-You Again-

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Im so sorry for the late chapters homies!! I've been super busy recently but I hope y'all enjoy this super fluffy next chapter<3333

As I began to clean up the candle wax from the séance, I bring everything to my room. I thought since Killua once joined me in here, we'd be even more connected when I try to communicate.

I wanted to talk more but I didn't know if Killua had the energy. However, I was pretty tired from everything that happened today.

"I'm going to take a nap, okay? Maybe after, we both will have energy to talk..." I said smiling, beginning to close my eyes.
As I drifted into sleep, I felt a familiar weight settle in the bed. A warm feeling of reassurance washed over me, realizing Killua was still by my side.

I felt safe.


I slowly began to awake from my sleep, I felt a pair of eyes on me.
As my eyes fluttered open, I was met with a familiar looking face. His soft and peaceful expression soon turned sour. His beautiful pale skin reddened and his crystal blue eyes widened, realizing I was awake.
Before I could finish my sentence, he suddenly disappeared.

I quickly sat up in bed.

"W-were you watching me while I slept...?"
I felt my whole face turn red as I realized what just happened.
Just then, I heard a quiet 'sorry' come from behind me.
"Oh no! I really don't mind! I mean...I trust you.."
I found myself fiddling with my thumbs, like a little kid. I looked down sheepishly as I tried to get a hold of my flustered expression.

His voice came from ahead of me. My head shot up to see Killuas floating spirit right in front of me. We both shared a similar red expression. We made eye contact for a solid 5 seconds before we both turned away from embarrassment.

"...I see you got some energy back..." I pointed out.

"Well..for some reason, I've been gaining a lot of power." He responded.
The second he began to speak, I looked directly at him. I felt my heart beat quicken, this was the first whole sentence I've ever heard him speak.

"Wow and you can speak too!?" I shouted as I began to lean forward.

"Yeah, pretty cool huh?"

"So that means," I leaned back. "We can really be friends now?"
It took everything in me to stop myself from getting my hopes up.

"Hmmm..well if my power continues to increase like this..then I don't see why not!" He looked so exited, but his expression quickly changed in efforts of appearing cool. "I guess—we can be friends then."

"Haha! My first friend who is actually my age!!" I laughed. I felt as though I was going to cry. I never had a friend my age before, so getting to have one and live with them was beyond amazing. It felt like a dream. Everything was happening so quickly.
I then remembered the fact that he might disappear at any moment. I vigorously began to studying every last inch of Killua, just in case he disappeared again.

He was the most beautiful person I had ever seen in my life.

"...What's that funny look all of a sudden?" He asked.
I inched closer and closer, admiring his beautiful features. He had long eyelashes that complimented his sapphire eyes. His skin was a creamy white color, almost as white as his hair. We were complete opposites.

Suddenly, I began to reach out my hand. I went to cup his face within my had, however it went right though him. I was kind of disappointed.
After my hand went through his face, I finally snapped back into reality. I noticed how red Killuas face was and decided to back up once more.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to come across as rude! It's just that...well—you're just very pretty." I laughed a bit after in attempt of making up for the awkwardness of that sentence.

If Things Were Different ~♡Killugon/Gonkillu♡~Where stories live. Discover now