-More About You-

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*Back to gons pov*

Me, Killua, and Alluka all sat at the table for another hour or so. She told me about all of their precious memories in this house. Though Killua told me a lot about his life here, it was nice to see someone else's perspective.

"I was about 13 when Killua passed away. Since my father was the breadwinner for our family, we all depended on him. He's retired now, but he wanted one of us to take over the family business. Killua was the unlucky one." She said frowning.
"Shortly after they decided on Killua, he had to go through intense training at such a young age...eventually, his body couldn't do it anymore..."
Tears began to well up in her eyes. She took a small pink handkerchief with flower embroidery out of her purse and dabbed at her eyes.
"My parents couldn't afford to keep living here after Killua died. They put so much money into his training, expecting to earn it back once he took over. We then moved into a smaller house a few towns over. My parents still live there today, but all of my siblings live across the world. We weren't close but I do hope they're all doing okay."

"I'm so sorry...that must've been really hard on you..." I said looking at both Alluka and Killua.

"Yes, it was very hard on me. He was the only one in the family who looked after me. The only one to cared about me..."
Her face scrunched up as she began to cry.
I noticed Killua tear up as he watched her break down. He couldn't do anything, so I did.
I got up from my chair, walked over to where Alluka was sitting, and tightly embraced her. As soon as she realized what I was doing, she quickly wrapped her arms around me, and cried into my shoulder.

"It's okay to cry. I know you miss him, and he misses you too. But just know, wherever you are, he will be right beside you."
After a few more minutes, Alluka pulled away.

"T-thank you Gon, thank you s-so much." She said between sniffles. "I really needed this closure."

"Of corse! There's really no need to thank me!" I responded. "Besides, we're both really glad you came."

"Both of us..?" She asked.
I had just realized what I said

"Uh— I was just making a joke! Haha! Funny right?"

"Um..yeah!" She sheepishly agreed.

I let out a sigh;
I have to be more careful. There's no telling how she'd react if she knew I could see Killua's ghost...


"Goodbye, Gon. It was very nice meeting you. And thank you for having me." She said bowing.

"Anytime Alluka! Come back soon!" I waved.
As I opened the door for her to leave, there was a black limo with tinted windows waiting outside for Alluka.
She waved goodbye as she got in the car.

Both me and Killua watched as they drove away.

I'm so sorry I forgot to post yesterday I was quite busy!
I do hope y'all enjoyed this tasty little chapter💋💋

I'll see you little jems in a few days❤️
I love you,
Mama madlad

If Things Were Different ~♡Killugon/Gonkillu♡~Where stories live. Discover now