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🚨TW: blood

As the day progresses, I told Killua about my long day at school. I talked about all my odd teachers and the boy I had met in gym. He hung onto every word I had to say—I was a good story teller.

"And then I biked as fast as I could so I could see you!"
After the sweet words slipped from my mouth, he quickly looked away in embarrassment. I laughed a bit at his reaction as I continued about my day.

"It felt like I was there for months! Today went by so slow, I nearly fell asleep in second period." I sighed. "I'm just glad I'm back home now."
Killua agreed and we continued a light conversation for the rest of the afternoon.

Midway through I began to make some dinner and prepare my lunch for tomorrow.
I was glad that Killua could keep my mind off of the fact that I'd have to go back the next day.


I found myself yawning more frequently as our conversation began to die down.

"I think I should be heading to bed now, I have to wake up early again tomorrow." I whined.

"Ok ok, go get some rest. I'll see you in the morning." He said patting my head gently.
I smiled at his sincerity as I got up to go to my room.

" 'Night Killua!"



Before I knew it, my eyes began to flutter open.
I was running down a long hallway, unsure of where I was heading. All I could see was a faint glowing light all the way at the end. I ran for what felt like forever until I reached the warm light.

It was Killua.

His whole body was engulfed in a bright white aura. His deeply saddened expression was all too familiar. He stared down at his hands, looking as if he was about to cry. I stepped closer and closer, until I noticed what was making him so sad. I saw parts of his body began to chip away. Once I realized, I called out to him.
His head shot up to look at me. Within the few moments of confusion, laid a moment of bliss—a moment of not understanding. And then, before I knew it, reality had crept into my mind.

Killua was disappearing.

Horrified, I ran at him in efforts of helping. But when I did, his whole being shattered. Pieces of my dearest friend, floated in air until gravity took its toll.
I quietly turned around to see what I had done.
Glass like pieces decorated the floor along with the pool of blood that had started at my feet. I looked across my arms and chest to realize I had sliced parts of my body open.
I held my fingers to the blood and fell to my knees.

As tears fell down my cheeks, the only thought I had in that moment was;
Am I going to die here...?


"gon......Gon!" Killua yelled in my ear.
As I slowly came to, I realized it was the next day. Killua was shaking me awake.
I quickly sat up in bed, frantically checking myself for cuts and blood.

"Hey, hey! What's wrong?" Killua asked, tightly gripping my shoulders.
My hand carefully touched one of his.

It didn't break!

I then allowed myself to lunge at Killua for a hug.
Only then, did I realize it was all a dream.

"...A-are you okay?" He managed to say.

After a few seconds, I took a deep breath and let go to face him. "Yeah I'm okay, I just had a scary dream."
My attention shifted to my clock.
School started in 10 minutes.

"Ah! I'm gonna be late!"
I leaped out of bed to quickly get changed. I shimmied out of my shirt as Killua started to yell.


"You're the one who's in my room!" I argued.
He went to respond, then realized he was in the wrong.
Him and his bright red face floated out of my room as I continued to get ready for school.

Once I finished up, I waved goodbye and biked to school as fast as possible.

The perfect start to the second day of school.

If Things Were Different ~♡Killugon/Gonkillu♡~Where stories live. Discover now