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"Haechan, I can take care of myself," Ryujin said as Haechan forced her to stay with him at Haechan's house.

"I don't have any schedule this week. I can take care of you." Haechan replied.

Ryujin already told Chenle about her ankle and Chenle gave her a week of holiday but she still need to do her works from home.

Renjun also being informed about that.

But, she did not know how to explain about she lived with Haechan for a week as Haechan wanted to take care of her.

Chenle and Jisung might mad at her once again.


Ryujin took a bath while Haechan waited for her on the sofa in her room in case Ryujin needs help.

While Ryujin in the bathroom, her phone keeps on ringing and that attracted Haechan to take a look at it.


Haechan gulped. He ignored it and sat on his place once again, waiting for Ryujin. Many thoughts that came on his mind.

"Haechan, can you take my towel on the rack? I forget about it," Ryujin shouted from the bathroom, made Haechan came back to reality.



After Ryujin's ankle incident, Renjun needs to ask his another worker to join the dancing class as Ryujin had to take a rest for at least two months for her ankle and that's mean, Ryujin can't join the dancing class anymore. He told the news to Jeno, but Jeno got angry. He only wants Ryujin to be his student or he will not help Renjun and his ideas.

Jeno quite mad since Ryujin did not reply to his messages or call him back.

He really sure that Ryujin loves him more than Haechan.

The best thing that he ever did was, he kissed Ryujin when Haechan arrived at his dancing room to pick up Ryujin. Haechan saw all of that and Jeno satisfied to see Haechan's face at that time.

It's enough for him to see Haechan suffered like that and no one can block his way to get Jung Ryujin.


Renjun walked towards Ryujin's house as he got the house number from the worker's information book. He decided to visit Ryujin as the girl can't go to work for several days.

He brought flowers and also a cake to eat it with Jisung and Ryujin.

As he knocked on the door, a guy appeared. To see that guy face on Ryujin's apartment door, he was even startled.

"Good evening Mr. Zhong." Renjun stuttered. How can his boss stayed in Ryujin's house? He knew about it but he did not expect Chenle to be there all the time. Now, he knew Chenle and Ryujin was really that close.

"Oh, Huang Renjun, just call me Chenle. No need to be formal outside the office. Come inside. I think I should call you Renjun hyung after this," Chenle opened the door wider to welcome Renjun into the house.

"Hyung!" Jisung shouted cheerfully after seeing Renjun.

"Oh, it seems like you want to visit noona. She's not here. She said that she stays at her friend's house. But hyung, let's eat! I make dinner today!" Jisung smiled.

Renjun nodded as he understood it clearly. But Ryujin did not have many friends in Seoul. Who is that friend actually? He wondered.

"Oh by the way, I brought the cake. We can eat this together." Renjun put the cake on the table.

"Wow, thank you Renjun hyung!" Chenle said.

Suddenly, both of them became awkward.

"No need to call me that, Mr. Zhong." Renjun face changed. Chenle also froze on his place but he really wanted to call Renjun as hyung since Renjun is the person that he thinks he can rely on.

"Why?" Chenle pouted. It made the situation became even awkward.

"Okay C-Chenle, just call me anything that you want," He smiled.


After they had a dinner, Haechan entered his room first, and told Ryujin, if she needs anything, she just have to call him.

In Ryujin eyes, she can feel that Haechan acted weird since yesterday.

And it makes Ryujin thought that they were far from each other.

Ryujin laid on her bed and her mind kept on thinking about Haechan. Because of her condition at that time, she really crave for his attention. More than before.

Haechan did not treat her like a princess anymore and he did not call her babe or baby. She felt empty.

Without thinking further, she walked towards Haechan room before knocked on it.

As Haechan opened the door, she bumped herself onto Haechan and hugged him, forgetting about her ankle.

"Ryujin, your ankle," Haechan startled.

"My ankle is doing good, but my heart is not feeling good," Ryujin said and those words made Haechan even shocked.

"What do you mean?"

"I want you," She tighten her hug on Haechan's waist as she did not want to lose him.

"I'm here, Ryujin." Haechan whispered while stroking her hair.

"Then, can I sleep with you? Everyday?"

Haechan stayed silence for a moment. He really want Ryujin to be by his side, all the time. But, he don't want to hurt himself or the girl in front of him.

Haechan nodded. He closed the door behind Ryujin before brought her onto his bed.


"Haechan, can I ask you something?" Ryujin looked at Haechan that laid beside her while facing each other. She brushed Haechan's hair that covered his forehead.


"Why you did not call me baby like you always do?" Ryujin did not know why she's being so brave to ask such question.

Haechan smiled.

"I thought you were feeling uncomfortable everytime I called you that, but now, it seems like you want me to call you that," Haechan smirked.

The girl in front of him blushed, making Haechan bopped her nose.

"You are so cute, babe," Haechan said while brought her closer towards him.

"Can I-" Haechan can't finish his words as Ryujin suddenly gave him a peck on his lips.

Ryujin hid her face on Haechan's chest, embarrassed with her doing. Her face getting redder after she heard Haechan giggled.

"Babe, you became bravier than ever," Haechan blew on her head, trying to make Ryujin looks at him, and it's working. He quickly stold a kiss from her, made she startled with that sudden kiss.

"Ryujin, I love you. For real." Ryujin looked into his eyes. She saw his sincerity and it made Ryujin believed him.

"I love you more Haechan,"

Ryujin smiled. She wanted to stay like that, in Haechan's embrace, forever.


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