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I woke up from a dream I suddenly couldn't remember. I tried to hold on tightly to the last bits of memory, but before I knew it, it was gone.
Slightly disappointed, I got out of bed and headed to the kitchen.
"..Killua, you there..?" I called out.
I felt a strong chill and without even looking up, I knew he was there.

"How'd you sleep?" He asked peeking over my shoulder. His chin sat eagerly on my shoulder.


I jumped back to look at Killua. We both shared a similar expression due to what just happened.

"You didn't—" I began.

"I didn't go through you—!"
We both stood facing each other in astonishment.
I suddenly erupted with laughter and joy as I lunged Killua. To my surprise, he caught me. He spun me around in circles as he held my sides tightly.

Killua suddenly stopped spinning and took a moment to look at me.
He still had a milky-like skin and aura, but I could touch him.
I lifted one hand to cup his pale face. His skin quickly faded to pink as his eyes darted away from mine.
I waisted no time being embarrassed about my impulse and buried my face in his neck.

I was filled with the most joy I had ever felt in my whole life.


"And how exactly did this happen?" Kurapika asked.
After me and Killua had our moment, I quickly called Kurapika to come over and help explain what was going on.
After a brief retelling of what just happened, Kurapika began to dissect the situation.

"The only way I've ever heard of a person coming in contact with a ghost is when an extremely strong bond is established. It's very rare, but if the ghost has enough motive them it's possible for a ghost and person to come in contact."

I looked over at Killua to see his beet red face.

He as strong motive to see me.....

I found myself feeling a bit giddy as Kurapika continued to explain this phenomenon.
"When you boil it down, there isn't much separating humans from ghosts. In some cases, ghosts need to be in contact with humans in order to move on. Which leads me into my next theory— maybe Killua needs you in order to move on."
He then looked upward, asking into the abyss.
"Killua, is there anything you remember wanting to do before you died?"

"Hmmm...I don't remember really wanting anything growing up. I always wanted to be free from my parents but I would've disappeared a while ago if that was the case."
I relayed what Killua said to Kurapika, since he can't see him.

He look a minute before speaking;
"Well maybe you didn't want anything because anything you would've wanted was so out of reach. Like you didn't even bother to dream about it!"
He mumbled to himself as he packed up his things.
"Well Gon, I need some time to think this over and review my research! I'll let you know if I think of anything useful. Bye now!"

Before I knew it, he was out the door.
"B-bye Kurapika...?"

It was now early in the afternoon and unfortunately, we didn't have much of an answer. I still had little to no idea why I could suddenly touch Killua.

"Well that didn't help much." Killua said blatantly.

"At least he's trying...let's give him some time, okay? I'm sure he'll come up with the right answer."
I sighed.
"What should we do for the rest of the day?" I asked walking back to the kitchen.

I then felt a familiar presence sneak up behind me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me in close. Resting his head on my shoulder, he began to speak;
"I have an idea..."

I felt my eyes grow wide as my whole face turned bright red.
"Killua what are you doing..?"

"You know," He began as one of his hands intertwined with mine. "I've been wanting to do something with you for a while now..."
My heart was beating so loud, I could barley hear what he was saying.

Suddenly, the door swung open.
"Sorry, I left my book here! Hey, why are you standing like that?"
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Kurapika standing in the doorway.

I nearly died of embarrassment before I remembered that Kurapika can't see Killua.
I wiggled out of Killua's embrace and welcomed Kurapika back inside.
He quickly grabbed his book and dismissed himself.

I was so nervous to turn around and face Killua, but by the time I did, he was gone.


~Killuas pov~


I had floated all the way up to my old room to panic.


I rocked back and forth, smacking myself in the head.

What is with me? Why do I always have such strong urges to do stuff like that when I'm with him??

My whole body felt warm as my heart pounded in my ears.

How the hell do I face him after that?!

Mama wrote you guys a long chapter this time!!
I know I don't always like reading a lot at a time so let me know if you like longer chapters more than the shorter ones!!

I love you so so much<3

—mama madlad

If Things Were Different ~♡Killugon/Gonkillu♡~Where stories live. Discover now