-Moving In-

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Hey y'all this chapter is gonna be a lot of story building so if you don't want to read it I'm going to give a short summary at the end!!

"Alright Gon, we're almost there!" Aunt Mito called from the drivers seat.
I felt my face light up. We've been driving for hours.
I'm Gon Freecss. Starting this year, I'll be a junior in high school. That also means I'll be turning 17. I decided to move out to a different part of where me and my family live because school hasn't always been easy. I figured that if I moved, I could get away from some of my bullies. It's just for two years though, then I'll go to collage somewhere and after move somewhere closer to Aunt Mito.
When I told Aunt Mito I wanted to move, she insisted on finding me a place and helping me move in. Both her and my grandma can be crazy about this sort of thing. I am grateful though, I was able to focus on finishing off sophomore year and keeping a low profile. The last day of sophomore year was also the last day I had to see those people. I took a deep breath.

I never have to go there again...

I decided to look out the window and admire the country side. It was really beautiful. There were a few houses here and there but it was mostly big open fields.
Suddenly, the car came to a stop.
"We're here!" Aunt Mito announced.

"...But...there's no house here..?"

"Other side silly."
I laughed at my stupidity and shuffled to the other side of the car. I peered outside the window to see a large gray mansion with a yard bigger than Aunt Mito's house. My jaw hung open. I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Yeah I thought you'd have that reaction. I saw the house up for rent and it's going for almost nothing. I ask them why the rent is so low and all they said was 'No one will buy it or rent it, it was our only option.'" Aunt Mito said, still looking a bit confused from the interaction.

"Oh I see. Well I guess that's good news for us!" I had been saving up for a while and I was expecting something a lot pricer than what Aunt Mito made it out to be. I was thankful but also a bit concerned.

We all began to bring in the boxes I had packed up.


"Thank you again for helping me bring all the boxes in! I don't think I have enough stuff to fill this place up though." I laughed, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Of corse honey, make sure to call every now and then!" I could see her begin to tear up as she left.
I lightly grabbed her wrist to stop her from leaving. I then pulled her into a hug.

"Goodbye Aunt Mito...thank you for everything. I'll see you soon, okay?"

"Yes...see you soon." She sniffled.
We pulled apart and they both went back to the car. I waved goodbye and closed the door. As I went to lock it, somehow the door locked itself. I saw it shift till I heard a clicking noise. My eyes widened as I felt a sudden chill. I shakily turned around to start walking around the house.

I'm probably just imagining things right..?

When you walk through the door, there's a big stairway. It leads to the second, third, and fourth floor of the house. It spirals all the way to the top. In the middle of the spiral sat a chandelier that looked a bit rusty but was still beautiful. To the left was the dining room with a big dark wood table, it had 10 matching chairs. I fallowed the dining room to the next room, which was the kitchen. It had two of everything. Two stoves, two fridges, two sinks, ex. I stood there in amazement. I began to feel overwhelmed by all of the space but I brushed it off and kept going.
The next room must've been another eating room of some sort? It was a bit smaller than the dining room but it still had a big table with chairs. This one though, was beautifully decorated. It had a huge display of dishes and plates. Each shelf had a different set of plates and cups. Again, I was amazed. I wanted to get a closer look when all of the dishes started rattling. I quickly backed away and the room fell silent. I felt my heart beat quicken as I hurried over to the next room.
I went down a long hallway to the next room which seemed like a community room. There was a large couch with a few matching chairs. In front of the chairs was a even bigger tv. I couldn't believe I lived here now. In the middle of the couch and chairs there was a glass coffee table with a vase full of flowers. I continued to the next room which was a guest suite. In the room sat a king sized bed with the most beautiful bedding I've ever seen. Suddenly I wasn't worried about having to decorate this place. The room had a separate bathroom and office area, I was still so in shock.

I exited the guest room and ended up back in the main entrance. I fallowed up the stairs and the second floor and the floor was divided into two. Each side was identical— both had a bedroom, a bathroom, a small kitchen, and an entertainment room of some sort. The third floor was the same. The forth however wasn't divided. Instead, it was just a bigger bedroom, bathroom, kitchen and entertainment area. The only different things was next to the main bedroom was a smaller one for some reason.

Maybe the people who used to live here were ill and needed someone near them...

I walked back down the stairs and took a seat in the living room. I was caught off guard at how comfortable the couch was.

Which room should I move into? There are so many options I can't decide....

Smoke began to pour out of my ears when I heard a loud bang come from the main entrance.
I rushed over to see a few of the boxes I had stacked up now on the ground. I went to pick them up when another box somehow fell.
Irritated, I yelled "Who's there?!"
Of corse, I didn't receive an answer. I felt a bit stupid for yelling like that.

...Of corse no ones here.....

Ok now for the summary!!

So basically Gon was bullied most of high school and for his junior year he moved out to the country by himself. His aunt and grandma helped him move all his boxes in and while he was closing the door it somehow locked itself. Kinda scared, Gon decided to distract himself by having a look around the house. Another strange thing happened when he was looking at the past family's dish collection. All of the dishes and plates began to shake as Gon stepped closer to them. After he was done he took a seat in the living room to think about which room he wants to move into when he hears a loud bang. He went to check it out and he saw his boxes dented and on the ground. He went to pick them up when another one fell.
Ok that's basically it sorry if this is chapter was boring its just world building.
I hope you enjoyed it and will continue reading :DD

See y'all in a day or two!!
Bye bye<33

If Things Were Different ~♡Killugon/Gonkillu♡~Where stories live. Discover now