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TW: slight talk of being bullied⚠️

It's been almost two months since I moved here. These past weeks have been the most fun I've had all my life. I was afraid to live alone in the middle of nowhere, but I'm not alone. I have Kurapika and Leorio. But most importantly, I have Killua.
I've never felt liked. All my life, I was bullied and picked on by the people around me. The only one I had was Aunt Mito, but even then I always felt like a burden. She wasn't even my mom but she had to take care of me. I know she loves me but sometimes it's hard to see that. I've never felt like anyone really cared about me before. That, and I've never had someone I really wanted to care about. Once I met Killua, it felt like opening my eyes for the first time. Everything seems so clear now, I feel so happy.
So today, I'm going to Kurapikas house. I had a few questions I wanted to ask him.
As I went to open the door, a old woman was standing on the porch. She looked as though she was about to knock, but I had opened the door before she had a chance to.
Both of us were caught off guard.

"Oh I'm sorry! They told me someone was living here but I wasn't expecting someone so young! I didn't mean to intrude—it's just that my family used to own this property."

"Oh really?" I asked curiously. "Please, come in!"
I lead the woman to the dining room. There, she sat down while I prepared us some tea.

Once the tea was ready, I headed back to the table to sit with the woman. I was able to get a better look at her appearance;
She had long black hair that ran all the way down her back. Within her long silky hair sat many pink hair beads. They went beautifully with her bright blue eyes.
Something about her felt familiar.

"Mrs, may I ask your name?" I questioned sheepishly.

"Oh right! My name is Alluka. And yours?"
I nearly spit out my tea. I just assumed that when she said her family used to own this place, she was one of the people who bought it after the Zoldyck's.
Maybe this is a coincidence..?

"My name is Gon Freecss. Can I have your last name?"

"It's Zoldyck." She responded confidently.
Once again, I nearly spit out my tea. Afterwards, I noticed her worried expression. I then decided it would be best to go find Killua.

"P-please excuse me!" I announced a little too loudly. I then quickly got up from the table and scampered to my room.
In my room, sat Killua. He was floating in the hair with this arms tucked behind his head.

"Hey!" I whisper-yelled. "There's someone you might want to come see!"

"Do I have to-"
I quickly cut him off.

"Killua." I gave him a serious look.

"Fine." He said after a few seconds of silence.
Together, we went back to the dining room.

I took a seat at the dining table and Killua floated by my side.
"Look who came to visit you..." I said quietly, looking at Killua.

"I don't..." He trailed off. He continued to study her, then suddenly, his eyes grew wide.
Tears began to form in his eyes almost immediately. His jaw hung open at the fact Alluka had come to their old house. The house they grew up in together.

He waisted no time, he quickly shot over to her and attempted at a hug. Though he went right through her, he didn't give up. He effortlessly tried to hug her and just simply touch her—but nothing worked.

"Alluka! Alluka, it's me! I missed you so much you have no idea!"  He cried. "You remember me right?" His joyful expression quickly began to fade.
He stared directly into her eyes.

For some reason, she had no response.

"It's very cold in here, don't you think?" She suddenly asked.
Only then did I realize, Alluka couldn't see him.

Alluka had no idea Killua was there.

When I tell you I cried while writing this😔🤚 anyway I hope y'all enjoyed this sad chapter!

Please let me know if you have any suggestions, requests, ex. about my story!!

I love you dearly,
Mama madlad٩( )و

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