun told her to rest for a month, she just got a lot of free time of doing nothing.


"Good morning, dear! I'm sorry as last night I can't return home earlier. Come on, eat your breakfast," Mrs Jung hugged Ryujin tightly as the girl just walked into the dining room.

"Mum, dad, I miss you guys," Ryujin smiled. She still sleepy actually as last night she can't sleep well, thinking about Chenle that never contact her since the last day she met him.

She really worried about Chenle. To be exact, after knowing the true story about she kissed Chenle that night, she felt guilty towards him. And to know that Chenle loves her more than a friend, it made her felt more guilty.

She wondered, where is Chenle? What Chenle do after his father asked him to stop working there? And how is Chenle doing right now? Is he okay?

"I feel complete after a long time," Mr. Jung spoke up, looking at every faces in front of him before he focused on his one and only daughter.

"By the way Ryujin, today will be a tough day for all of us. We should prepare for a big dinner today, with my friend," Mr. Jung continued.

Ryujin nodded. "Oppa already told me about it yesterday,"

"Jaehyun, don't go to work today. Help your sister and aunt Soo. Your mum and I need to go somewhere, important," Mr. Jung smiled meaningly. Jaehyun nodded as he understood what his father means by that. But Ryujin the only one who did not know what they were talking about. She was too lazy to ask about it.


It's 5 p.m. and three of them just finished cook for their dinner tonight. Ryujin already fell asleep on Jaehyun's lap as she was too tired. Jaehyun just let her be. Jaehyun's lap is actually Ryujin's favourite place to sleep and Jaehyun knows about it well.

"Ryujin, wake up baby girl. You should take a bath and wear something nice and proper for tonight." Jaehyun said softly as he did not want his sister wakes up in shock.

"Hmm? It just a dinner oppa," She replied lazily.

"Yeah, but dad's friends are those big people and you also know how our dad really take care of the simple things like that, attitude, appearance. We grew up with those lessons. Come on, wake up," Jaehyun shaked his sister's body to wake her up.

"Oppa, stop! Fine, I go upstairs first," Ryujin stretched up before she walked into her room.

"Don't sleep Ryujin!" Jaehyun shouted from the living room.


Ryujin took a cream dress that Haechan gave to her. She smiled. She decided to wear that dress for the dinner. It looked simple but elegant. Especially when a pretty woman like her wear it.

She applied some light make up on her face although she knew, her face also pretty even without make up. But to make sure that she looked more prepared, she just applied it a little bit.

"Yeah, I look pretty," She looked at herself in the mirror. After she satisfied with her appearance, she walked outside, towards her brother's bedroom.

"Oppa, are you done?" Ryujin knocked on the door.

"Yes baby girl. Just come in!" Jaehyun replied.

Ryujin walked into Jaehyun's room. Jaehyun was sitting on his bed, looking handsome as always. He wore a white shirt with a black trousers, unbuttoned his upper bottons of the shirt, and folded his shirt's sleeves until his elbow.

"Who are you? You are not my oppa. I can't believe I have such a handsome oppa, omg!" Ryujin giggled before she walked and stood in front of Jaehyun.

"You also look stunning baby girl. I can't believe you already an adult!" Jaehyun smiled, looking at her sister.

"Yeah I'm an adult, you are the one who call me baby." Ryujin rolled her eyes.

"But you love it when I call you baby, right?" Jaehyun laughed.

"Shut up,"


// hello! actually i already finish this story until the last chapter, i'm thinking about writing seven different kissers 2 but i'm not really sure about it :)) //

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