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"Baby," Jaemin hugged Ryujin from behind as his wife was making their breakfast. Ryujin still not use to it but she tried her best. After all, she needs to move on from Chenle as Jaemin is her husband.

"Yes?" Ryujin answered him. She looked at Jaemin that just wake up from his sleep and still in his t-shirt and shorts that he wore last night. He still do not take the bath yet. This morning, Jaemin became too clingy after what she yesterday. She never expect that a doctor like Jaemin can be a clingy type of guy despite his cold and charismatic personality.

"Let's order some drinks. You asked me to teach you how to love me. So let's start with our first lesson." Jaemin put his chin on Ryujin's shoulder before kissed her on the cheek.

"Jaemin!" Ryujin glared at him. It was too much for her. But Jaemin just giggled to see her reaction. She was mad but cute at the same time.

"I will order the drinks first. The same drinks right?" Jaemin asked Ryujin, receiving a nod from her before she brought the toast that she made into the dining room.


"Who wants to finish all of these, Na Jaemin? You're wasting your money!!" Ryujin sighed to see the various drinks in front of her. Only two of them lived in this house. Why would he bought five types of drinks?!

"Well your iced mocha, it's for you. The other four, are mine." Jaemin answered her while gave her the iced mocha.

"How can you finish all of these? It's not good for your health," Ryujin said, taking the drinks from Jaemin's hand before she sat in front of him.

"It's not that I want to finish everything,"

"Then? You want to keep it in the fridge and drink it later? Seriously Jaemin," Ryujin shook her head.

"No. Hmm, you need to help me to finish these,"

"I don't want. But, why you bought all of these at the same time?"

"Because I don't know what do you like." Jaemin answered, looking at the table. He can't look at Ryujin's eyes.

"What? You know I love this iced mocha." Ryujin replied.

"It's not like that. I mean, here. You see? I bought my favourite four shots espresso, it's really bitter, you know? This iced latte, the bittersweet one. This mango smoothie, the sour one. And lastly, this iced chocolate, the sweet one."

"Okay, why you explain all of these? I know how it taste! I don't need to go to school to learn those dumb things!" Ryujin made an annoyed face. She did not get it, why Jaemin needed to explain all the drinks one by one.

"Yeah, I mean, hmm what kind of taste do you prefer for our third kiss?"

She did not expect that question. So, Jaemin did buy all of these only for the kiss?

"This is our first lesson! You asked me to teach you," Jaemin and Ryujin looked at each other.

"Our first lesson is kissing? Okay fine! I don't know." Ryujin sighed.

'What was in his mind? This guy is totally weird,'

"I just bring back all the memories," Jaemin raised his eyebrows, smirking. Ryujin knew, Jaemin teased her because she said Jaemin's kiss taste bitter when they had their first kiss. But this is not the way.

"Just do what you want!" Ryujin fed up. She hid her face in her palms, can't look at Jaemin anymore.

"Really? Then how about we try all these drinks and kiss for four times? Do you agree?" Jaemin teased her again.

"Na Jaemin!! Come here!" Ryujin chased Jaemin as the guy never stop himself from making her blushed. Jaemin ran away from her.

"Okay, okay. Stop. Stop," Jaemin giggled, still run away from her.

"I won't! Come here, you pervert!" Ryujin threw a pillow towards Jaemin but the guy avoided it.

"You can't catch me!" Jaemin laughed, but suddenly, he fell onto the sofa as he tripped over it.

"Aaaaa my toe!" Jaemin screamed on the sofa, holding his toe that hurts a lot. Ryujin laughed, running towards Jaemin. She bumped onto him, ignoring his toe. "I got you!" She said, looking at Jaemin in his eyes.

"Yeah, I got you," Jaemin said, wrapping his arms on Ryujin's waist. She was the one who fell into Jaemin's trap.

"You can't run away," Jaemin whispered at her.

She chuckled before she replied, "Yes, I won't,"

She kissed Jaemin deeply, making the guy startled. He did not expect Ryujin to make a move first.

They let go of the kiss, looking at each other, smiling.

"It taste bitter though," Ryujin said, laying her head on Jaemin's chest, while Jaemin stroked her hair.

"Well, I sip a little bit of my fav coffee just now,"


"Jaemin! This is all your fault!" Ryujin shouted from the bathroom. Since they played the games to finish all of the drinks that Jaemin bought and Ryujin lost in every games, she needed to finish everything.

And she ended up going to the bathroom nonstop.

"I'm sorry!" He giggled from the outside as Ryujin never stop mumbling at him. She also warned him to not buy any drinks for at least a week.

Suddenly Jaemin received a message from Jisung. He wanted to meet him, outside.

"Ryujin, I'm going out for a while. Just call me if you need anything," It's not that far, only in front of their house.

"I will get my revenge Na Jaemin! Just wait!" She replied.

"Hmm, okay! Take your time dear,"


Jaemin walked towards Jisung that waited for him at his car. The boy smiled as he saw Jaemin.

"Hyung, how was your day?" Jisung greeted him.

"Everything is fine. How about you?"

"Yeah, me too. I'm doing fine. Hmm, actually, I want to tell you something. It's from Chenle,"

Jaemin nodded, waiting for Jisung to finish his sentences.

"I told Chenle about your marriage. He apologize for what he did. He did not know about you and Ryujin noona getting married. That's why he broke up with noona after he knew it,"

Jaemin smiled after hearing those. He not really mad at Chenle. It was not his fault. Jaemin is not the type that hold a grudge for a long time. He is okay if Ryujin and Chenle still can continue to be friends.

"Oh, it's okay. He don't need to be worried. It's not his fault after all. Thank you Jisung, for everything." Jaemin ruffled Jisung's hair. If it is not because of Jisung, he did not know until when he should being harsh towards Ryujin.

But now, everything is getting better.

"Na Jaemin! Come inside! I see you!" Ryujin went out from the house, walking towards Jaemin. She did not notice that Jisung was also there, watching them.

"Oh, Jisung." She smiled.

Jisung bowed at her and replied her with a smile.

"Are you done with the toilet, Ryujin?" Jaemin giggled at her, making Ryujin pinched him hard on his waist.

"Woo, it's hurt!"

"I'm sorry Jisung. He is crazy. Wanna grab some food? I ordered the pizza," Ryujin looked at Jisung. The boy nodded before three of them entered the house.

Seven Different Kissers // NCT Dream //Where stories live. Discover now