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"Noona? Where are you going? It's already late!" Jisung bumped onto Ryujin that already dressed up.

"Club," She said.

"Woah, you are a wild type." Jisung nodded. He never know Ryujin is a girl with those kind of personality.

"Well, I've got so many problems these days. Sleep early, Jisung. I will come home late!" Ryujin said before left the house.

She already faced many kinds of problems lately. Mark left her without words. Renjun forced him to go to that dancing class. That pervert dance teacher, Lee Jeno. And Chenle, she did not know that he is her boss. Her life was a totally mess!

And she was on her way to the club. To release her stressed. Or maybe find a thing that can make she happy?


Ryujin sat on the bar, ordered some drinks as she can't endure to be in the crowd, dancing and wilding on the dance floor. She is not suitable for any places like that. And it was her first time to go to the club, alone.

"Hey, can I sit here?" A man approached.

Ryujin nodded. She was too lazy to speak up or look at the guy beside her.

"Alone?" That guy asked.

Ryujin looked at him as she felt that guy was kinda annoying.

"Yes. Can you please-" Ryujin startled to see that guy.

"Hae-Haechan!! You are that actor right? My Lovely Girlfriend, Dongsookie!" Ryujin excited.

Haechan smiled and gave her a gesture for her to not scream Haechan's name loudly.

"Yeah, that's me," Haechan giggled.

"Oh, I watched your drama. You are a good actor," Ryujin smiled. She never know that she was that lucky.

"By the way, what is your name?"

"I'm Ryujin."

"Well, I'm Haechan," Haechan smiled. The girl in front of him was really cute in his eyes, make Haechan wanted to know more about her.

"So, why are you here? You look sad, you know?" Haechan said.

Ryujin startled. Was the sadness on her face that obvious? Yeah, she never good at hiding her own feeling.

"Just, I'm having some problems, lately," Ryujin raised her eyebrows before sipped the drink in front of her.

"Well, me too. My mum forced me to marry this actress, and I refused to do it. Well, she is not my taste. And my mom asked me to find a girlfriend, if I don't want to marry her. How can I do that?" Haechan said.

"Forced marriage? Wow, I hate her idea," Ryujin rolled her eyes.

"Oh, you want to share anything? I'm willing to hear everything," Haechan looked at Ryujin.

She kept quiet for a few seconds before continued,

"Hmm, my problem is not that big. Just, I'm broken. My favourite person left me without telling me anything. It hurts a lot. He even gave me a kiss. And I think, it was nothing for him," Ryujin closed her eyes. She did not want to cry in front of Haechan especially when she talked about Mark.

Suddenly, Haechan pulled Ryujin into a hug.

"Don't worry, just cry." Haechan patted her back slowly, made Ryujin burst into tears. She loved the way Haechan treat her, even Mark never do that.

Suddenly, someone called Haechan on his phone, made Haechan let go of her body.

"Yes babe? I can't coming tonight, sorry," He only said that and ended the call.

Haechan just smiled at her. He knew what was in Ryujin's mind.

"She is not my girlfriend. Not my type actually," Haechan sipped his drink.

Ryujin nodded as she understood what Haechan means. He just playing with girls heart. She ever heard the rumors about Haechan is a playboy, but she thought that it is a fake news. But- the rumors were right.

"You don't mad at me?" Haechan looked at her.

Ryujin just shook her head.

"Why would I? It's your life," Ryujin replied.

"Wow," Haechan startled. Ryujin did not even judge him.

"By the way, I need to go right now," Ryujin got up from her chair.

Suddenly, Haechan grabbed her arm.

"Can I get your number?"

Ryujin kept quiet for a moment before nodded.

"Here," Ryujin gave her phone.

Haechan dialed his number on Ryujin's phone and called the number.

"Okay, I already saved my number on your phone. I will text you soon," Haechan smiled before Ryujin left him.


"What time is now?" Ryujin looked around the house and spotted Chenle in the dark living room.

"Oh, you scared me." Ryujin sighed.

"You have to go to work tomorrow. How can you have time to go to the club?" Chenle shook his head. He walked towards the kitchen and poured some water in the glass before gave it to Ryujin.

"You smell like alcohol." Chenle said.

"Thank you, at least I'm not drunk." Ryujin said before she drank the water.

Both of them sat on the sofa.

"Why do you sleep here tonight?"

"We can go to work together for tomorrow."

"But I don't want anyone to talk about me, with you," Ryujin blushed as she remembered the last morning scene in the office.

"If anything happened, I'm with you. Don't you worry about that," Chenle said.

Both of them stayed silence for a while.

"Take a bath before you go to sleep, good night," Chenle left Ryujin alone before he entered his room. At least, the girl arrived home safely.


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