-My Best Friend-

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After Alluka left, me and Killua didn't talk much. I figured he needed to go do some processing so I told him I was going to take a nap.
I sat in my bed, alone with my thoughts;

I wonder what Killua's thinking right now? Is he comfortable enough to share that with me? Would it be okay if I were to ask?

I laid down, getting under the covers.

I guess I have some processing I still need to do too....

My eyes grew heavy as I faded into sleep.


By the time I woke up, it was already late in the afternoon. I sat up in bed, stretched, then made my way to the kitchen. It was getting late so I decided to make some dinner.
I almost called out to Killua, but memories of earlier today came rushing in.

I should let him come to me...

I started on some friend noodles, it seemed like the easiest option. I paired the noodles with an egg and chopped scallions.
I then sat at the table and began to eat.

Midway though eating, I felt a sudden chill. I looked down to see Killua's arms wrapped around my shoulders.
Both arms were interlocked, floating just above my neck.

"Thank you Gon...for doing what I couldn't do." He said quietly.
His whisper-like tone had caught me off guard. The shakiness to his voice also concerned me.

"You're a idiot, you're annoying, immature, and you're the most stubborn person I've ever met."
At this point, I knew he was crying.
"But...you're my—"
He took a deep sigh.
"You're my best friend....so thank you..."

I haven't known Killua for long, but he is never that honest with his feelings.
I felt an overwhelming amount of happiness until I heard the word "friend".

I love being Killua's friend...so why does it feel so weird to be referred to as just that?

I felt a strange and unfamiliar feeling fill my chest as Killua cried behind me. I decided to push these feelings aside so I couldn't comfort him.
"Of course! I really didn't mind and all, besides—I did it for you. So there's no need to thank me."

I heard him mumble "whatever" as he pulled away. He quickly whipped his tears and floated around so he could look at me.
I tried to look him in the eyes but he couldn't yet meet my stare. He opened his mouth as if to say something but quickly shut it afterwards.
Only now did I notice how red his face was.

"..You should probably be getting to bed now.."
Though he was no longer crying, he still looked upset about something.

"Yeah maybe you're right. Let me know if you need anything, okay?"
He nodded and I headed over to my room.
I quietly walked into the dim lit room, and allowed myself to collapse into bed.

I was so warn out from today I fell asleep almost immediately.

If Things Were Different ~♡Killugon/Gonkillu♡~Where stories live. Discover now