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"Ryujin! Where are you going?" Renjun grabbed her arm as Ryujin quickly packing her things.

It was Friday. Renjun was really sure that Ryujin did not have any dancing class on Friday and weekend. So why was she in rush?

"I already finished my works Mr. Huang Renjun. Can I leave now?" Ryujin rolled her eyes.

Haechan asked her to be quick as he did not want anyone to see him at that time. Or his family's name will be ruined again because of his doings before this.

Renjun nodded. He thought he already win Ryujin's heart as Ryujin will focus on him more after Mark left her. But he totally wrong. He will never get that chance.

Surely, he still want her.


"Babe, why were you took so long?" Haechan drove the car after Ryujin took a seat beside him.

"Is this how you treat your girlfriend, Haechan?" Ryujin pouted. She just made herself into a girlfriend character as she knew her relationship with Haechan only an act.

Haechan giggled. He actually loved it a lot when Ryujin acted like that but he didn't know if Ryujin really mean it or not.

"Well, I will treat you better, princess. But wait until we arrive at that place," Haechan winked at her, made Ryujin hitted him on his shoulder.

"Babe, I'm driving. Stop thinking about weird things!"

"No. I'm not! Stop calling me babe when only two of us here," Ryujin rolled her eyes.

"Sorry but I won't stop, babe. It's already become my new habit. Oh, don't hit me again dear," Haechan giggled after he saw Ryujin's hand was getting ready to give him another hit.


Ryujin glared at the man beside her. She was being forced to pack up her things as Haechan said they will sleep for two nights at that place, -she did not really know where the place it is. But Haechan already informed her about his family event on the next evening.

And she did not know why they should go there earlier.

"I'm sorry babe, don't be mad at me," Haechan pouted.

"Let's go before I change my mind."

"Okay, baby," Haechan giggled.


Ryujin looked at the house in front of her. It was really big and as expected, it's own by a popular actor in South Korea, Lee Haechan.

"Your family house?" Ryujin asked him.

"No, I live here alone. Are you worried about meeting my family, babe?" Haechan looked at her.

She shook her head, denied it. But deep inside, she worried if Haechan's mother will hate her.

"Let's get inside first, give me your luggage, princess," Haechan took the tiny luggage from Ryujin's hand.

Ryujin followed Haechan from behind while thought about some random things like, 'He's too kind with girls, that's why girls easily fall for him. What a playboy with sweet words?'

When she entered the house, she did not expect that Haechan really lived alone, without family or maids. She thought, someone like Haechan will have maids as he is a really rich person.

"Only two of us?" Ryujin asked.

Haechan nodded.

"I thought you have maids,"

Haechan giggled then she patted her head, "You are so cute babe! I love privacy, I only call the maids when I'm not in the house,"

Ryujin nodded as she understood Haechan's words.

"Come here, let me show you your room," Haechan brought Ryujin upstairs.

"My room?"

Haechan stopped from walking. He looked at Ryujin.

"Or you want to share a room with me? Sure you can, baby," Haechan smirked.

And he ended up being hit by Ryujin again.


"Noona? Where are you going?" Jisung and Chenle made a video call with Ryujin.

Both of them focused on the phone, watching the female in a huge and luxury room.

"Holiday? Work maybe?" Ryujin said.

"I did not send you anywhere to work!" Chenle spoke up.

Ryujin giggled to see the two serious man on her phone, waiting for her answer.

"Just, helping a friend? I can say like that," Ryujin thought of words to call Haechan. Friend. Exactly a friend.

While they were talking, suddenly Haechan knocked on the door and shouted,

"Baby, let's eat first," And it was really clear to be heard by both Chenle and Jisung.

"Baby? Ryujin! Who were with you? Tell me!" Chenle took the phone from Jisung's hand.

"Aa- I need to end this call. Bye!" Ryujin ended the call.

"Lee Haechan! Are you crazy?!" Ryujin threw her phone on the bed before walked out from the room.


After lunch, Haechan brought Ryujin to the beach, beside his house. It was a private beach so, no one can be seen there except for Ryujin and Haechan.

"Nice view," Ryujin closed her eyes, feeling the cold breeze that hitted her face.

"You should come here often, then."

Ryujin looked at Haechan.

"I'm totally a stranger Haechan, I come here because I need to help you,"

Ryujin said as she wanted to remind both Haechan and herself.

"No, you are not." Haechan intertwined his hand with Ryujin's hand, making the girl beside him startled.

Before she could speak a word, Haechan continued,

"You should being used to this," Haechan looked at their hands, smiling.

Ryujin just kept her mouth shut, just let her hand being hold by Haechan.


Chenle and Jisung still can't believe when they heard a guy's voice from their video call with Ryujin last afternoon.

"I'm really sure it's not Mark, I think that guy is Renjun hyung," Jisung said. (He called Mark as Mark without hyung because they never meet each other)

"But I don't think it's Huang Renjun. He is my worker, and I send him off today for the meeting in Busan." Chenle replied.

"Wait what? Why are you here? You are the boss, Chenle!!" Jisung scolded Chenle.

"Yes. I'm tired. Let me rest for a day," Chenle closed his eyes. He did not even care about that company actually. He being forced to work there when his dream is to open up a pet's cafe.

"Well, I'm a good friend, I won't leave you alone in this house when you are in the midterm break, so let's take a rest together," Chenle winked at Jisung.

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