-The Séance-

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It's been about a week of trying to befriend Killua. I think things are going good but it's hard to say since he can't really talk to me. I told Kurapika about my plan and he seemed really exited. Turns out, he studies a lot of extraterrestrial stuff and spirits in general. Since he's been invested in the Zoldyck's history, he also became invested in ghosts.
After we last spoke, he said he'd come over and we can try contacting Killua some more. I decided to tell Killua about it.
As I explained how we were going to try and contact him, I heard all of the dishes clink together with joy. I even heard some whispering! I excitedly made breakfast and began waiting for Kurapika to come over.


I chatted with Killua until I heard a knock at the door. I jumped up and went to answer it. To my surprise, both Kurapika and Leorio were here.
"Hey Gon! I brought Leorio, I hope you don't mind..." He seemed to be second guessing his decision.

"Oh! I don't mind at all! Both of you are always welcome. Come in!" Kurapika's nervousness melted away as I invited them inside.
I always tried to support their relationship since their parents don't. They always appreciated it.

"I brought a book on how to contact spirits and preform séances, candles, a lighter, salt to protect ourselves, and a few other things." He listed. "Have you talked to Killua at all today? Do you think he's okay with us coming?"

"Yeah I've been talking with him for a while now and I think everything is fine? He had a good reaction when I told him you were coming today!" I responded excitedly.

"Alright then!" Kurapika began as he took a seat in the dining room. "Shall we get started?"
I nodded and joined him at the table, Leorio followed behind. Kurapika pulled an old looking book out of his bag and cracked it open. Inside, there were countless bookmarked pages. His thumbs filtered through the pages as he landed on the one he was looking for. I noticed dust shoot out from the pages as he rested it on the table. My eyes began to scan the page while I listened to Kurapika explain what we needed to do;
"First, we need to make the appropriate atmosphere. We'll turn off all of the lights and close the curtains, then we'll light a few candles. After, we should sit in a circle of salt since we don't know if he's dangerous or not. Then we'll begin to ask questions out loud, something like 'Killua are you there?' stuff like that."
We then all split up and closed all of the curtains and turned off the lights. We each brought candles to see where we were going.

Once the whole house was dark, Kurapika formed the salt circle. It made me a bit sad that we had to make something to protect ourselves. I trusted Killua, I knew he wouldn't hurt any of us.
I thought more about it but decided not to say anything.
Once he finished up the salt circle, he sat down with me and Leorio.

"Okay lets get started. Everyone take a deep breath and center yourself." Kurapika announced.
We all then breathed in and out. After I calmed myself down, I looked at Kurapika for further instruction.

"Killua, are you with us right now? If so, please show a sign." We sat quietly as we waited for a sign.
Seconds later, the sound of dishes clinking together from the kitchen cut through the silence.
I smiled to myself, acknowledging Killua's familiar presence.

If Things Were Different ~♡Killugon/Gonkillu♡~Where stories live. Discover now