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Ryujin woke up from her deep sleep. Her eyes was puffy as she cried very hard last night. She totally forgot about what happened to her after she started to get drunk. The only memories about last night that she still remember was Haechan left her with his girls.

Suddenly, Jisung burst into her room. Ryujin startled but she maintain to calm.

Without any words, he grabbed Ryujin's arms and kissed her forcely. Ryujin tried to let go of her arms but Jisung tighten his grip.

Her lips and arms was too hurt but she can't do anything as Jisung controlled her fully. Until Jisung broke the kiss, Ryujin slapped his face hardly.

"What are you doing, Jisung?! Why are you doing this to me?"

"Why Chenle? Why him, noona?" Jisung closed his eyes tightly, can't look into her eyes.

Nothing came into Ryujin's mind after Jisung said Chenle's name. What's wrong with Chenle. She didn't get any ideas of what Jisung asked her about.

Suddenly, Chenle entered the room after hearing their voices.

Jisung looked at Chenle. He can't believe he only bestfriend backstabbed him, with the girl that he likes.

Jisung walked towards Chenle.

"I thought we were bestfriends, but guess what? We are not. I'm leaving." Jisung walked away, left Chenle and Ryujin in that room.

He knew this will happened. He already prepared everything last night, to leave the house and to run away from Ryujin and Chenle.

Chenle knew what was Jisung talking about and he was really sure that Jisung saw that, but to see Ryujin in that condition, and how Jisung treated her, it hurts him a lot. He ignored Jisung, although his bestfriend wanted to leave him. Forever.

"Chenle, what I've done? Why Jisung did that towards me? Why he mad at me?" Ryujin cried again. At this moment, she felt useless. Everyone left her.

Her face was pale, her lips was dry, her swollen eyes and her messy hair, Chenle was really sad to see her like that. He hates it if everyone ever did such things to her. That's why he wanted to take care of her at all cost. But he is no one in her life. Not even a special person that she can rely on.

Chenle sat beside her, brought her into a hug. He can't tell Ryujin about last night, because Ryujin might regret everything and say that it was her fault. Chenle did not want Ryujin to blame herself.

Although it was really hurt for him to accept the truth. But he still know his limit. In her eyes, he just a good friend of her.


"How did I get here? I forgot about everything," Ryujin asked. She sipped her hot chocolate that Chenle made it for her.

"Your doctor sent you home. I forgot about his name. J-Jaemin, if I not mistaken," Chenle answered. Ryujin blushed after hearing that name. It means, Jaemin saw her condition last night. Jaemin might pity her, like before.

"How about Jisung, what should we do?" She asked another question. This time, she seems worried. Chenle stayed quiet for a moment before replied her,

"He is already big, he can take care of himself. Don't need to worry about him. Just worry about yourself,"

Chenle did not want to ask her about anything that happened towards her last night unless Ryujin wanted to tell him. He thought that it was her privacy and he should respect it. But if those things hurt her, he will never stay still.

"Chenle, Haechan cheated on me. I thought he already changed. I thought he really loves me. But, I think I am nobody in his life, same with those girls that he flirted with. Maybe I'm too dumb that I can believe him. I fell for him, and forget about Mark. But now, he also left me." Suddenly Ryujin told him everything.

"Haechan? Your friend? Wait. He is not your friend? Do you mean, the actor?!" Chenle shocked after knowing Ryujin was in a relationship with the playboy, but his face still remain calm.

Ryujin just nodded.

"It's okay Ryujin. People will leave if they want to, but trust me, if someone truly love you, you can see it, obviously. Or maybe they wanted to protect you with their own ways. You said that he loves you, right? So trust me, he loves you. You still have me, here. I'm not going to leave you, unless you decide to leave me," Chenle smiled at her when actually, he gave her a hint about his feeling.

He said those words to calm her but deep inside, he wants to meet Haechan and give him a lesson because of his doing towards Ryujin. He will never let go of anyone that hurt her.

Ryujin replied him with a smile. Maybe Chenle was correct. But if what Chenle said was true, why Haechan let her go? She can't find any reasons about that.


Chenle walked into the crowd, until he found Haechan was sitting under a tent, maybe he waited for his scene.

He walked towards him, although the staff already blocked him from meeting Haechan.

"I'm sorry Haechan, this guy wants to meet you. We can't do anything towards him," The staff bowed.

"It's okay. You guys can go first, I will talk to him," Haechan said to the staff before he looked at Chenle. He never meet this guy before, but it seems like this guy knows about him a lot.

"Let's talk at the other place," Haechan said, and walked away from the tent while Chenle followed him from behind.

"What you want to talk about? I never know you." Haechan asked.

Chenle smirked before he walked towards Haechan, and punched him on his face.

"Why you did that to Ryujin? Why you play with her heart?" Chenle shouted before he punched Haechan's face again. Haechan wiped the blood from his mouth.

Haechan can't do anything. It was literally his fault. He can't blame Chenle about that. He deserved to be punched by someone, that truly loves Ryujin. He saw that in Chenle's eyes.

"You don't know how much I love her. I don't want to let her go. It hurts me a lot to see she cried in front of me! I will never forgive myself about what I did towards her," Haechan cried. His face fulled with bruises because of Chenle's punch.

"I don't know why you did that but, everyone can tell that she also loves you more than anyone else. She was so happy everytime she talked about you, and when you left her, she was really awful in my eyes. She cried very bad, she is not like herself anymore. I never see her like that," Chenle replied.

Haechan startled. But nothing he can do anymore. He was too timid. He can't face her and tell her the truth after what he had done towards her.

"It was too late. I hope you can take care of her. I know you love her, your eyes can't lie. I'm sorry," Haechan said, patting Chenle's shoulder, before he left Chenle alone.

Chenle startled after hearing those words from Haechan. But if that was the truth, he still can't have her.

He sighed. He did not know what to do anymore. He can't convinced Haechan to meet Ryujin again and that make him felt so bad.

'I'm sorry Ryujin, I can't help you,'

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