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Apologies once more for the late chapter my little ones😩😩
Please enjoy the next chapter<3333

The day carried on as usual. The only difference was that our conversations were no longer one sided. I couldn't quite put my finger on how I was feeling, but I was definitely happy.
Killuas personally was not what I was expecting at all. Though it's only been a few hours of getting to know him, I've already observed so much. I've always been a good judge of character—so from what I can tell, Killua is an amazing person.

"..And that's how me and Alluka broke all of Milluki's action figures." Killua concluded.

Damn it I was spacing out!
"Haha crazy story!" I lied. I didn't want it to seem like I wasn't interested.

"Hey, do you have any siblings?" He asked.

"Nope. It was always just me, my aunt, and my grandma." I responded.
I felt a bit disappointed in myself for not having any cool sibling stories like Killua.

"Hmm. Any friends?" He questioned, slightly tilting his head to the right.

"None of those either." I said as I sank into my chair.

"So that means..." Killua said under his breath.

"It means what?" I asked aggressively. I couldn't help but feel hurt. I really had no one.

"I-it means..." He looked away. "You meant it when you said I was your first friend.."
A red hue creeped across Killuas face.

Suddenly, my worry and anger melted away.
Yes, Kurapika and Leorio are my friends. But having someone my age makes a worlds difference. Kurapika and Leorio just feel like parents. It's hard to describe.

"Well yeah...you're the first person my age who I've been friends with." I responded, rubbing the back of my neck.

"If it makes you feel any better, I haven't had any friends my age either. So..this is a first for both of us."
I was glad to hear Killua was in the same boat. I no longer felt alone.
A few seconds of silence went by until I decided to say something;

"Thank you, Killua." I said, bowing a bit.

I swiftly cut him off.

"Just thank you for being my friend! I'm so happy!" I beamed.

"Ugh will you shut up already?! It's embarrassing!" He complained.

"Whatever, I can tell your happy." I teased, grinning widely.

"Am not!!"

"Are too!"

"AM NOT!!" He argued back, whipping his head around to too look at me. His bright red face almost caught me off guard.

"Your expression says otherwise~!" I teased as I used his red face to my advantage.
His eyes widened as he realized he was looking directly at me. He quickly turned away again.
"HAHA I win~!" I chirped.

"Ugh how'd I get stuck with such an idiot." He scoffed, crossing his arms.

"I could say the same thing!" I laughed.
By this time, we were both giggling.

"Well it takes one to know one!"
I erupted with laughter, and so did Killua.
It's been such little time yet I feel like I've known him my whole life.

We clicked immediately.

I couldn't be happier.

If Things Were Different ~♡Killugon/Gonkillu♡~Where stories live. Discover now