-The Rest of the Day-

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So sorry for another late chapter homies😭😭 I'll be trying my best to upload more frequently but since my school is starting to get a little more serious, my updating schedule may be a little wacky.
Thank you so much for your love and understanding❤️❤️

Second period I had biology but ended up spacing out the entire time.
I had used a lot of nervous energy during gym so I was feeling spent.

As I walked into my third period class, English, I saw Kurapika.
"Oh hey Kurapika!"

"Gon, what are you doing here? Do you need help with something?"

"No, this is my class. Is it yours too?"

"Yeah it is. Though this class is quite advanced, I'm surprised they let juniors in..." He trailed off.

"I've always been really passionate about reading and writing. So if anything, I'm thankful to be here!"
I took a seat next to Kurapika and class began.


"Wow our teacher was so nice!" I commented as me and Kurapika left the room.

"Yeah, Kite is a great teacher. I had him last year for a poetry class." He responded.
We continued our conversation as he walked me to my next period.

"Later Kurapika!"

"See y'a Gon!"
We waved goodbye and I walked into my next period.


The transition from the noisy hallway to the dead silent classroom had caught me off guard. I quietly took a seat close to the windows and settled in.
As soon as I unpacked my needed materials, I rested my head on my arms and allowed myself to be submerged in my thoughts.
The only consistent thing that lingered in my mind was how much I missed Killua. Before I knew it, I was overcome by my desire to go home.

I couldn't wait for the day to be over.


Finally, history ended and we were dismissed. I was barley even paying attention, I didn't even know the teachers name.

Whatever, I just want the day to be over already...

I sluggishly made my way to my next class, which was math.
The one thing I was awful at.
After a few minutes, I finally found my way to the math room where I was greeted by nervous looking man. Nearly everything about him screamed unprepared.
I felt some relief since math is my worst subject and he doesn't look very professional.
I took a seat and allowed myself to space out once more. All the noise around me went fuzzy as I continued to think about going home.

"..Gon Freecss! Are you present?"
I was suddenly pulled out of my daydreams and placed back into reality.

"H-here..." I managed to say.
He continued with roll call until there were no more names to call out.

"Hi everyone, my name is Mr. Wing but you all can just call me Wing. For the rest of the year, I will be your math teacher. I understand math isn't easy for most of you however, I will make this class as enjoyable as I possibly can." He stated, a determined look in his eye.

I felt some of my anxieties return as I realized that maybe he was serious about his job.
He continued to ramble on about the material we'll be focusing on and what kind of things we'll be doing this year.
After he finished, we did two icebreakers. I dreaded every part of it.
Just when I was considering jumping out the window, the bell rang.

I packed my things as quickly as possible, said goodbye to Wing, and ran out to my bike.
I bathed in the relief of the day finally being over as I peddled home.

By the time I reached the house, my legs were numb and I was completely out of breath. I steadily unlocked the door and ran to the kitchen for a drink.
I chugged water until I had to stop to breath. As I caught my breath I saw Killua out of the corner of my eye.

"Gon, are you okay??" He chuckled.
I turned to face him and leaned forward to rest my head on his chest.

"..I missed you today.." I muttered, still a bit out of breath.

"Whatever, just drink more water!"
He gently attempted to pushed me off of him, but I let my head fall back onto his chest.

"I'm not kidding you know..." I replied.

"Ah-" He began but quickly cut himself off. "Fine..." He said under his breath.
He then softly wrapped his arms around my shoulders, pulling my in close.
Though it caught me a little off guard, I didn't mind at all.
I felt an odd feeling in my chest, I was happy Killua didn't actually push me away.

In that moment, I felt a fulfilling wave of happiness.

If Things Were Different ~♡Killugon/Gonkillu♡~Where stories live. Discover now