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"Noona!" Jisung ran towards Ryujin after she told her that she will come home that day. Haechan also there, brought her things as her ankle was not fully recovered.

"Jisung, how was your day? I miss you my little boy," Jisung sighed.

"I'm not a kid noona. By the way, this is your friend? He looks so scary for me," Jisung whispered to make sure Haechan did not hear them.

Haechan wore a mask that day, as he did not want to get caught by anyone. That's why Jisung thought that Haechan was really scary for him.

"I can hear it, little boy," Haechan said.

Ryujin giggled to see Jisung's judging face on Haechan.

"Your friend is weird noona, by the way, let me take your things inside," Jisung took the bags from Haechan's hands before he left Ryujin and Haechan on the front door.

"Want to come inside?" Ryujin asked.

Haechan just shook his head. He opened his mask after Jisung left both of them.

"Ryujin, take care of yourself well, okay? Please be happy and healthy, I don't want you to be sad. I love you, a lot." Haechan said. She pulled Ryujin into a hug and hugged her tightly.

"I know it baby, I'm not a kid like Jisung. I love you more,"

They let go of the hug and looked into each other eyes, Haechan landed a kiss on her lips, longer than before.

For Ryujin, it was different from the kiss that he get from Mark, or Jeno. His kiss was full of love although they kissed for many time.

But she also can feel his pain in that kiss. The same pain with Mark's. And she hates it.

"Haechan, don't leave me," Ryujin said after they broke their kiss.

Haechan startled to hear that, but he remained calm.

"What do you mean, baby? I'm here," Haechan smiled at her warmly.

He tried to hide his sadness by laughing at Ryujin and ruffling her hair, like he always do. And maybe it was his last time to do that. With his first love.

Ryujin smiled at him. She became ease a little bit to see Haechan's laugh.

"I will go first, take care, baby,"

"You too, baby,"

Haechan left her.

He really need to end this.


Ryujin went to her workplace as usual and Chenle decided for them to go there together. Ryujin had no choice as her ankle condition still not fully recover. So she agreed with Chenle.

As she entered the office, Renjun was the first person to greet her. He was so lonely to being left by Ryujin all alone in his office, no more her laughs or her teases in the room.

Lucky for him, his relationship with Chenle became better, more than only boss-worker relationship. So, most of the free time in the office, he spent it with Chenle.

"Hey Ryujin! I miss you a lot!" He walked towards her before guided her towards her place.

"Yeah, me too." Ryujin replied.

"By the way, you don't need to attend the dancing class anymore. I already told Jeno about that. But his reaction-" Renjun stopped from talking. Actually, Jeno was acting suspicious when he informed Jeno about Ryujin, but Renjun just ended the call as he did not want to talk to that kind of person anymore.

Ryujin nodded. She relieved that Renjun ended her dancing class but at the same time, she worried. She kept on thinking of what Jeno said towards her last week.

"I'm sorry Renjun. Sorry for being a burden to you," Ryujin said.

Renjun shook his head.

"No need to worry, I already send Mina and Soyeon to another dancing class. It was my fault too, I forced you to attend that class. I'm sorry, Ryu,"

"It's okay, my ankle is getting better, someone take care of me well," Ryujin giggled ad she thought about Haechan. Although she just meet him yesterday, she already missed him -like dying.

When Ryujin said that, Renjun finally remembered about a 'friend' that Chenle and Jisung talked about (when he went to their house.)

"Wow, who is that person? Friend?" Renjun asked her as he interested with that 'someone'. Someone that better than him and Mark, maybe?

"It's a secret," Ryujin giggled before she pushed Renjun away as she wanted to finish her leftover works.


It's already weekend, and Ryujin was too excited after Haechan texted her, asking her to go for a date.

She immediately replied a 'yes' and prepared everything for their date that day.

"Noona, where are you going? You look so pretty today!" Jisung asked. His crush was looking so good in front of him, but sadly, not for him. He knew, he just need to wait and he really sure he can won her heart one day.

"Going out with a friend," Ryujin replied. Her smile never left her lips, made Jisung wondered if the friend is really special for her.

"I don't think that person is a friend? A new boyfriend huh? The guy that you lived with, before?" Chenle casually walked inside the apartment and interrupt their conversation. (although that place is not his house.)

"He's just a friend, what are you talking about, Lele?" Ryujin blushed as Chenle guessed it right. Chenle smirked as he knew that Ryujin lied about it.

"Don't you have home Chenle?" Jisung threw a pillow to Chenle, but that guy avoided it.

"You will be alone today if Ryujin go out. Plus, she asked me to take care of you, idiot!" Chenle sat beside Jisung.

Jisung still can't believe that Ryujin still think of him as a little boy. He doesn't need any care! Especially from Chenle.

"Well have fun you two!" Ryujin bid them a goodbye before left the house.

"Yeah, you too," Chenle replied before he and Jisung continued to bickering about something not important.

Seven Different Kissers // NCT Dream //Where stories live. Discover now