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"Ryujin-ah, sorry, I'm late," Mark walked towards her as she waiting for Mark outside of her workplace.

They decided to go for a date on Friday as Mark said he has works to do in the weekend. So, Ryujin finished all of her works and got an excuse from Renjun to leave earlier.

Ryujin smiled and entered Mark's car, as Mark opened the door for her.

"You look so pretty since last time I met you. Was it in 2018? How are you doing girl?" Mark asked as he started to drive the car, away from that place.

"You always give me a compliment everytime you meet me. How I missed our old days. By the way, I'm doing great, like how you see me right now," Ryujin said excitedly.

Mark smiled. After so long he did not meet the girl that he 'loves', it's really hard for him to forget about her, in his life.

'Anyways, let's enjoy this,' he thought.


Renjun sat on his place doing nothing. Sometimes he scratched his head, he played with the pen between his fingers and he looked blankly at the black screen of his computer.

Everyone that passed in front of his office could see that. They thought that their manager was really weird that day. Renjun never being like that even once at the workplace. Seeing Renjun not focus on his works made they wondered if their manager had a hard time.

"Why I can't get you out of my mind? Why do you still can't forget about him after 6 years? Huh," Renjun closed his eyes tightly, laid his back on his chair.

"I hope he will leave you, one day,"

Didn't know why he wished for that, at least he wanted Mark to get away from Ryujin's sight.


"Wow, a good choice for a date," Ryujin looked at Mark that sat beside her on the mat that he brought.

"Well, you need some times for yourself, go outside often, feel the nature." Mark raised his eyebrows.

They stayed silent for a few moments,feeling the evening breeze there.

"It's beautiful," Ryujin smiled. The beautiful scenery in front of her made her mind free from the thoughts of her works.

Mark looked at her, smiling. He really fell for this girl and his feeling for her never fade away. He secretly took her pictures, at least he can look at those pictures everytime he misses her.

"What are you doing?" Ryujin laughed and tried to take Mark's phone from his hand.

"Taking some pictures, for memory?" Ryujin laughed again after hearing those excuse from Mark.

"You look pretty here, look at this,"

Mark showed her the pictures he took.

"Let's take a picture together," Ryujin moved towards Mark. Mark wrapped his arm around Ryujin's neck while his another hand held the phone to take the selfie of Ryujin and him.

"Send me those!"

"Later, Ryujin. Let's eat first, I'm hungry,"

Ryujin opened the plastic that contain the food that they bought before went to the park.

"You like this chicken, right? Let me feed you," Mark asked Ryujin to open her mouth as he wanted to feed her. Ryujin just let Mark did that. Of course she is the happiest person and at the same time, she got attention that she wanted from her favourite man.

"Cutie," Mark giggled. He pinched her cheek caused the girl to hit him.

"Why do you eat like a baby," Mark made a gesture for Ryujin to come forward as he wanted to wipe the stain on Ryujin's mouth.

He held her cheek slowly, while another hand he held a tissue. To see Ryujin's face that close with him, his heart beat fast.

He stayed like that for a moment, watching every parts of her face.

"Can I kiss you?" Without a relization, he said that, causing Ryujin to gasp.

Without waiting for Ryujin to answer him, he gave her a peck on her lips. He looked at her that already blushed.

"I'm sorry," He said. He moved back to his place, can't look at her face as he was really embarrassed at that time.


"Thank you for today, oppa." Ryujin smiled at Mark, as Mark took her home that day.

"Thank you too, Ryujin." He looked uneasy. Ryujin can see it on his face, clearly.

"Are you okay oppa?" Ryujin asked him.

"Erm.." He seemed nervous. Ryujin never see him like that.

Suddenly Mark walked towards her and kissed her deeply. Ryujin startled but she kissed him back. But the kiss, it felt painful for both of them.

He cried within the kiss. Ryujin did not know why. As they broke their kiss, Ryujin wiped Mark tears with her fingers.

"Why oppa? Why are you crying?"

"Go inside, Ryujin. It's already late," Mark tried to smile. He refused to answer Ryujin because he hates it to see his favourite human crying because of him.

Ryujin looked at him, feeling curious. Mark shook his head and smiled, as a sign for Ryujin to know that it was nothing.

"Okay oppa! Don't forget to send the pictures!" Ryujin smiled and entered her apartment, without knowing that it was her last time seeing Mark.

'Why I feel nothing after the kiss, damn Mark,'

Seven Different Kissers // NCT Dream //Where stories live. Discover now