-Good Morning-

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Sorry for the late update yall!!
Now into the chapter<3

...What's making that noise..?

I groaned as I sat up in bed. The sound of glass clinking together had woken me up from a deep sleep. I drowsily got out of bed and fallowed the sound to the main entrance, where the stairwell is.
It took me a few seconds to understand what exactly was happening.

My eyes widened as I gasped, "KILLUA!?"
The violent shaking of the chandler got even more violent as I acknowledged his presence.
"Ok ok I see you now! Please stop shaking the glass, it might break!" I asked laughing. As I made my request, the shaking ceased.
"I'm so relieved to know you're here, but where did you go?"
The glass clinked a little bit in response.
"I was really worried you know!"
I took a deep breath, "At least you seem to be okay. You are quite lively today."

I decided it was a bit to early to eat breakfast and got back in bed. I sat down on the bed and put my legs under the covers. That way, I could sit up and stay warm. When Killua is around, it tends to be a bit colder in the house.
As I began to speak, I noticed the blankets shaking. Suddenly, I felt a light weight in the bed along with a presence in the room. Something had made an indent in the blanket. The shadow of someone sitting casted over the spot next to me. I felt my whole face light up as I realized it was Killua sitting next to me.

"Do you want to get under the blanket?"
A few seconds later, the shadow disappeared and I held open the blanket. After I felt the weight return, I released the blanket to see the outline of Killua's legs. I was amazed at how real this was. I always knew he was here but seeing and feeling his presence around me made it even more real.
He must've noticed my speechlessness because he started wiggling his feet back and forth. I giggled and continued our conversation.

Lmao I just got a random nosebleed so I'm cutting this chapter a little short! I promise to make the next chapter longer and sooner<3333

Thank you my little crystals for understanding :D

Mama madlad

If Things Were Different ~♡Killugon/Gonkillu♡~Where stories live. Discover now