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Ryujin arrived earlier at her workplace. It was really hard to get a taxi in the morning, so she decided to take a bus -and that was why she woke up early that day.

She waited for Renjun, as Renjun said that he will help her today, as she did not have her worker tag yet- so it is hard to enter the company. As she was waiting for the chinese guy, she looked around. Some workers took a glance at her, seems like they were judging here but she did not really care a little bit. Maybe she needs to make her own business in this company's toxic environment. After all, this is her decision.

"Ryujin, you come here earlier than what I expected." Renjun smiled to see the girl waited for him in front of the company. He walked towards her, with a different aura from the last time she had seen him. He more likely looked like a handsome employee in the drama that she watched in the tv.

"Let's go, follow me. The boss will not come to work for this week, so I will handle you and guide you all the time." Ryujin followed him from his back. Everyone's eyes were on her and Renjun.

Renjun actually is quite popular at that company because of his handsome face and his kindness. To see Ryujin followed him from his back, it made every girls started to talk about her. Not everyone get any chance to walk with Renjun! Well, Ryujin also not a simple girl that they thought she would be. She looked classy and elegant based on the clothes she wears and the way she walks.

"Your position is quite high here, I guess," Ryujin said. She felt uneasy to receive deadly gazes from some of the workers there but her face still remain calm. She did not want anyone to look down at her.

"Well, you are lucky like what I said yesterday. You are the first woman I handle here," Renjun giggled but kept on walking towards his office.

"Wow, lucky my ass. I really hope for a handsome man to help me instead of you," Ryujin said, more to whispering but Renjun can hear it clearly. "Don't mess up with your new manager, dear," Renjun winked at her and gave her a smirk on his face.

Anyone that saw the scene might thought Renjun acted flirty towards Ryujin, but Ryujin actually be threaten by him but that girl did not care at all.


"Why I should work in your office? I don't need your personal attention, Jun." Ryujin sighed as Renjun made she sat on the chair. Everything was there and it just a little bit different from the workers who work outside. Renjun really prepared everything only for her. She would like to appreciate it but knowing that no one will like her after this, she tried her best to refuse to anything that he gave her.

"You are special Ryu, I should give you more attention." Renjun's answer made Ryujin hitted his shoulder. "I don't think everyone who hear that will like the answer. It's cringe plus, I don't want anyone to hate me. I am literally doing nothing."

"Okay, fine. The reason is I know you since we were at the university. You have a lot of skills and ideas. And we already did many works together back then. That is why I feel more comfortable to work with you than the others. Plus, you is also the one who rejected me all of the time and bet, you will not try to flirt with me while we work together," Renjun raised his eyebrows and stood beside Ryujin. Ryujin bit her lips, did not know what to reply anymore.

Seeing no response from her, Renjun leaned towards her from behind. He pushed Ryujin's chair slowly until to face the computer, while his another hand was working to turn on the computer in front of them.

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