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"Doyoung oppa, I will wait in front of my apartment." Ryujin ended the call with Doyoung, who is Jaehyun's best friend.

Doyoung also live in the same neighborhood as Ryujin, so he is willing to give Ryujin a ride. He is a year older than Jaehyun. Ryujin also closed to him as they grew up together as three.


"Come on Ryujin, let me help you with your things." Doyoung put Ryujin's luggage into his car. That was her last day in that apartment. Chenle already left her after what happened yesterday. Maybe he was too stressed after so many things happened to him. She tried to reach for Chenle, but that guy off his phone for all day, until now.

"Hmm, Ryujin I'm sorry. You need to sit at the back. I bring two persons along with me." Doyoung bit his lips, actually he was feeling a little bit guilty towards the girl in front of him as he did not inform her about the other two people with him.

"It's okay oppa, I'm really thankful as you are willing to give me a ride." Ryujin smiled. She felt like she was a burden again to Doyoung.

As she entered the car, she startled to see a familiar guy who also sat at the back, same with her.

And a woman that sat beside Doyoung.

"Ryujin, this is my girlfriend, Yeri. And this is her brother, Jaemin. Don't you guys know each other? You guys were in the same high school if I not mistaken?" Doyoung smiled at both Ryujin and Jaemin at the back seat.

Jaemin's car broke down last day as he let his sister drove it. Luckily, nothing happened to both of them. And that's why they need to take a ride with Doyoung.

"Seriously, oh my god, I did not know that we are in the same neighborhood!" Yeri said excitedly.

"If you want to know, she is Jaehyun's little sister," Doyoung said towards Yeri.

"Jaehyun? He is the one who introduced us to each other, nice to meet you again Jaehyun's sister," Yeri said.

"Again?" Doyoung looked at Yeri weirdly.

"Yeah, she is Jaemin's girlfriend," Didn't expect those word came out from Yeri's mouth, both Jaemin and Ryujin spoke out at the same time after being silence all the time,

"No! We are not."

"Don't be too mad, kids!" Yeri giggled before she hitted Doyoung as the guy still stay there, doing nothing.

"Drive Doyoung, or we will be late!"


"We will grab some food, you guys want anything?" Yeri asked as Doyoung stopped at the food stall.

"I'm okay with anything," Jaemin and Ryujin answered.

"Oh, okay then. Lock the car kids. Don't do anything weird," Yeri raised her eyebrows at Jaemin, made the guy blushed.

"Shut up noona, just go!"

"It seems like both of you wanna have a good time together, take your time, we will not disturb you," Doyoung replied.

"That's why both of you are mean together. You guys should wash your brains and stop watching adults movies!" Jaemin looked away.

Hearing Jaemin's words made both Doyoung and Yeri laughed before they left Ryujin and Jaemin in the car.

"So, why are you going back home?" Jaemin asked to break the silentness between both of them.

"I will work with my brother at his company. You?"

"My dad asked me to take care of the clinic there, while my sister will run the clinic here. So both of us have the same reason," Jaemin smiled. He did not know why his dad suddenly decided to change his workplace but he agreed to it. It's not a big deal.

"So, why your sister went along? How about the clinic?" Ryujin asked.

"Her friend which is also a doctor will take care of the clinic for a month. I also don't know why she needs to stay at my dad's house for a month. She said that she missed our neighborhood, but I'm not really sure with her answer. She's weird, you see,"

Ryujin giggled to hear Jaemin's complain. She understood it very much. Yeri is no difference from Jaehyun.

"You only tell me about your father and sister. How about your mother?" Ryujin asked, curious.

"Um, she's died three years ago. My dad already married to another woman last year, she is a doctor too," Jaemin's face changed but he tried to remain calm. Inside, he was really sad actually.

"I'm sorry Jaemin, I did not know about that. Are you okay?" Ryujin asked.

"No, it's not your fault. I'm okay," Jaemin smiled before both of them became silence again while waiting for Doyoung and Yeri to come back.

"Having a good time, kids?" Doyoung opened the door.

Both of Ryujin and Jaemin just sighed, too lazy to reply to Doyoung's question.


"Yeah we arrived, I will drop off Ryujin first, then we will go straight to your house," Doyoung stopped his car in front of a three-storey house. He talked all by himself. Beside him, Yeri already slept like she always do. He looked at the back seat. Both Ryujin and Jaemin also fell asleep. Ryujin's head on Jaemin's shoulder while Jaemin's head on her head.

Doyoung bring out all Ryujin's things and went back into the car to wake her up.

"Oh, we arrived? Thank you Doyoung oppa," Ryujin smiled. She still sleepy, did not realise her head on Jaemin's shoulder. Before she entered the house, she gave Doyoung a hug.

Jaemin just look at them from inside the car. Couldn't admit more, he was too jealous.

As Jaehyun was not returning back from his work, Doyoung just put Ryujin's things inside the house and bid her a goodbye.


It's been a long time she did not return home. She missed everything so much. Her parents might be busy like always, including her brother. She's being welcomed by a maid, the person she really close with, other than her family members in the house.

"I miss you aunt Soo!" Ryujin hugged her tightly, being a little kid as she always be. "I miss you too Ryujin, you already eat? I cook something delicious. Jaehyun already told me that you will return home today, that's why I prepared everything special for you," Aunt Soo replied.

"Really? I love you aunt Soo. I'm starving right now!! Let's eat," Ryujin walked into the kitchen while aunt Soo followed her from back.

Little thing that she did not know, everyone in the house planned something big for her.

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