-First Period-

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SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE YALL!!! My parents took my phone for a hot minute so I wasn't able to upload😩😩 thank you al of understanding<3
Enjoy the next chapter!

Days slipped by and before I knew it, it was the first day of school. I carefully began to make breakfast and pack my lunch.
As I finished up, I said my goodbyes to Killua.

"You have your spells right? And everything you need for class? What about your lunch?" Killua questioned.
Something about his interrogation reminded me of Aunt Mito.
A warm feeling filled my chest as I hugged Killua goodbye.

"Trust me I have anything I need, I'll be back later today."

I then pulled away and headed out the door.

"Be back soon!"
I closed the door and hopped on my bike.


I arrived at school about 15 minutes before class started. I took the time to find out where my classes would be and possible ways I can go to get there.
Eventually, I found myself in the cafeteria. I spotted two familiar faces from across the room and rushed over.

"Hey Kurapika, hey Leorio!"

"Good morning, Gon. It's good to see you." Kurapika responded.

"Mmmm..good morning Gon..." Leorio groaned aloud.
My attention quickly shifted to Leorio, who was resting his head on Kurapika's shoulder.

"Please excuse him, Leorio isn't much of a morning person. Anyway, how was the commute here? Did you get here all right?" He asked.

"Yeah the bus ride here was okay, nothing that interesting." I responded as I took a seat next to Kurapika.
We both continued our conversation until the bell erupted from the intercoms. Leorio groaned in agony as me and Kurapika stood up to leave. He steadily got his things together and they both walked me to my first period. I thanked them as we parted ways.

"Fortunately" for me, my first period was gym.
I walked through the gymnasium doors to be greeted by a young woman by the name of Mrs. Krueger. I greeted her formally but she insisted I called her Bisky.
As I sat down on the bleachers, I found myself with an overwhelming amount of anxiety wash over me. There weren't many people in the room yet, but it felt like everyone was staring at me.

"Hi there!"
Before I could even process who just said hello, the person sat down next to me. Memories of being approached for jokes came flooding back to me.

Their friends are probably laughing at this right now...

In that moment, I decided to ignore them and keep my head down.

After a few minutes, class begins;
"Hi everyone, welcome to gym! Starting today, I'll be your coach. Now let's cover some ground rules—"
She carried on to explain basic rules that every teacher has. Things like bullying and respect for each other.

She seemed like a nice person and all, but school for me is hell.
I desperately tried to escape into my thoughts but grew curious on who was sitting next to me. I peeked over at them from the corner of my eye to see a younger looking person.
They had light brown hair with matching brown eyes.

They don't look all too bad...maybe I was the one being rude by ignoring them..

I thought about it until my brain hurt.

What's their aim? Are they trying to be my friend or are they trying to make fun of me??

Smoke poured out of my ears until I tuned back into what Bisky was saying.
"That's really all I wanted to cover for this period. Make sure you get these forms signed so that you can participate in gym class!"
She walked up and down the bleachers, handing out papers while she talked.
"For the rest of class, you can either stay here or find out where your other classes are. I wish you all the best of luck and if you have any questions, please come see me."

Some of the older looking students got up and headed out of the class while a few of us stayed. Including the person sitting next to me.
I decided to shake it off and look at my map of the school to figure out where I'll have to go next.

"Hey, do you know where all your classes are?" They asked suddenly.
The sincerity of their tone made me want to turn my head to look at them, but I couldn't.
"Oh my names Zushi by the way, what's yours?"

I continued to stare down into my lap.

"It's really nice to meet you, Gon! I'm a freshman, but I went to orientation and have a really good memory. So if you need any help finding anything, let me know!"

I allowed myself to peek at him from the side of my eye, but I quickly looked away.
"..Thank you..."

"Yeah anytime! The bell is about to ring now, so I'll see you later."
He then got up from next to me, and skipped down the bleacher steps.
My eyes shot up to watch his back as he left the room. To my surprised, just as he was about to leave, his body spun around to smile and wave goodbye.

I felt a small smile spread across my face as I realized, I had made another friend.

If Things Were Different ~♡Killugon/Gonkillu♡~Where stories live. Discover now