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Ryujin, Chenle and Jisung walked together into the hotel. Chenle stayed there too, and Jisung decided to stay with Chenle as he missed him a lot, plus, the bedroom was not that big for Jaemin, Jisung and Ryujin.

"Noona, take care of yourself! If anything happen, just call me." Jisung said before he left with Chenle to his room. Ryujin already asked Jisung, to make sure that Chenle did not know about Jaemin's presence and Jisung agreed with that without asking too many questions.

As she arrived at her hotel's room, she knocked on the door. She also felt nervous at the same time as she needs to stay with Jaemin for two nights.

The door opened, showing Jaemin who just finish his bath. He let her in before she closed the door.

Jaemin did not talk anything. He just laid on the bed and played with his phone. He tried his best to ignore Ryujin that kept on looking at him.

"I'm- going to take a bath, don't enter the bathroom," Ryujin said before she took her clothes and towel and walked into the bathroom. Jaemin did not reply to her. It's kinda weird, but she did not care about that.

Jaemin turned off his phone and looked at the bathroom. The sight of Chenle and Ryujin kissing came into his mind. He hates it a lot. He suddenly got an idea. He immediately got up from the bed, walking towards the bathroom and opened the bathroom's door, causing the girl to scream.

"Wtf Jaemin! Close the door!" Ryujin shouted at him and covered her body with a towel. Jaemin smirked. "Why? You are my future wife? Why I can't look at your body?" Jaemin replied.

Ryujin was shaking. She never expect Jaemin to reply her that ways. He looked mad but still covered it with his smile- that actually scared her.

"I'm kidding. Can you pass me my shirt there? I forgot about it," Jaemin said, his eyes did not move from watching the sight of her being like that, for the first time.

'She's so perfect,' He thought.

Ryujin took that shirt and gave it to Jaemin before quickly closed the door and locked it.

"Thanks, sweetheart," Jaemin shouted from the outside.

"What's wrong with him?"


"I'm going to sleep on the sofa," Ryujin said before took a pillow and walked towards the sofa. Jaemin hummed and continued to sleep. He pretended not to care but actually, he really care about her. Just he was a little bit mad of what happened that evening.

'It was a forced marriage, Jaemin. You need to understand her,' He thought, trying to calm himself.

Ryujin actually not really care if they shared the bed, but after the bathroom scene, she can't trust Jaemin that much. She can't even read his mind. He was totally crazy earlier!


Ryujin went out to the beach with Chenle and Jisung. It was their last day there before they return back to Incheon. She already told Jaemin about that and of course Jaemin ignored her and only gave her a nod.

Ryujin walked together with Chenle while holding hands. Jisung walked in front of them, taking their pictures and also the scenery.

"I think I need to buy some food. Need anything?" Jisung asked them.

"Nothing. We will join you, later," Ryujin replied. Jisung nodded before left them.

"I hope you will visit me here again," Chenle said. He will miss Ryujin after she went back to Incheon. It just three days for both of them to be with each other, and it's not enough.

"Of course, Lele. I will bring Jisung with me," Ryujin replied. She laid her head on Chenle's shoulder as they sat beside the beach.

"We need to spend more time together after this. So, don't bring Jisung with you," Chenle giggled, bopping Ryujin's nose.

Ryujin showed him an 'okay' sign before they continued to stay like that, feeling the morning breeze at the beach.


"How was your trip?" Mrs. Jung asked as Ryujin and Jaemin walked inside the house. "Everything was good, right Jaemin?" Ryujin said, looking at Jaemin. Jaemin just gave another same reply, nodding.

"Is Ryujin doing something bad?" Jaehyun asked. Ryujin rolled her eyes. Her brother never fail to tease her.

"No, she's okay. Yeah," Jaemin replied before he sat together with the family for the dinner. The family were talking nonstop but Jaemin just kept quiet on his place, did not have any mood to eat his food.

Ryujin noticed that, but she ignored him. She did not want to care about Jaemin at all. Fact, he is not anyone in her life.


Ryujin was happy after she returned from Jeju and she also forgot about the fact that she will get married in only two days.

It was all because of Chenle. Chenle always give her a call, message her anytime and always have a time for her.

Yeah, she admitted that she is a bad person. She will make sure her relationship with Chenle will stay as a secret although after she get married with Jaemin. She did not want to lose Chenle like before.

"Noona," Jisung grabbed Ryujin's hand forcely as Ryujin walked out from her house. He brought Ryujin to a nearest bench, but can't be seen by the others

"Jisung what are you-"

"You owe me a story. You need to tell me. What is your relationship with Jaemin hyung? Answer me." His voice changed.

"He is my friend."

"Huh? Friend? So, what is this? My mum give it to me! She asked me to attend this," Jisung gave Ryujin a letter.

It was her wedding invitation card.

"Jisung, I can explain."

"No, noona. There is nothing to be explained. You should break up with Chenle. Jaemin hyung will be your husband! You can't do that towards him," Jisung replied.

"But I love Chenle."

"It will never change the fact that you will get married to Jaemin hyung. Please noona, I'm begging you to break up with Chenle, please," Jisung begged at her.

"No Jisung. Don't teach me what should I do or not. This is my life!" Ryujin got up from the bench and left Jisung.

"But he is my friend. He also will do the same if he knows the truth."

The sight of Ryujin can't be seen. She already left and no one can change her mind, making Jisung upset and worried at the same time. He did not want a person that he already consider as a sister to be someone that he hates a lot. She was different from Ryujin that he knew. Did not know what to do, he took his bicycle, cycling it towards Jaemin's house.

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